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Tick-Borne Encephalitis with Polyradiculitis Documented by MRI
Neurol 68:1232-1233, Pfefferkorn,T.,et al, 2007

Case 38-2009: A 16-Year-Old Boy with Paroxysmal Headaches and Visual Changes
NEJM 361:2367-2378, Brass,S.,et al, 2009

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
NEJM 391:1028-1037, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2024

Leptomeningeal Enhancement Associated with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
JAMA Neurol 79:195-196, Lozano-Chinga, M.,et al, 2022

Headache, Cognitive Decline, and a Curious Rim-Enhancing Lesion
JAMA Neurol 78:613-614, Beaman, C.B.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopatny-Related Inflammation
NEJM 385:358-368, Case 22-2021, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Adenovirus Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 381:1459-1470, Case 31-2019, 2019

A 22-year-old Man with Diplopia
Neurol 89:e45-e49, Meyer, C.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Primary Central Nervous System Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma
NEJM 373:367-377, Case 23-2015, 2015

A 50-year-old Man with Headache and Cognitive Decline
Neurol 85:e182-e186, Batra, A. & Berkowtiz, A., 2015

Clinicopathologic Conference, Parainfectious Encephalomyelitis Associated with Systemic Mycoplasma Infection
NEJM 370:2427-2438, Case 19-2012, 2014

Clinicopathologic conference, Neurologic form of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (neuro-IRIS), without evidence of concurrent opportunistic infection
NEJM 362:2343-2352, Case 18-2011, 2011

Clinicopath Conf, Pituitary Adenoma
NEJM 359:2367-2377, Case 37-2008, 2008

A 63-Year-Old Man With Headaches and Behavioral Deterioration
Neurol 68:782-787, Greenberg,S.M.,et al, 2007

Clinicopath Conf., Degoss Disease
NEJM 355:2575-2584, Case 38-2006, 2006

Cliniclopath Conf., Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis Due to Acanthamoeba
NEJM 355:2678-2689, Case 39-2006, 2006

Idiopathic Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis
Neurol 62:686-694, Kupersmith,M.J.,et al, 2004

Neurosyphilis as a Cause of Facial and Vestibulocochlear Nerve Dysfunction: MR Imaging Features
AJNR 21:1673-1675, Smith, M.M. & Anderson, J.C., 2000

Wegener Granulomatosis:MR Imaging Findings in Brain and Meninges
Radiology 213:794-799, Murphy,J.M.,et al, 1999

Clinicopath Conf
Organizing Subdural Hygroma with Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension, Case 2-1998, NEJM 338:180-188, 19, 1998

Syndrome of Orthostatic Headaches and Diffuse Pachymeningeal Gadolinium Enhancement
Mayo Clin Proc 72:400-413, Mokri,B.,et al, 1997

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension, A Review
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 15:79-83, Kosmorsky,G.S., 1995

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
JNNP 59:511-515, Renowden,S.A.,et al, 1995

Clinicopath Conf
Headaches, Diabetes Insipidus, Hyperprolactinemia in Women with Enlarged Pituitary Gland, (Lymphocyt, c Hhysitis),Am J Med 95:332-339,1993., 1993

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in Tuberculous Meningitis
Tubercle 70:61-64, Teoh,R.,et al, 1989

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