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Initial Management of Seizure in Adults
NEJM 385:251-263, Smith, P.E.M., 2021

Drug Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults
BMJ 348:g2546, Schmidt, D. & Schachter, S.C., 2014

A Systematic Review of Antiepilpetic Drug Initiation and Withdrawal
The Neurologist 15:122-131, Shih,J.J &Ochoa,J.G., 2009

The First Seizure and Its Management in Adults and Children
BMJ 332:339-342, Pohlmann-Eden,B.,et al, 2006

Practice Parameter: Treatment of the Child with a First Unprovoked Seizure
Neurol 60:166-175, Hirtz,D.,et al, 2003

When to Start and Stop Anticonvulsant Therapy in Children
Arch Neurol 56:1073-1077, Greenwood,R.S.&Tennison,M.B., 1999

Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly
Arch Int Med 157:605-617, Thomas,R.J., 1997

The Risk of Seizure Recurrence Following a First Unprovoked Seizure:A Quantitative Review
Neurol 41:965-972, Berg,A.T.&Shinnar,S., 1991

Epileptology of the First-Seizure Presentation:A Clinical,Electroencephalographic,and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of 300 Consecutive Patients
Lancet 352:1007-1011,1003, King,M.A.,et al, 1998

Early Treatment of a Single Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure to Prevent Recurrence
Arch Neurol 53:1149-1152, Gilad,R.,et al, 1996

Random Trial AEDs in Reducing Risk of Relapse After First Unprovoked Tonic-Clonic Seizure
First Seizure Trial Gr, Neurol 43:478-4831993., , 1993

Value of the Electroencephalogram in Adult Patients with Untreated Idiopathic First Seizures
Arch Neurol 49:231-237, vonDonselaar,C.A.,et al, 1992

Managing Seizures in the Casualty Department
BMJ 300:978-979, McKee,P.J.W.,et al, 1990

Changing View of Prognosis of Epilepsy
BMJ 301:1112-1114, Reynolds,E.H., 1990

New-Onset Seizures Associated with HIV Infection:Causation and Clinical Features in 100 Cases
Am J Med 87:173-177, Holtzman,D.M.,et al, 1989

Efficacy and Tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: Treatment of new-onset epilepsy
Neurol 91:74-81, Kanner, A.M.,et al, 2018

Initial Management of Epilepsy
NEJM 359:166-176, French,J.A. &Pedley,T.A., 2008

Efficacy and Tolerability for the New Antiepileptic Drugs I: Treatment of New Onset Epilepsy
Neurol 62:1252-1260, French,J.A.,et al, 2004

Efficacy and Tolerability of the New Antiepleptic Drugs II: Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy
Neurol 62:1261-1273, French,J.A.,et al, 2004

Management of Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults
Lancet 356:323-329, Brodie,M.J. & French,J.A., 2000

Practice Styles of US Compared to UK Neurologists
Neurol 50:1661-1668, Vickrey,B.G.,et al, 1998

Seizures in Medically Complex Patients
Epilepsia 38:S55-S59, Boggs,J.G., 1997

The Evaluation and Treatment of Seizures
NEJM 323:1468-1474, Scheuer,M.L.&Pedley,T.A., 1990

New-Onset Seizures Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection: Causation and Clinical Features in 100 Cases
Am J Med 87:173-177, Holtzman, D.M.,et al, 1989

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