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Neurologic Manifestations of Heatstroke at the Mecca Pilgrimage
Neurol 37:1004-1006, Yaqub,B.A., 1987

Clinical and Radiologic Features of Pedicatric Opioid Use-Associated Neurotoxicity with Cerebellar Edema (POUNCE) Syndrome
Neurol 94:710-712, Kim, D.D. & Prasad, A.N., 2020

Localization of Lesions Causing Horner's Syndrome
Arch Ophthamol 44:710, Jaffe,N., 1950

Clinicopath Conf., Anti-MNDAR Antibody Mediated Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
NEJM 359:842-853, Case 26-2008, 2008

Clinical Manifestations of Sarin Nerve Gas Exposure
JAMA 290:659-662, Lee,E.C., 2003

Primary Pontine Haemorrhage:Clinical & Computed Tomographic Correlations
JNNP 49:346-352, Weisberg,L.A., 1986

The Clinical Manifestations of Pontine Hemorrhage
Neurol 35:637-643, Kushner,M.J.,et al, 1985

Neurologic Signs in Senescence
Arch Neurol 42:1154-1157, Jenkyn,L.R.,et al, 1985

Neurologic Signs In Uncomplicated Aging (Senscence)
Seminars In Neurology, Thieme-Stratton Inc. , New York, N. Y. pp. 21-30, Jenkyn,L.R.&Reeves,A.G., 1981

Ophthalmoplegia, Ptosis, & Miosis in Temporal Arteritis
Neurol 30:1054-1058, Dimant,J.,et al, 1980

Neoplasms within the Midbrain
Arch Neurol & Psych 68:116952., Netsky,M.G.,et al, 1952

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