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Showing articles 50 to 100 of 3118 << Previous Next >>

Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia-Associated Myelopathy
ArchNeurol 57:380-382, Marie,R.,et al, 2000

Shaky-Leg Syndrome and Vitamin B12 Deficiency
NEJM 342:981, Benito-Leon,J.&Porta-Etessam,J., 2000

Blindness in a Strict Vegan
NEJM 342:897-898, Milea,D.,et al, 2000

Helicobacter pylori -- Is It a Novel Causative Agent in Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
Arch Int Med 160:1349-1353,1229, Kaptan,K.,et al, 2000

Helicobacter pylori--Is it a Novel Causative Agent in Vitamin B12 Deficiency?
Arch Int Med 160:1349-1353, 1229, Kaptan,K. et al, 2000

A Case of Subacute Combined Degeneration:MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 40:398-400, Yamada,K.,et al, 1998

Acute Leukoencephalopathies:Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
The Neurologist 4:148-166, Weinshenker,B.G.,et al, 1998

A Man Who Lost Weight and His Sight
Lancet 351:1174-1175, Moschos,M.&Droutsas,D., 1998

Myelopathy Caused by Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
AJNR 19:894-896, 9941998., Pema,P.J.,et al, 1998

MRI of Spinal Cord and Brain Lesions in Subacute Combined Degeneration
Neuroradiology 11:716-719, Katsaros,V.K.,et al, 1998

Oral or Parenteral Therapy for B12 Deficiency
Lancet 352:1721-1722, Elia,M., 1998

A 44-Month Clinical-Brain MRI Follow-Up in a Patient with B12 Deficiency
Neurol 49:878-881, Stojsavljevic,N.,et al, 1997

Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Cobalamin Deficiency
Neurol 46:832-834, Chatterjee,A.,et al, 1996

Association Between Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations and Extracranial Carotid-Artery Stenosis
NEJM 332:286-291, 3281995., Selhub,J.,et al, 1995

Plasma Cobalamin Levels Affect Information Processing Speed in a Longitudinal Study of HIV-1 Disease
Arch Neurol 52:195-198, Shor-Posner,G.,et al, 1995

Combined System Disease after Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia:A Case Report
Neurol 45:1224-1225, McMorrow,A.M.,et al, 1995

'Anesthesia Paresthetica':Nitrous Oxide-Induced Cobalamin Deficiency
Neurol 45:1608-1610, 14351995., Kinsella,L.J.&Green,R., 1995

Practice Parameter for Diagnosis and Evaluation of Dementia (Summary Statement) Alter
M. , et al, Neurol 44:2203-220694., , 1994

MRI in Subacute Combined Degeneration
Neuroradiology 36:408-409, Murata,S.,et al, 1994

Folic Acid, Pernicious Anaemia, and Prevention of Neural Tube Defects
Lancet 343:307, Wald,N.J.&Bower,C., 1994

Subacute Combined Degen with High Serum Vit B12 Level & Abnormal Vit B12 Binding Protein:New Cause Old Synd
Arch Neurol 50:739-742, Reynolds,E.H.,et al, 1993

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Nervous System Disease in HIV Infection
Arch Neurol 50:807-811, Robertson,K.R.,et al, 1993

Vitamin B12 Metabolism in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 49:649-652, Reynolds,E.H.,et al, 1992

Plasma Vitamin B12 Level as a Potential Cofactor in Studies of HIV Type 1-Related Cognitive Changes
Arch Neurol 49:501-506, Beach,R.S.,et al, 1992

Abnormal Vitamin B12 Metabolism in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Arch Neurol 48:312-314, Kieburtz,K.D.,et al, 1991

Multiple Sclerosis Associated with Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Arch Neurol 48:808-811, Reynolds,E.H.,et al, 1991

Screening for Dementia and Investigating Its Causes
Ann Int Med 115:122-132, Siu,A.L., 1991

Neurologic Aspects of Cobalamin Deficiency
Medicine 70:229-245, Healton,E.B.,et al, 1991

Reversible Myelopathy with Pernicious Anemia:Clinical/MR Correlation
Neurol 41:947-948, Berger,J.R.&Quencer,R., 1991

Neurologic & Evoked Potential Abnormalities in Subtle Cobalamin Deficiency States
Arch Neurol 47:1008-1012, Karnaze,D.S.&Carmel,R., 1990

Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord
In Rowland's, Merritt's Textbk of Neurology, Lea & Febiger, Phila, 8th Ed, p. 691, Mancall,E.L., 1989

Neuropsychiatric Disorders Caused by Cobalamin Deficiency in the Absence of Anemia or Macrocytosis
NEJM 318:1720-1728, 1752-17541988., Lindenbaum,J.,et al, 1988

Pernicious Anemia:Report of Pts Without the Expected Findings of Very Low Serum Cobalamine Levels, Anemia, & Macrocytosis
Arch Int Med 148:1712-1714, Carmel,R., 1988

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in Pernicious Anaemia
BMJ 297:1583, Kandler,R.H.&Davies-Jones,G.A.B., 1988

Plasma R Binder Deficiency & Neurologic Disease
NEJM 317:1330-1332, Sigal,S.H.,et al, 1987

Low Serum Cobalamin Levels in Primary Degenerative Dementia
Arch Int Med 147:429-431, Karnaze,D.S.&Carmel,R., 1987

Neurological Complications of Thyrotoxicosis in the Elderly
Ann Neurol 15:608, Florin,T., 1984

Myeloneuropathy & Macrocytosis Associated with Nitrous Oxide Abuse
Arch Neurol 40:416-418, Bianco,G.,et al, 1983

"Lhermitte's Sign"as a Presenting Symptom of Subacute Combined Degeneration of the Cord
Ann Neurol 13:215, Sandyk,R.,et al, 1983

Lhermitte's Sign in Multiple Sclerosis:A Clinical Survey & Review of the Literature
JNNP 45:308-312, Kanchandani,R.,et al, 1982

Evoked Responses in Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Ann Neurol 9:407-409, Krumholz,A.,et al, 1981

Lhermitte's Sign in Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency
JAMA 245:1059, Butler,W.M.,et al, 1981

Neurologic Disease & Nutrition
Res & Staff Physician August 1981, pp. 77-81., Dreyfus,P.M., 1981

The Neuropsychiatry of Megaloblastic Anaemia
BMJ 281:1036-1038, Shorvon,S.D.,et al, 1980

Unreliability of Radiodilution Assays as Screening Tests for Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) Deficiency
JAMA 244:1942-1945, Cohen,K.L.,et al, 1980

Studies Of A Patient With Megaloblastic Anemia & An Abnormal Transcobalamin II
NEJM 303:1209-1212, Seligman,P.A.,et al, 1980

Visual Evoked Responses in Pernicious Anemia
Arch Neurol 36:168-169, Troncoso,J.,et al, 1979

Myasthenia Gravis, Pernicious Anemia, & Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Arch Neurol 36:594-595, Krol,T.C., 1979

Cobalamin Analog Present In Human Plasma Mask Cobalamin Defic Current Radioistope Dil. Assays Not Spec for Cobalamin
NEJM 299:785, Kolhouse,J.F.,et al, 1978

Evidence That Some Patients With Pernicious Anemia Are Not Recogn By Radiodil Assay For Cobalamin In Serum
NEJM 299:816, Cooper,B.A.,et al, 1978

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