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Spectrum of Neurological Syndromes Associated with Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodes: Diagnostic Clues for this Association
Brain 131:2553-2563, Saiz,A., et al, 2008

Clinical Spectrum of Mutations in SCN1A Gene: Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy in Infancy and Related Epilepsies
Epilepsy Res 70S:S223-S230, Fujiwara,T., 2006

Epilepsy Syndromes in Infancy
Pediatr Neurol 34:253-263, Korff,C.M. &Nordii,D.R.,Jr., 2006

Salt and Pepper Sign, PLNTY for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Neurol 100:791-795, Paredes-Aragon,E.M.,et al, 2023

Cranial Cavernous Malformations
Stroke 49:1029-1035, Stapleton, C.J. & Barker, F.G., 2018

Acute Viral Encephalitis
NEJM 379:357-366, Tyler,K.L., 2018

Autoimmune Encephalitis: Pathophysiology and Imaging Review of an Overlooked Diagnosis
AJNR 38:1070-1078, Kelley, B.P.,et al, 2017

Molybdenum Cofactor Deficiency
Neurol 85:e175-e178, Nagappa, M.,et al, 2015

Neonatal Epileptic Encephalopathy
Lancet 361:1614, Clayton,P.T.,et al, 2003

Clinicopath Conf
Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor, Case 14-1997, NEJM 336:1373-1379997., , 1997

Imaging the Head:Functional Imaging
JNNP 58:132-144, Sawle,G.V., 1995

Intractable Partial Epilepsy Following Low-Dose Scalp Irradiation in Infnacy
Ann Neurol 38:951-954, Reutens,D.C.,et al, 1995

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Childhood Intractable Partial Epilepsies:Pathologic Correlations
Neurol 43:681-687, Kuzniecky,R.,et al, 1993

Assessment:Positron Emission Tomography
Report of Therapeutics & Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the AAN, Neurol 41:163-16791., , 1991

Intracerebral Gangliogliomas in Patients with Partial Complex Seizures:CT and MR Imaging Findings
AJR 157:843-849, Tampieri,D.,et al, 1991

MR Imaging in Patients with Temporal Lobe Seizures:Correlation of Results with Pathologic Findings
AJR 155:581-586, Heinz,E.R.,et al, 1990

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