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Wyburn-Mason Syndrome
BMJ 360:k639, Guo, H.P,.et al, 2018

Thrombectomy and Thrombolysis of Isolated Posterior Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Stroke 51:254-261, Strambo, D.,et al, 2020

Headache and Altered Mental Status
Neurol 90:e1267-e1270, Spera, K.M.,et al, 2018

Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Including Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and Low-Pressure Syndromes, Pseudotumor Cerebri
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 30, pg 628, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinical Reasoning: A Woman with Recurrent Aphasia and Visual Field Defects
Neurol 81:e141-e144, Nourbakhsh, B.,et al, 2013

The Types of Neurological Deficits Might Not Justify Withholding Treatment in Patients with Low Total National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Scores
Stroke 43:782-786,625, Leira,E.C.,et al, 2012

Neuroimaging in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
The Neurologist 14:170-180, Finelli,P.F., 2008

Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke
e medicine, Hill,M.D., 2005

Retinitis Pigmentosa
Surv Ophthalmol 33:137-177, Pagon,R.A., 1988

Optical Approach to Aid Cerebral Hemiplegics
MCV Quart 8:274, Nooney,T., 1972

Central Nervous System Manifestations of Periarteritis Nodosa
Neurol 15:114, Ford,R.G.,et al, 1965

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
NEJM 391:1028-1037, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2024

Updates on Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Stroke 53:3769-3779, Yeom,S.E.&Comi,A.M., 2022

A 44-Year-Old Man with Eye, Kidney, and Brain Dysfunction
Ann Neurol 79:507-519, Vodopivec, I.,et al, 2016

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis: Analysis of 101 Patients
Ann Neurol 62:442-451,430, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2007

Update on Susacs Syndrome
Curr Opin Neurol 18:311-314, Gross,M. &Eliashar,R., 2005

Stroke in a Healthy 46-Year-Old Man
JAMA 285:2757-2762, Wityk,R.J., 2001

Vigabatrin-Associated Retinal Cone System Dysfunction, Electroretinogram & Ophthalmol Findings
Neurol 50:614-618, Krauss,G.L.,et al, 1998

Neuro-Ophthalmic Features of Cerebral Venous Obstruction
Arch Neurol 52:880-885, Purvin,V.A.,et al, 1995

Vision and Hearing During Deferoxamine Therapy
J Pediatr 117:326-330, Cohen,A.,et al, 1990

Neuroophthalmological Complications of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Acta Neurol Scand 76:1-7, 1987,, Shaw,P.J.,et al, 1987

Vascular Retinopathy in Migraines
Neurol 36:267-270, Coppeto,F.R.,et al, 1986

Aneurysmal Compression of the Anterior Visual Pathways
Neurol 36:1035-1041, Norwood,E.G.,et al, 1986

High-Altitude Retinopathy
JAMA 245:581-586, McFadden,D.M.,et al, 1981

Giant Aneurysms of the Carotid System Presenting as Visual Field Defect
JNNP 43:1053-1064, Peiris,J.B.,et al, 1980

Migraine Presenting as Acute Confusion & Delirium:A Case Report
Neurol 28:1201, Finelli,P.F., 1978

Visual Dysfunction in Optic Tract Lesions
et al. , Ann Neurol 3:187978., Bender,M.B., 1978

Clinical Pathological Conference
Giant-cell Arteritis of Temporal Artery (temporal arteritis) , Case Record 35-1977, NEJM 297:4927., , 1977

Neurologic Complications of Endocarditis in Persons Taking Drugs Intravenously
West J Med 124:276, Openshaw,H., 1976

Bilateral Altitudinal Anopia Caused by Infarction of the Calcarine Cortex
Neurol 26:1176, Bettinger,I.H.,et al, 1976

Isolated Homonymous Hemianopia
Arch Ophthalmol 89:377, Trobe,J.D.,et al, 1973

Genetic Counseling in Retinitis Pigmentosa
MCV Quart 8:283, Noah,V., 1972

Isolated Ophthalmic Migraine:Its Frequency, Mechanism & Diff. Diagnosis
Neuro-Ophthalmol 1972-Bascom Palmer Instit Symp, Ed, J. S. Smith., Hedges,T., 1972

Seronegative Ocular Syphilis & Neurosyphilis, Neuro-Ophthalmology Symposium, U. of Miami
(Ed) , St. Louis:C. V. Mosby Co. , 1965, p. 1, Smith,J.L., 1965

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