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Migraine in Pregnancy
Neurol 53:S26-S28, Aube,M., 1999

Drugs for Migraine
The Medical Letter 37:17-20, , 1995

Syncope and Presyncope Associated with Probable Adverse Drug Reactions
Arch Int Med 150:2309-2312, Hanlon,J.T.,et al, 1990

Treating Migraine, Try Stress Reduction and Simple Analgesia First
BMJ 299:141-142, Clough,C., 1989

NEJM 383:1866-1876, Ashina, M., 2020

Reduced Incidence of AD with NSAID But Not H2 Receptor Antagonists
Neurol 59:880-886, Zandi,P.P.,et al, 2002

Reduced Prevalence of AD in Users of NSAIDs and H2 Receptor Antagonists
Neurol 54:2066-2071, Anthony,J.C.,et al, 2000

Ibuprofen Treatment Versus Gradual Introduction of Interferon B-1b in patients with MS
Neurol 52:1893-1895, Rice,G.P.A.,et al, 1999

Multiple Sclerosis, Side Effects of Interferon Beta Therapy and Their Management
Neurol 53:1622-1627, Walther,E.U.&Hohlfeld,R., 1999

Synergistic Immunomod Effects of Interferon-Beta1b & Phosphodiesterase Inhib Pentoxifylline in Pts with Relapsing-Remit MS
Ann Neurol 44:27-34, 71998., Weber,F.,et al, 1998

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