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Stroke Presenting with Isolated Superior Branch of Cranial Nerve III Palsy
Neurol 94:e562-e563, Kapor, G.,et al, 2020

Pure Midbrain Infarction:Clinical Syndromes, MRI, and Etiologic Patterns
Neurol 44:2032-2040, Bogousslavsky,J.,et al, 1994

Isolated or Predominant Ocular Motor Nerve Palsy as a Manifestation of Brain Stem Stroke
Stroke 24:581-586, Kim,J.S.,et al, 1993

Divisional Oculomotor Nerve Paresis Caused by Intrinsic Brainstem Disease
Ann Neurol 26:714-718, Ksiazek,S.M.,et al, 1989

Bilateral Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms: Atypical Presentation of a Rare Cause of Mass Effect
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.0069, Gagliardi, D.,et al, 2018

Isolated Superior Rectus Palsy Due to Contralateral Midbrain Infarction
Arch Neurol 60:1633-1635, Kwon,J.-H.,et al, 2003

Localization of Claude's Syndrome
Neurol 57:2304-2307, Seo,S.W.,et al, 2001

Bilateral Ptosis Due to Mesencephalic Lesions with Relative Preservation of Ocular Motility
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 16:258-263, Martin,T.J.,et al, 1996

Isolated Inferior Oblique Paresis from Brainstem Infarction
Arch Neurol 47:235-237, Castro,O.,et al, 1990

Isolated Pupil-Sparing Third-Nerve Palsy as the Presenting Sign of Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 47:817-818, Newman,N.J.&Lessell,S., 1990

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