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Neurologic Outcomes in Children with Post-Pump Choreoathetosis
J Pediatr 132:162-164, Holden,K.R.,et al, 1998

A 10-Year Experience with Postpump Chorea
Ann Neurol 34:820-826, Medlock,M.D.,et al, 1993

Predicting motor outcome and death in term hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Neurol 76:2055-2061, Martinez-Biarge, M.,et al, 2011

Moderate Hypothermia to Treat Perinatal Asphyxial Encephalopathy
NEJM 361:1349-1358, Azzopardi,D.,et al, 2009

Neuron-Specific Enolase & Myelin Basic Protein:Relation of CSF Concentr to Neuro Cond of Asphyx Full-Term Infants
Pediatrics 93:234-240, Garcia-Alix,A.,et al, 1994

Prospective Observations of 100 High-Risk Neonates by High-Field MRI of CNS:II. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy
Pediatrics 87:431-438, Keeney,S.E.,et al, 1991

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