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Risk Factors of Cerebral Vein and Sinus Thrombosis
Front Neurol Neurosci 23:23-54, de Freitas, G.R. & Bogousslavsky, J., 2008

Cerebrovascular Complications in Patients with Cancer
Medicine 64:16-35, Graus,F.,et al, 1985

A 7-Year-Old Boy with Acute-Onset Altered Mental Status
Neurol 96:e2774-e2778, Wong, G.J.,et al, 2021

Primary Diffuse Larbe B-cell Lymphoma of the Cranial Vault with Trousseau Syndrome
J Med Case Reports 15:431, Uchida, T.,et al, 2021

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging-Documented Bilateral Small Embolic Stroke Involving Multiple Vascular Territories May Indicate Occult Cancer: A Retrospective Case Series and a Brief Review of the Literature
Aging Med 3:56-62, Chi, X.,et al, 2020

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Older Patients
Stroke 49:197-200, Zuurbier, S.M.,et al, 2018

The critical role of histopathology in diagnosing cancer-associated necrotizing CNS vasculitis
Neurol 90:808-811, Sheehan, J.,et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Acute Ischemic Stroke, Caused by Paradoxical Embolism Through a Patent Foramen Ovale, in a Patient with the May-Thurner Syndrome and a Hypercoagulable State Due to an Occult Renal-Cell Carcinoma
NEJM 374:1671-1680, Case 13-2016, 2016

Recurrent Stroke in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Neurol 85:1056-1064, Fullerton, H.J.,et al, 2015

Recurrent Thromboembolic Events after Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cancer
Neurol 83:26-33, Navi, B.B.,et al, 2014

Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cancer
Stroke 44:3573-3576, Murthy, S.B.,et al, 2013

Multifocal Strokes as the Initial Manifestation of Metastatic Tumors
Neurologist 16:322-324, Park,H.-Y.,et al, 2010

Stroke Syndrome Secondary to Hypercoagulability of Lung Cancer
Commun Oncol 5:595-596, Lim, B. & Henry, D.H., 2008

Stroke as the First Manifestation of Concealed Cancer
J Neurol Sci 258:80-83, Kwon, H.M.,et al, 2007

Ischaemic Stroke With Malignancy May Often Be Caused by Paradoxical Embolism
JNNP 77:1336-1339, Iguchi,Y.,et al, 2006

Stroke as the First Manifestation of a Concealed Pancreatic Neoplasia
Rev Neurol 38:332-335, Perez-Lazaro,C.,et al, 2004

Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis with Tamoxifen
Neurol 56:1113-1114, Finelli,P.F. & Schauer,P.K., 2001

Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis Diagnosed by MRI and MR Venography in Cancer Patients
Neurol 54:1222-1226, Raizer,J.J.&DeAngelis,L.M., 2000

Neurologic Emergencies in Cancer Patients
Neurol Clin 16:1-37, Schiff,D.,et al, 1998

Ischemic Stroke as the Presenting Manifestation of Localized Systemic Cancer
Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 139:5-11, 1988, Cornuz, J. & Bogousslavsky,C.J.,et al, 1988

Neurologic Complications of Carcinoid
Neurol 36:745-749, Parchell,R.A.&Posner,J.B., 1986

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