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Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System, Parkinson Disease
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 39, pg 1082, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Parkinsons Disease
Lancet 373:2055-2066, Lees,A.J.,et al, 2009

Parkinsons Disease
NEJM 391:442-452, Tanner,C.M. & Ostrem,J.L., 2024

Parkinson's Disease
NEJM 339:1044-1053,1130-1143, Lang,A.E.&Lozano,A.M., 1998

A Greek-American Kindred with Autosomal Dominant, Levodopa-Responsive Parkinsonism and Anticipation
Ann Neurol 38:373-378, 3551995., Markopoulou,K.,et al, 1995

Comparison of Therapeutic Effects & Mortality Data of Levodopa & Levodopa with Selegiline in Pts with Early, Mild Parkinson's
BMJ 311:1602-1607, 15831995., Lee,A.J.,et al, 1995

Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson Disease
JAMA 323:548-560, Armstrong, M.J. & Okun, M.S., 2020

Involuntary Groaning Induced by Levodopa Therapy in a Patient With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
JAMA Neurol 77:1569, Park, J.E., 2020

Withdrawing Amantadine in Dyskinetic Patients with Parkinson Disease
Neurol 82:300-307, Ory-Magne, F.,et al, 2014

Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Including Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and Low-Pressure Syndromes, Parkinsonism and Midbrain Syndromes with Hydrocephalus and Shunting
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 30, pg 627, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Neurostimulation for Parkinsons Disease with Early Motor Complications
NEJM 368:610-622, Rau, W.,et al, 2013

Dopa-Responsive Dystonia Revisited
Arch Neurol 69:1558-1562, Tadic, V.,et al, 2012

Long-Term Effect of Initiating Pramipexole vs Levodopa in Early Parkinson Disease
Arch Neurol 66:563-570, Parkinson Sutdy Group CALM Cohort Investigators, 2009

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Current Review
The Neurologist 14:79-88, Lubarsky,M. &Juncos,J.L., 2008

Fourteen-Year Final Report of the Randomized PDRG-UK Trial Comparing Three Treatments in PD
Neurol 71:474-480.470, Katzenschlager,R.,et al., 2008

Functional Abnormalities Underlying Pathological Gambling in Parkinson Disease
Arch Neurol 65:1604-1611, Cilia,R.,et al, 2008

Treatment Options in the Modern Management of Parkinson Disease
Arch Neurol 64:1083-1088, Schapira,A.H.V., 2007

Practice Parameter: Neuroprotective Strategies and Alternative Therapies for Parkinson Disease (An Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 66:976-982, Suchowersky,O.,et al, 2006

Vascular Parkinsonism and Dementia in a CADASIL Case with Intact Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System
Akt Neurol 33: Suppl, Wegner,F.,et al, 2006

"Levodopa Phobia": A New Iatrogenic Cause of Disability in Parkinson Disease
Neurol 64:923-924, Kurlan, R., 2005

Diagnosis and Initial Management of Parkinsons Disease
NEJM 353:1021-1027, Nutt,J.G.&Wooten,G.F., 2005

Diagnosis and Management of Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Neurol 65:1863-1872, McKeith,I.G.,et al, 2005

Levodopa and the Progression of Parkinson's Disease
NEJM 351:2498-2508, The Parkinson Study Group, 2004

Levodopa Addiction in Non-Parkinsonian Patients
Neurol 61:1451, Steiner,I. &Wirguin,I., 2003

Dopamine Transporter Brain Imaging to Assess the Effects of Pramipexole vs Levodopa on Parkinson Disease Progression
JAMA 287:1653-1661, Parkinson Study Group, 2002

Quetiapine for L-Dopa-Induced Psychosis in PD
Neurol 54:1538, Weiner,W.J.,et al, 2000

A Five-Year Study of the Incidence of Dyskinesia in Patients With Early Parkinson's Disease who were Treated with Ropinirole or Levodopa
NEJM 342:1484-1491, Rascol,O.,et al, 2000

Pramipexole vs Levodopa as Initial Treatment for Parkinson Disease
JAMA 284:1931-1938,1971, Parkinson Study Group, 2000

Low-Dose Clozapine for the Treatment of Drug-Induced Psychosis in Parkinson's Disease
NEJM 340:757-763,801, The Parkinson Study Group, 1999

Managing the Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 50:S33-S38, Lieberman,A., 1998

Investig of PDRG of UK into Excess Mortality Seen/Comb Levodopa & Selegiline Trmt in Pts with Early, Mild Parkinson's Dis
BMJ 316:1191-1196, Ben-Shlomo,Y.,et al, 1998

Tolcapone for Parkinson's Disease
The Medical Letter 40:60-61, , 1998

Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Inhibitors for Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Lancet 351:1221-1222, Nutt,J.G., 1998

Sympathetic Cardioneuropathy in Dysautonomias
NEJM 336:696-702, 7211997., Goldstein,D.S.,et al, 1997

Managing the Late Complications of Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 49:549-557, Waters,C.H., 1997

Drug Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
BMJ 310:575-579, Quinn,N., 1995

Low-Dose Clozapine in the Treatment of Levodopa-Induced Mental Disturbances in Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 45:432-434, Rabey,J.M.,et al, 1995

Neuroleptic Drug Exposure and Treatment of Parkinsonism in the Elderly:A Case-Control Study
Am J Med 99:48-54, Avorn,J.,et al, 1995

Multiple System Atrophy presenting as Parkinsonism:Clinical Features and Diagnostic Criteria
JNNP 59:144-151, Albanese,A.,et al, 1995

Occurrence of Different Cancers in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
BMJ 310:1500-1501, Moller,H.,et al, 1995

Increased Incidence of Levodopa Therapy Following Metoclopramide Use
JAMA 274:1780-1782, Avorn,J.,et al, 1995

The Effect of Deprenyl and Levodopa on the Progression of Parkinson's Disease
Ann Neurol 38:771-777, Olanow,C.W.,et al, 1995

Parkinson's Disease
JNNP 57:672-681, Marsden,C.D., 1994

Deprenyl Effects of Levodopa Pharmacodynamics, Mood, and Free Radical Scavenging
Neurol 42:541-544, Baronti,F.,et al, 1992

Periodic Triphasic Waves in Levodopa-Induced Encephalopathy
Neurol 42:444-446, Neufeld,M.Y., 1992

Olanzapine in the Treatment of Dopaminomimetic Psychosis in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 47:1085-1087, Wolters,W.Ch.,et al, 1992

Neuroleptic Malignant Synd in Parkinson's after Withdrawal or Alteration of Dopaminergic Therapy
Arch Int Med 151:794-796, Keyser,D.L.&Rodnitzky,R.L., 1991

Controlled-Release Delivery of L-Dopa Associated with Nonfatal Hyperthermia, Rigidity, and Autonomic Dysfunction
Neurol 41:942-943, Cunningham,M.A.,et al, 1991

The Dystonias
BMJ 300:139-144, Marsden,C.D.&Quinn,N.P., 1990

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