A 47-Year-Old Man With an Upper Respiratory Infection, Acute Confusion, Dysarthria, and Ataxia
Neurol 100:978-983, Kubicki,K.,et al, 2023
A Dizzy Architect
Neurol 98:543-549, Scutelnic, A.,et al, 2022
A 77-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Sleep Changes, Falls, Bulbar Symptoms, and Cognitive Complaints
Neurol 99:26-30, Cao, T.Q.,et al, 2022
A 16-year-old Girl with Ataxia, Oscillopsia, and Behavioral Changes
Neurol 94:713-717, Silverman, A.,et al, 2020
Cerebellar Ataxia and Hearing Impairment
JAMA Neurol 74:243-244, Lin, C.Y. & Kuo, S.H., 2017
Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017
Clinicopathologic Conference, Biotinthiamine-Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease Due to Mutation SLC19A3
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Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration with Anti-Yo Antibodies - A Review
Ann Clin Trans Neurol 3:655-663, Venkatraman,A. & Opal,P., 2016
The Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxias
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Clinical Presentation and Pre-Mortem Diagnosis of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Associated With Blood Transfusion: A Case Report
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Clinicopath Conf., Primary Diffuse Large-B-Cell Lymphoma of the Brain
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Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis and Sarcoidosis (Inactive)
NEJM 376:368-379, Case 3-2017, 2017
Esophageal Carcinoma Metastatic to the Brain:Clin Value & Cost-Effect of Enhanced Head CT Before Esophagectomy
AJNR 16:1915-1921, Gabrielsen,T.O.,et al, 1995
Clinicopathologic Conference, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
NEJM 386:977-986, Case 7-2022, 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020
Muscle Stiffness, Gait Instability, and Liver Cirrhosis in Wilsons Disease
Lancet 396:990, Kronlage, C.,et al, 2020
A 60-year-old woman with ataxia
Neurol 90:e1627-e1630, Dandapat, S.,et al, 2018
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
NEJM 358:818-825, Katz,J.N. &Harris,M.B., 2008
Clinicopath Conf., Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
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Clinicopath Conf,Sarcoidosis,with Involvement of Spinal Cord,Brain,Mediastinal Lymph Nodes and ? Lung,Case 35-1998
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Subcotical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy (Binswangers Disease)
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Congenital Muscular Dystrophy:Clinical & Pathologic Study of 50 Pts with Classical (Occidental) Merosin-Positive Form
Neurol 46:815-818, Kobayashi,O.,et al, 1996
Falls and Urinary Incontinence in a 66-Year Old Woman
Lancet 347:1738, Yusuf,S.W.,et al, 1996
Gait Disorders in Older Adults
J Am Geriatr Soc 44:434-452, Alexander,N.B., 1996
Brief Report:Relief of Spinal Cord Compression from Vertebral Hemangioma by Intralesional Injection of Absolute Ethanol
NEJM 331:508-511, Heiss,J.D.,et al, 1994
Cerebellar Infarction, Clinical and Anatomic Observations in 66 Cases
Stroke 24:76-83, Kase,C.S.,et al, 1993
Primary Lateral Sclerosis, Clin Features, Neuropath & Dx Criteria
Brain 115:495-520, Pringle,C.E.,et al, 1992
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Spinal Cord Infarction, Acute, Secondary to Fibrocartilaginous Emboli, Case 5-1991, NEJM 324:322-332, 1991, 1991
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Hodgkin's Disease and Guillain Barre Syndrome, Case Record 39-1990, NEJM 323:895-908990., , 1990
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Chronic Osteomyelitis of Spine, with Intervertebral Diskitis (T3-T4) & Epidural Abscess (Staph Aureu, ) , Cas9,NEJM 320:1610-1618,1989., 1989
Neurosarcoidosis: A Treatable Cause of Vestibular Dysfunction
Lancet 369:878, Agari,D.,et al, 2007
Vestibular Neuritis
NEJM 348:1027-1032, Baloh,R.W., 2003
Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
NEJM 390:1312-1322, Case 11-2024, 2024
A 26-Year-Old Woman with Chronic Progressive Gait Dysfunction
Neurol 103:e2098-e2030, Jones,F.J.S. & Orthmann-Murphy,J., 2024
A 50-Year-Old Man with Ataxia, Dystonia, and Abnormal Ocular Movements
Neurol 103:e210046, Panigrahi,B.,et al, 2024
Clinicopathologic Conference, Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Use of Nitrous Oxide
NEJM 388:1893-1900, Case 15-2023, 2023
An 82-Year-Old Woman with Subacute Ophthalmoparesis and Ataxia
Neurol 101:e570-e575, Rodrigo-Gisbert,M.,et al, 2023
Clinicopathologic Conference, Noncirrhotic hyperammonemia after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
NEJM 389:1221-1230, Case 30-2023, 2023
A 6-Year-Old Girl with Progressive Toe Walking
Neurol 98:e769-e773, Libdeh, A.A. & Ibrahim, A., 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 386;674-687, Case 5-2022, 2022
A 37-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Gait Disturbance, and Hyperasthesia
Neurol 98:851-853, Meng, D.,et al, 2022
A 68-Year-Old Man with Palmar Rash, Leg Pain, and Inability to Walk
Neurol 99:347-353, YoungHun, J.,et al, 2022
Fragile X-Associated Tremor or Ataxia Syndrome in a Patient with Difficulty Walking, Falls, a Tremor, and Erectile Dysfunction
Lancet 400:1144, Sabino de Oliveira, D.,et al, 2022
Paraneoplastic Myeloneuropathies
Neurol 96:e632-e639, Shah, S.,et al, 2021
A 71-Year-Old Man Presenting with Acute Onset Dysarthria and Dysphagia
Neurol 96:180-184, Spagni, G.,et al, 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NEJM 384:1350-1358, Case 10-2021, 2021
A Teenager with Shortness of Breath and Difficulty Walking
Neurol 96:e2346-e2350, Liu, S.C.,et al, 2021
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
BMJ 373:m1581, Kruger Jensen, R.,et al, 2021
A 13-Year-Old Boy with Subacute-Onset Spastic Gait
JAMA Neurol 78:e1-e2, Xie, N.,et al, 2021