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Showing articles 550 to 600 of 2029 << Previous Next >>

Invited Article: Nervous System Pathology in Sporadic Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:1916-1925, Braak,H. & Del Tredici,K., 2008

Reversible Parkinsonism and Ataxia Associated With High-Dose Octreotide
Neurol 70:2345-2346, Espay,A.J., 2008

Serum Uric Acid and Clinical Progression in Parkinson Disease: Potential Biomarker for Nigrostriatal Failure
Arch Neurol 65:698-699, Schiess,M. &Oh,I., 2008

Rhinorrhea and Olfaction in Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:487-489, Friedman, J.H.,et al, 2008

Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome: An Aging Face of the Fragile X Gene
Arch Neurol 65:19-25, Amiri,K.,et al, 2008

Increased Risk of Parkinsonism in Women Who Underwent Oophorectomy Before Menopause
Neurol 70:200-209, Rocca,W.A.,et al, 2008

Functional Imaging of the Cerebral Olfactory System in Patients with Parkinsons Disease
JNNP 79:19-24, Westermann,B.,et al, 2008

a-Synuclein Gene Duplication Is Present in Sporadic Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:43-49,7, Ahn,T.-B.,et al, 2008

A 23-Year-Old Man With Seizures and Visual Deficit
Neurol 70:73-78, Boustany,R.-M.,et al, 2008

Ultrasound Diagnosis of Spontaneous Carotid Dissection With Isolated Horner Syndrome
Stroke 39:82-86, Arnold,M.,et al, 2008

Unexpected Multiple Sclerosis: Follow-Up of 30 Patients With Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Clinical Conversion Profile
JNNP 79:195-198,112, Lebrun,C.,et al, 2008

Deep Brain Stimulation in 18 Patients With Severe Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Refractory to Treatment: The Surgery and Stimulation
JNNP 79:136-142,111, Servello,D.,et al, 2008

Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Treatment of Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 65:177-183, Quigg,M. &Barbaro,N.M., 2008

Psychogenic Tremor Occurring After Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Essential Tremor
Neurol 70:1498-1499, McKeon,A.,et al, 2008

Statin Use and the Risk of Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:1418-1422, Wahner,A.D.,et al, 2008

Use of Antihypertensives and the Risk of Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:1438-1444, Becker,C.,et al, 2008

Functional Imaging in Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:1478-1488, Nandhagopal,R.,et al, 2008

Diagnosis and Management of Motor Neurone Disease
BMJ 336:658-662, McDermott,C.J. &Shaw,P.J., 2008

Dementia and Survival in Parkinson Disease: A 12-Year Population Study
Neurol 70:1017-1022, Buter,T.C.,et al, 2008

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: A Current Review
The Neurologist 14:79-88, Lubarsky,M. &Juncos,J.L., 2008

Subthalamic Lesion on MR Imaging in a Patient With Nonketotic Hyperglycemia-Induced Hemiballism
AJNR 29:526-527, Kim,H.-J.,et al, 2008

A Parkinsonian Syndrome in Methcathinone Users and the Role of Manganese
NEJM 358:1009-1017, Stepens,A.,et al, 2008

Stroke and Multi-Infarct Dementia as Presenting Symptoms of Giant Cell Arteritis: Report of 7 Cases and Review of the Literature
Medicine 87:335-344, Solans-Laque,R.,et al, 2008

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series and Analysis of the Effects of Antibodies
Lancet Neurol 7:1091-1098, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2008

Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Patients with End-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy
Nephrology 13:68-72, Li, J.,et al, 2008

Stroke as the First Manifestation of Concealed Cancer
J Neurol Sci 258:80-83, Kwon, H.M.,et al, 2007

Asymmetric Cerebellar Ataxia and Limbic Encephalitis as a Presenting Feature of Primary Sjogrens Syndrome
J Neurol 254:1609-1611, Collison,K. and Rees,J., 2007

HIV Infection Presenting with Motor Axonal Variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
J Clin Neuromusc Dis 9:303-305, Wagner, J.C. and Bromberg, M.B., 2007

"Salt and Pepper" in the Eye and Face: A Prelude to Brainstem Ischemia
Am J Ophthalmol 144:322-325, Conforto, A.B.,et al, 2007

The Clinical and Radiological Spectrum of Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome. A Prospective Series of 67 Patients
Brain 130:3091-3101, Ducros, A.,et al, 2007

The Syndrome of Bilateral Basal Ganglia Lesions in Diabetic Uremic Patients Presenting with a Relapsing and Remitting Course: A Case Report
Acta Neurol Taiwan 16:226-230, Sheu, Y.,et al, 2007

Acute Reversible Hemi-Parkinsonism for a Diabetic Uremic Patient: Findings from MRI, MRS, FDG-PET, 99m Tc-TRODAT-1 SPECT, and TMS Studies
Ann Nucl Med Sci 20:51-57, Cheng, S.,et al, 2007

Hemiparkinsonism-hemiatrophy Syndrome
Neurol 69:1585-1594, Wijemanne,S. &Jankovic,J., 2007

Sniffing Out Parkinson Disease: Can Olfactory Testing Differentiate Parkinsonian Disorders?
Neurologist 13:382-385, McKinnon,J.H.,et al, 2007

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis: Analysis of 101 Patients
Ann Neurol 62:442-451,430, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2007

Compulsive Singing: Another Aspect of Punding in Parkinsons Disease
Ann Neurol 62:525-528, Bonvin,C.,et al, 2007

Incident Dementia in Women is Preceded by Weight Loss by a Least a Decade
Neurol 69:739-746, Knopman,D.S.,et al, 2007

Predictors of Fitness to Drive in People With Parkinson Disease
Neurol 69:1434-1441, Devos,H.,et al, 2007

Clinicopath conf., Human Prion Disease, Sporadic CJD
Neurol 69:1881-1887, Geschwind,M.D., et al, 2007

Noninvasive Cardiac Monitoring for Detecting Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter After Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Systematic Review
Stroke 38:2935-2940, Liao,J.,et al, 2007

Gout and Risk of Parkinson Disease: A Prospective Study
Neurol 69:1696-1700, Alonso,A.,et al, 2007

Ropinirole 24-Hour Prolonged Release: Randomized, Controlled Study in Advanced Parkinson Disease
Neurol 68:1108-1115, Pahwa,R.,et al, 2007

Parkinson Disease, 10 Years After Its Genetic Revolution: Multiple Clues to a Complex Disorder
Neurol 69:2093-2104, Klein,C. &Schlossmacher,M.G., 2007

Hypertension and the Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Arch Neurol 64:1734-1740, Reitz,C.,et al, 2007

Status Epilepticus as Initial Manifestation of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
neurol 69:894-897, Kozak,O.S.,et al, 2007

Neuroimaging of Bilateral Caudate Infarction Manifesting as Parkinsonian Gait Disorder
Conn Med 71:149-150, Finelli,P.F., et al, 2007

Sexual Function in Men and Women With Neurological Disorders
Lancet 369:512-525, Rees,P.M.,et al, 2007

Outcome of Neonatal Screening for Medium-Chain acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Australia: A Cohort Study
Lancet 369:37-42,5, Wilcken,B.,et al, 2007

GPi Deep Brain Stimulation for Tourette Syndrome Improves Tics and Psychiatric Comorbidities
Neurol 68:159-161, Shahed,J.,et al, 2007

Valvular Heart Disease and the Use of Dopamine Agonists for Parkinsons Disease
NEJM 356:39-46, Zanettini,R.,et al, 2007

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