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Transsection of the Spinal Cord Associated with Breech Delivery
Am J Dis Child 146:351-352, DiMario,F.J.&Wood,B.P., 1992

Clinical and MRI Correlates of Cerebral Palsy, The European Cerebral Palsy Study
JAMA 296:1602-1608,1684, Bax,M.,et al, 2006

Management Issues for Women with Epilepsy,A Review of the Literature
Neurol 51:949-956, Zahn,C.A.,et al, 1998

Practice Parameter,Management Issues for Women with Epilepsy (Summary Statement)
Neurol 51:944-948, Rpt of the Quality Stnds Subcmte AAN, 1998

Thrombosis of the Middle Cerebral Artery Associated with Birth Trauma
Neurol 30:889-892, Roessmann,U.,et al, 1980

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