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Filter Applied: lead poisoning (Click to remove)

Peripheral Neuropathy - Lead Astray?
LANCET 381:1156, Pickrell, W.,et al, 2013

Lead Poisoning From the Beauty Case: Neurologic Manifestations in an Elderly Woman
Neurol 69:929-930, Fluri,F.,et al, 2007

Acute Lead Poisoning in Two Users of Illicit Methamphetamine
JAMA 258:510-511, Allcott,J.V.,et al, 1987

Evidence of Electromyographic Findings in Early Diagnosis of Lead Polyneuropathy
Electroenceph & Clin Neurophys 39:534975., Schlenska,G.K.,et al, 1975

Lead Encephalopathy in Adults
Am J Med 52:289, Whitfield,C.L.,et al, 1972

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