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Clinicopathologic Conference, Glioblastoma, WHO Grade IV, Involving Leptomeninges Consistent with Primary Leptomeningeal Gliomatosis
NEJM 370:1049-1059, Case 8-2014, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Neurocysticercosis Involving the Cerebral Ventricles and Spinal Meninges
NEJM 366:1924-1934, Case 15-2012, 2012

Infiltration of the Leptomeninges by Systemic Cancer:a Clinical & Pathologic Study
Arch Neurol 30:122, Olson,M.E.,et al, 1974

A 45 Year Old Patient with Headache, Fever, and Hyponatraemia
BMJ 350:h962, Fountas, A.,et al, 2015

Craniopharyngyoma in Children
In Brain Tumors in Children, W B Saunders Co, Phila, Neurologic Clinics 9:453-46591., Sanford,R.A.&Muhbauer,S., 1991

Clinicopathologic Conference, Lympohplasmic Lymphoma of the CNS (Bing-Neel Syndrome)
NEJM 384:745-753, Case 6-2021, 2021

Looking Beyond the Usual
Delhi J Ophthal doi:7869/djo.555, Shakrawal, J.,et al, 2020

Cogan Syndrome An Analysis of Reported Neurological Manifestations
The Neurologist 18:55-63, Antonios,N. and Silliman,S., 2012

Aldosterone-Producing Adrenal Adenoma and Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension- A Pathogenetic Link for Aldosterone?
Q J Med 103:699-702, Chitalia, N.,et al, 2010

Vision Impairment in Tuberculous Meningitis: Predictors and Prognosis
J Neurol Sci 290:27-32, Sinha, M.K.,et al, 2010

Fulminant Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Neurol 68:229-232, Thambisetty,M.,et al, 2007

Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration for Pseudotumor Cerebri
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 17:86-91, Goh,K.Y.,et al, 1997

Optic Nerve Sheath Decompression for the Treatment of Visual Failure in Chronic Rasied Intracranial Pressure
JNNP 57:1426-1429, Acheson,J.F.,et al, 1994

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension:Report of Seven Cases
Am J Med 93:391-395, Jain,N.&Rosner,F., 1992

Occurrence of MS-Like Illness in Women Who Have a Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Mitochondrial DNA Mutation
Brain 115:979-989, Harding,A.E.,et al, 1992

Sarcoidosis of the Nervous System, A Clinical Approach
Arch Int Med 151:1317-1321, Sharma,Om.P.&Sharma,A.D., 1991

The Rational Management of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Arch Neurol 46:1049-1051, Corbett,J.J.&Thompson,H.S., 1989

Terson's Syndrome
Neuroophthalmol 9:223-233, Huber,A.,et al, 1988

ABC of AIDS, Neurological Manifestations
BMJ 294:1399-1401, Carne,C.A., 1987

The Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome
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Hearing and Vision Loss in an Older Man
JAMA Neurol 75:1439-1440, Ho, V.M.,et al, 2018

Neuro-Ophthalmic Findings in the Visual Variant of Alzheimers Disease
Ophthalmology 111:376-381, Lee,A.G. &Martin,C.O., 2004

A Tourist With Dengue Fever and Visual Loss
Lancet 360:1070, Haritoglou,C.,et al, 2002

Optic Atrophy and Cerebral Infarcts Caused by Methanol Intoxication:MRI
Neuroradiology 39:192-194, Hsu,H.H.,et al, 1997

MR Enhancing Brain Lesions in Methanol Intoxication
J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:834-836, Anderson,C.A.,et al, 1997

Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia and Type of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Infants
J Pediatr 125:S1-S8, Rogers,B.,et al, 1994

Hypertensive Encephalopathy:Findings on CT, MR Imaging, and SPECT Imaging in 14 Cases
AJR 159:379-383, Schwartz,R.B.,et al, 1992

Eight-Year Outcome in Infants with Birth Weight of 500 to 999 Grams
Victorial Infant Collabor, Study Group, J Pediatr 118:761-767991., , 1991

The Minor Symptoms of Increased Intracranial Pressure:101 Pts with Benign Intracranial Hypertension
Neurol 38:1461-1464, Round,R.&Keane,J.R., 1988

Prolactin-Secreting Tumors & Hypogonadism in 22 Men
NEJM 299:847-852, Carter,J.N.,et al, 1978

Malignant Optic Gliomas in Adults
Arch Neurol 35:731-735, Harper,C.G.,et al, 1978

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