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Stepwise Paralysis in a Patient with Adenocarcinoma of Lung
Neurol 86:e122-e127, Furlan, J.C.,et al, 2016

Recovery of Gait After Radiotherapy in Paralytic Patients with Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Comp
Neurol 40:1234-1236, Helweg-Larsen,S.,et al, 1990

Neurological Aspects of Biological and Chemical Terrorism
Arch Neurol 60:21-25, Martin,C.O., &Adams,H.P., 2003

Asymmetric Flaccid Paralysis: A Neuromuscular Presentation of West Nile Virus Infection
Ann Neurol 53:703-710,691, Li,J.,et al, 2003

West Nile Virus Infection
Neurol 61:55-59, Jeha,L.E.,et al, 2003

Classification of Peripheral Neuropathy:The Long and the Short of It
Muscle & Nerve 9:711-719986., Sabin,T.J., 1986

Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical - Weapons Attacks
NEJM 378:1611-1620, Ciottone, G.R., 2018

Botulinum Toxin as a Biological Weapon
JAMA 285:1059-1070, Arnon,S.S.,et al, 2001

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning:A Case Report and Serial Electrophysiologic Observations
Neurol 40:1310-1312, Long,R.R.,et al, 1990

Infectious and Toxic Syndromes from Fish and Shellfish Consumption, A Review
Arch Int Med 149:1735-1740, Estaugh,J.&Shepherd,S., 1989

Critical Illness Myopathy and Neuropathy
Lancet 347:1579-1582, Latronico,N.,et al, 1996

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