Clinicopatholigic Conference, Rheumatoid Arthritis with Vasculitis Causing A Confluent Mononeuritis Multiplex
NEJM 390:1312-1322, Case 11-2024, 2024
A 6-Year-Old Girl with Progressive Toe Walking
Neurol 98:e769-e773, Libdeh, A.A. & Ibrahim, A., 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
NEJM 386:977-986, Case 7-2022, 2022
A 77-Year-Old Man with Involuntary Movements, Sleep Changes, Falls, Bulbar Symptoms, and Cognitive Complaints
Neurol 99:26-30, Cao, T.Q.,et al, 2022
Clinicopathologic Conference, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
NEJM 384:1350-1358, Case 10-2021, 2021
A 16-year-old Girl with Ataxia, Oscillopsia, and Behavioral Changes
Neurol 94:713-717, Silverman, A.,et al, 2020
Ears of the Lynx Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sign
Ann Neurol 88:16-17, Baghbanian, S.M.,et al, 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 381:1569-1578, Case 32-2019, 2019
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia:From Diagnosis to Emerging Therapeutic Approaches
Lancet Neurol 18:1136-1146, Shribman,S.,et al, 2019
Progressive cognitive decline, cerebellar ataxia, recurrent myoclonus, and epilepsy
Neurol 90:e1827-e1831, Xiao, F.,et al, 2018
Subacute Progressive Ptosis, Ophthalmoplegia, Gait Instability, and Cognitive Changes
JAMA Neurol 75:1284-1285, Lin, J.,et al, 2018
Progressive Gait Difficulty and Incontinence in a 40-year-old Man with HIV
Neurol 91:1065-1070, Silverman, A.,et al, 2018
Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis and Sarcoidosis (Inactive)
NEJM 376:368-379, Case 3-2017, 2017
Cerebellar Ataxia and Hearing Impairment
JAMA Neurol 74:243-244, Lin, C.Y. & Kuo, S.H., 2017
Clinicopathologic Conference, MELAS (mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes)
NEJM 376:1668-1678, CASE 13-2017, 2017
Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration with Anti-Yo Antibodies - A Review
Ann Clin Trans Neurol 3:655-663, Venkatraman,A. & Opal,P., 2016
A 40-year old Woman with Difficulty Going Down Stairs in High-Heeled Shoes
Ann Neurol 77:1-7, Scripko, P.,et al, 2015
A Woman with Subacute Progressive Confusion and Gait Instability
Neurol 83 ;e62-e67, Martinez-Thompson, J.M.,et al, 2014
Clinicopathologic Conference, Kufs Disease (Autosomal Dominant) Parry Type Neuronal Ceroid Lypofuscinosis
NEJM 364:1062-1074, Case 8-2011, 2011
A 23-Year-Old Man With Seizures and Visual Deficit
Neurol 70:73-78, Boustany,R.-M.,et al, 2008
Clinicopath Conf, Dopamine-Responsive-Dystonia Caused by a Mutation in the GCH1 Gene
NEJM 355:831-839, Case 26-2006, 2006
Clinical Presentation and Pre-Mortem Diagnosis of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Associated With Blood Transfusion: A Case Report
Lancet 368:2061-2067, Wroe,S.J.,et al, 2006
Clinicopath Conf, Prion Disease (Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)
NEJM 353:1042-1050, Case 27-2005, 2005
Clinicopath Conf, Multiple-System Atrophy
NEJM 351:912-921, Case 27-2004, 2004
Clinicopath Conf., Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
NEJM 347:1433-1440, Case 34-2002, 2002
Abnormality of Gait as a Predictor of Non-Alzheimer's Dementia
NEJM 347:1761-1768, Verghese,J.,et al, 2002
Subcotical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy (Binswangers Disease)
, Ghika,J. &Bogousslavsky, J., 1998
Clinicopath Conf
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Case 26, 1997, NEJM 337:549-55697., , 1997
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy:Clinical & Pathologic Study of 50 Pts with Classical (Occidental) Merosin-Positive Form
Neurol 46:815-818, Kobayashi,O.,et al, 1996
Falls and Urinary Incontinence in a 66-Year Old Woman
Lancet 347:1738, Yusuf,S.W.,et al, 1996
Gait Disorders in Older Adults
J Am Geriatr Soc 44:434-452, Alexander,N.B., 1996
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy:Neuropathologic and Clinical Heterogeneity
Neurol 44:1015-1024, Gearing,M.,et al, 1994
Cerebromeningeal Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Lancet 239:104-107, Henter,J.&Elinder,G., 1992
Clinicopath Conf
Renal Cholesterol Embolism (after CABG) , Case 2-1991, NEJM 324:113-1201., , 1991
Ataxia-Telangiectasia:An Interdisciplinary Approach to Pathogenesis
Medicine 70:99-117, Gatti,R.A.,et al, 1991
Recognising & Preventing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
BMJ 287:1083-1084, Firth,M.A.,et al, 1983
An 81-Year-Old Man with Imbalance and Memory Impairment
, Golbe,L.I.,et al,
Clinicopathologic Conference, Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency from Use of Nitrous Oxide
NEJM 388:1893-1900, Case 15-2023, 2023
An 82-Year-Old Woman with Subacute Ophthalmoparesis and Ataxia
Neurol 101:e570-e575, Rodrigo-Gisbert,M.,et al, 2023
Clinicopathologic Conference, Noncirrhotic hyperammonemia after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
NEJM 389:1221-1230, Case 30-2023, 2023
Clinicopathologic Conference, Genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
NEJM 386;674-687, Case 5-2022, 2022
Paraneoplastic Myeloneuropathies
Neurol 96:e632-e639, Shah, S.,et al, 2021
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
BMJ 373:m1581, Kruger Jensen, R.,et al, 2021
An Unusual Case of Acute Psychosis and Tetraparesis in a Young Zambian Man
Neurol 97:1002-1005, Zimba, S.,et al, 2021
Shoulder-Tap Test for Functional Gait Disorders
Neurol 97:1070-1071, Coebergh, J.,et al, 2021
Rapidly Progressive Gait Disorder and Cranial Nerves Involvement in a 9-year-old boy
Neurol 94:e330-e334, Lipp, A.,et al, 2020
Muscle Stiffness, Gait Instability, and Liver Cirrhosis in Wilsons Disease
Lancet 396:990, Kronlage, C.,et al, 2020
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children
AJGH 2:doi:10.33552/AJGH.2020, Al-Ansari, N., 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 381:275-283, Case 22-2019, 2019