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Showing articles 100 to 150 of 2029 << Previous Next >>

Preclinical Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Using SPECT
Neurol 50:1563-1571, Johnson,K.A.,et al, 1998

Genetic Testing of Children at Risk for Huntington's Disease
Neurol 49:1048-1053, Nance,M.A.,et al, 1997

Few Psychological Consequences of Presymptomatic Testing for Huntington Disease
Lancet 349:4, Bundey,S., 1997

The Clinical Introduction of Genetic Testing for Alzheimer Disease, An Ethical Perspective
JAMA 277:832-836, Post,S.G.,et al, 1997

Preclinical Evidence of Alzheimer's Disease in Persons Homozygous for the e4Allele for Apolipoprotein E
NEJM 334:752-758, 7911996., Reiman,E.M.,et al, 1996

Motor Changes in Presymptomatic Huntington Disease Gene Carriers
Arch Neurol 53:487-492, Siemers,E.,et al, 1996

High Apolipoprotein E e4 Allele Frequency in Age-Related Memory Decline
Ann Neurol 39:548-551, Blesa,R.,et al, 1996

Statement of Use of Apolipoprotein E Testing for Alzheimer Disease
JAMA 274:1627-1629, Farrer,L.A.,et al, 1995

A Low, "Normal"Score on the Mini-Mental State Exam Predicts Development of Dementia after Three Years
JAGS 43:656-661, Braekhus,A.,et al, 1995

Neuropsychological Detection and Characterization of Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease
Neurol 45:957-962, Jacobs,D.M.,et al, 1995

Reduced Basal Ganglia Volume Associated with the Gene for Huntington's Disease in Asymptomatic at-Risk Persons
Neurol 44:823-828, Aylward,E.H.,et al, 1994

The Neurogenetic Genie:Testing for Huntington's Disease Mutation
Neurol 44:1369-1373, 1533-15361994., Hersch,S.,et al, 1994

A Worldwide Study of the Huntington's Disease Mutation, The Sensitivity & Specificity of Measuring CAG Repeats
NEJM 330:1401-1406, 14501994., Kremer,B.,et al, 1994

Attitudes Toward Direct Predictive Testing for the Huntington Disease Gene
JAMA 270:2321-2325, Babul,R.,et al, 1993

Clinical Consequences of Isolating the Gene for Huntington's Disease
BMJ 307:397-398, Harper,P.S., 1993

Serial Changes of Cerebral Glucose Metab & Caudate Size in Persons at Risk for Huntington's Dis
Arch Neurol 49:1161-1167, Grafton,S.T.,et al, 1992

Presymptomatic Testing for Huntington's Disease in the United Kingdom
BMJ 304:1593-1596, Tyler,A.,et al, 1992

The Psychological Consequences of Predictive Testing for Huntington's Disease
NEJM 327:1401-1405, 14491992., Wiggins,S.,et al, 1992

Genetic Testing for Huntington's Disease
BMJ 300:1089-1090, Harper,P.,et al, 1990

Abnormalities of Striatal Projection Neurons and n-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptors in Presymptomatic Huntington's Disease
NEJM 322:1293-1298, Albin,R.L.,et al, 1990

Predictive Testing for Huntington's Disease with Linked DNA Markers
Lancet 2:463-466, Brock,D.J.H.,et al, 1989

Problems in Genetic Prediction for Huntington's Disease
Lancet 2:601-603, Morris,M.J.,et al, 1989

Uptake of Presymptomatic Predictive Testing for Huntington's Disease
Lancet 2:603-605, Craufurd,D.,et al, 1989

Predictive Testing for Huntington's Disease, Progress and Problems
BMJ 298:404-405, 1989, Harper,P.S.&Morris,M.J., 1989

Adoption and Genetic Prediction for Huntington's Disease
Lancet 2:1069-1070, Morris,M.,et al, 1988

Predictive Testing for Huntington's Disease with Use of a Linked DNA Marker
NEJM 318:535-542, Meissen,G.J.,et al, 1988

Presymptomatic Neuropsychological Impairment in Huntington's Disease
Arch Neurol 45:769-773, Jason,G.W.,et al, 1988

Normal Caudate Glucose Metabolism in Persons at Risk for Huntington's Disease
Arch Neurol 44:254-257, Young,A.B.,et al, 1987

Reduced Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Asymptomatic Subjects at Risk for Huntington's Disease
NEJM 316:357-362, Mazziotta,J.C.,et al, 1987

The Combined Use of Positron Emission Tomography & DNA Polymorphisms for Preclinical Detection of Huntington's Disease
Neurol 37:1441-1447, Hayden,M.R.,et al, 1987

Positron Emission Tomography in the Early Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease
Neurol 36:888-894, Hayden,M.R.,et al, 1986

Huntington's Disease, Pathogenesis & Management
NEJM 315:1267-1276, Martin,J.B.&Gusella,J.F., 1986

A DNA Polymorphism for Huntington's Disease Marks the Future
Arch Neurol 42:20-24, Wexler,N.S.,et al, 1985

Presymptomatic Testing for Huntington's Disease
JAMA 253:3286-3291, Bird,S.J., 1985

Genetic Prediction & Family Structure in Huntington's Chorea
BMJ 290:1929-1931, Harper,P.S.,et al, 1985

Genetic Testing in Huntington's Disease
Ann Neurol 16:511-513, Koller,W.C.,et al, 1984

A Genetic Marker for Huntington's Chorea
BMJ 287:1567-1568, Harper,P.S., 1983

Attitudes Of Those At Risk For Huntington's Disease Toward Presymptomatic Provocative Testing
NEJM 307:1406, McCormack,M.K., 1982

Huntington's Disease, CSF GABA Level in at-risk Individuals
Arch Neurol 35:728-730, Manyam,N.V.B.,et al, 1978

Photophobia as the Presenting Symptom of Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
Neuroophthalmology 44:315-318, Pellegrini,F.,et al, 2024

Stroke Risk after Emergency Department Treat-and-Release Visit for a Fall
Stroke 55:2247-2253, Kaisser,J.H.,et al, 2024

Parkinsons Disease
NEJM 391:442-452, Tanner,C.M. & Ostrem,J.L., 2024

A Young Woman With Hypertonia, Severe Scoliosis, and Encephalopathy
JAMA Neurol 81:83-84, Hua,L.,et al, 2024

Wearable Digital Health Technology for Epilepsy
NEJM 390:736-745, Donner,E.,et al, 2024

Rabbit Syndrome
Neurol102:e209275, Huynh,T.U., & Beckley, E.H., 2024

Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Presenting with Cerebellitis in a Pediatric Patient
Neurol 102:e209259, Moehlman,M. & Kornbluh,A.B., 2024

Association of Coffee Consumption and Prediagnostic Caffeine Metabolites with Incident Parkinson Disease in a Population-Based Cohort
Neurol 102:e209201, Zhao,Y.,et al, 2024

Treatment Modalities and Outcomes in Brainstem Cavernous Malformations: A Large Multicenter Observational Cohort Study
Stroke 55:1151-1160, Lu,J.,et al, 2024

Vascular Malformations of the Central Nervous System
www.UptoDate.Com, March, Singer,R.J.,et al, 2024

Epilepsy in Patients with Primary CNS Lymphoma, Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prognostic Significance
Neurol 103:e209748, Aboubakr,O.,et al, 2024

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