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Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Damage - Mechanisms and Management Approaches
NEJM 369:2021-2030, Watchko, J.F.,et al, 2013

Neonatal MRI to Predict Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm Infants
NEJM 355:685-694,727, Woodward,L.J.,et al, 2006

Neurologic and Developmental Disability After Extremely Preterm Birth
NEJM 343:378-384,429, Wood,N.S. et al, 2000

Brain Structure and Neurocognitive and Behavioural Function in Adolescents Who Were Born Very Preterm
Lancet 353:1653-1657, Stewart,A.L.,et al, 1999

Bilirubin Metabolism and Kernicterus
Adv Pediatr 44:173-229, Gourley,G.R., 1997

The Relation of Transient Hypothyroxinemia in Preterm Infants to Neurologic Development at Two Years of Age
NEJM 334:821-827, 8571996., Reuss,M.L.,et al, 1996

Value of Cranial Untrasound and MRI in Predicting Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants
Pediatrics 90:196-199, vandeBor,M.,et al, 1992

Twinning and Neurologic Morbisity
Am J Dis Child 146:1110-1113, Scheller,J.M.&Nelson,K.B., 1992

Oculomotor Consequences of Intraventricular Hemorrhages in Premature Infants
Arch Ophthalmol 105:533-535, Tamura,E.E.&Hoyt,C.S., 1987

Infantile and Childhood Hydrocephalus
NEJM 387:2067-2073, Whitehead,W.E.&Weiner,J.L., 2022

Motor Development in Very Preterm and Very Low-Birth-Weight Children From Birth to Adolescence: A Meta-Analysis
JAMA 302:2235-2242, 2257, De Kieviet,J.,et al, 2009

Neurologic and Developmental Disability at Six Years of Age After Extremely Preterm Birth
NEJM 352:9-19, 71, Marlow,N.,et al, 2005

Practice Paramenter: Neuroimaging of the Neonate
Neurol 58:1726-1738, Ment,L.R.,et al, 2002

Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes of School-Aged Children Who Were Born Preterm
JAMA 288:728-737, Bhutta,A.T.,et al, 2002

Effects of Thyroxine Supplementation on Neurologic Development in Infants Born at Less Than 30 Wks Gestation
NEJM 336:21-26, vanWassenaer,A.G.,et al, 1997

Aluminum Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants Receiving Intravenous-Feeding Solutions
NEJM 336:1557-1561, Bishop,N.J.,et al, 1997

Anticedents of Cerebral Palsy in a Multicenter Trial of Indomethacin for Intraventricular Hemorrhage
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 151:580-585, Allan,W.C.,et al, 1997

Subarachnoid Fluid Collections:A Cause of Macrocrania in Preterm Infants
J Pediatr 128:234-236, AlSaedi,S.A.,et al, 1996

Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia and Type of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infants
J Pediatr 125:S1-S8, Rogers,B.,et al, 1994

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects
Comm of Substance Abuse & Comm on Children with Disabilitites, Pediatrics 91:1004-100693., , 1993

Functional Abilities at Age 4 Years of Children Born Before 29 Weeks of Gestation
BMJ 306:1715-1718, Johnson,A.,et al, 1993

Lethal Cytomegalovirus Infection in Preterm Infants:Clinical, Radiological, and Neuropathological Findings
Ann Neurol 31:64-68, Perlman,J.M.&Argyle,C., 1992

Effect of Cocaine Use On the Fetus
NEJM 327:399-407, Volpe,J.J., 1992

Symmetrical Thalamic Degeneration with Calcifications of Infancy
Am J Dis Child 143:1056-1060, DiMario,F.J.&Clancy,R., 1989

Neurologic Status and Intracranial Hemorrhage in Very-Low-Birth Weight Preterm Infants
Am J Dis Child 143:1186-1190, Ford,L.M.,et al, 1989

Prediction of Cerebral Palsy in Very Low Birthweight Infants:Prospective Ultrasound Study
Lancet 2:593-596, Graham,M.,et al, 1987

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