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Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Diagnosis and Management
BMJ 353:e2539, Al-Qurainy, R.,et al, 2016

Metastatic spinal cord compression
BMJ 342:d2402, Quraishi, N. & Esler, C., 2011

Progressive Deterioration of Intellect and Motor Function Occurring Several Decades after Cranial Irradiation
ARch Neurol 53:814-818, Duffey,P.,et al, 1996

Spontaneous Resolution of a Postirradiation Lumbosacral Plexopathy
Neurol 42:2224-2225, Enevoldson,T.P.,et al, 1992

Differential Diagnosis Between Radiation & Tumor Plexopathy of the Pelvis
Neurol 35:1-7, Thomas,J.E.,et al, 1985

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