Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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basal ganglia, calcification of
basilar artery occlusion
biotin deficiency
biotinidase deficiency
brainstem, lesion of
calcification, intracranial
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
cerebrovascular accident, thrombolytic agents in treatment
developmental retardation
enzyme, defect
fibrinolytic agents, complications
fibrinolytic agents, intra-arterial local infusion
fornix, lesion of
gene mutation
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic screening
hearing loss
herniated disc, thoracic
infantile spasm
internal capsule
intracerebral hemorrhage
mesial temporal lobe
metabolic acidosis
metabolic disorder, primary-screening tests
molecular genetics
MRI, abnormal
MRI, diffusion weighted
neonatal screening, genetic neurologic disorders
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
optic atrophy
prevention of neurologic disorders
reversible neurologic disorder
review article
seborrheic dermatitis
seizure, children
seizure, neonatal
sensorineural hearing loss
skin, lesions in neurologic disorders
spinal cord, lesion of
temporal lobe, lesion
term infant
tissue plasminogen activator, intravenous
treatment of neurologic disorder
vertebral artery occlusion
visual loss
vitamin deficiency
Showing articles 450 to 500 of 1240 << Previous Next >>

Atrophy of the Corpus Callosum, Cortical Hypometabolism, and Cognitive Impairment in Corticobasal Degeneration
Arch Neurol 55:609-614, Yamauchi,H.,et al, 1998

Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) Images of Dentatorubropalliodoluysian Atrophy:Case Report
JNNP 65:396-399, Yoshii,F.,et al, 1998

Intellectual Decline After Stroke, The Framingham Study
Stroke 29:805-812, Kase,C.S.,et al, 1998

A Case of Subacute Combined Degeneration:MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 40:398-400, Yamada,K.,et al, 1998

Neurological and Neuroradiological Findings in Long-Term Survivors of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation
Ann Neurol 43:627-633, Padovan,C.S.,et al, 1998

Acute Leukoencephalopathies:Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
The Neurologist 4:148-166, Weinshenker,B.G.,et al, 1998

A Man Who Lost Weight and His Sight
Lancet 351:1174-1175, Moschos,M.&Droutsas,D., 1998

Epidemic of Bilateal Optic Neuropathy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
NEJM 338:1547-1548, Dolin,P.J.&Plant,G.T., 1998

Dopa-Responsive Dystonia, Some Pieces of the Puzzle are Still Missing
Neurol 50:853-855, Nygaard,T.G.&Wooten,G.F., 1998

Neuropsychological Consequences of Posteroventral Pallidotomy for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 51:207-215, Trepanier,L.L.,et al, 1998

Cognitive Functioning After Pallidotomy for Refractory Parkinson's Disease
JNNP 65:150-154, 1481998., Perrine,K.,et al, 1998

Myelopathy Caused by Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
AJNR 19:894-896, 9941998., Pema,P.J.,et al, 1998

Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes
Medicine 77:140-151, Cassidy,S.B.&Schwartz,S., 1998

Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Globoid-Cell Leukodystrophy
NEJM 338:1119-1126, Krivit,W.,et al, 1998

Follow-up of Nine Patients with Hurler Syndrome After Bone Marrow Transplantation
J Pediatr 133:119-125, 71998., Guffon,N.,et al, 1998

Mucolipidosis Type IV; Characteristic MRI Findings
Neurol 51:565-569, Frei,K.P.,et al, 1998

Development of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome After Long Intervals Following Gastrectomy
Arch Neurol 55:1242-1245, Shimomura,T.,et al, 1998

Chromosome 20 Ring:A Chromosomal Disorder Associated with a Particular Electroclinical Pattern
Epilepsia 39:942-951, Canevini,M.P.,et al, 1998

Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury in Professional Soccer Players
Neurol 51:791-796, Matser,J.T.,et al, 1998

Alcohol-Related Acute Axonal Polyneuropathy,A Differential Diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Arch Neurol 55:1329-1334, Wohrle,J.C.,et al, 1998

Inherited Prothrombotic States and Ischaemic Stroke in Childhood
JNNP 65:508-511, Ganesan,V.,et al, 1998

Prothrombotic Disorders in Infants and Children with Cerebral Thromboembolism
Arch Neurol 55:1539-1543, deVeber,G.,et al, 1998

Factor V Leiden Mutation is a Risk Factor for Cerebral Venous Thrombosis,A Case-Control Study of 55 Patients
Stroke 29:2507-2510, Ludemann,P.,et al, 1998

MRI of Spinal Cord and Brain Lesions in Subacute Combined Degeneration
Neuroradiology 11:716-719, Katsaros,V.K.,et al, 1998

Oral or Parenteral Therapy for B12 Deficiency
Lancet 352:1721-1722, Elia,M., 1998

Clinical Approach to Inherited Peroxisomal Disorders: A Series of 27 Patients
Ann Neurol 44:720-730,713, Baumgartner,M.R.,et al, 1998

Methylphenidate in Early Poststroke Recovery:A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 79:1047-1050, Grade,C.,et al, 1998

Gastorintestinal Manifestations of Scleroderma
Gastroenterol Clin 27:563-594, Rose,S.,et al, 1998

Antiepileptics and Blood Dyscrasias: A Cohort Study
Pharmacotherapy 18:1277-1283, Blackburn,S.C.F.,et al, 1998

Usefulness of CT and MR Imaging in the Diagnosis of Acute Wernickes Encephalopathy
AJR 171:1131-1137, Antunez, E.,et al, 1998

Bilirubin Metabolism and Kernicterus
Adv Pediatr 44:173-229, Gourley,G.R., 1997

Wernicke's Encephalopathy:An Excitotoxicity Hypothesis
Metabolic Brain Disease 12:183-192, McEntee,W.J., 1997

Adult-Onset Krabbe's Disease in Siblings with Novel Mutations in the Galactocerebrosidase Gene
Ann Neurol 41:111-114, Bernardini,G.L.,et al, 1997

Coma From Long-Term Overingestion of Isoniazid
Arch Int Med 157:2518-2520, Salkind,A.R.&Hewitt,C.C., 1997

Adult-Onset Krabbe Disease with Mutation in the Galactocerebrosidase Gene, MRI of Corticospinal Tract Demyelin
Neurol 49:1392-1399, Satoh,J.-I.,et al, 1997

Bilat Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia with Mental Retard & Syndactyly in Boys:New X-Linked MR Synd
Neurol 49:1042-1047, Dobyns,W.B.,et al, 1997

Association of Tuberous Sclerosis of Temporal Lobes with Autism and Atypical Autism
Lancet 349:392-395, Bolton,P.F.&Griffiths,P.D., 1997

Accuracy of the Clinical Diagnosis of Corticobasal Degeneration:A clinicopathologic Study
Neurol 48:119-125, Litvan,I.,et al, 1997

Evaluation of Neurologic Function in Gulf War Veterans:A Blinded Case-Control Study
JAMA 227:223-230, 2591997., Haley,R.W.,et al, 1997

Muscle-Eye-Brain Disease:A Neuropathological Study
Ann Neurol 41:173-180, Haltia,M.,et al, 1997

Mutations in the Sarcoglycan Genes in Patients with Myopathy
NEJM 336:618-624, Duggan,D.J.,et al, 1997

The Muscular Dystrophies-Clarity or Chaos
NEJM 336 650-651, Dubowitz,V., 1997

Clinical Course of a Cohort in the Cuban Epidemic Optic and Peripheral Neuropathy
Neurol 48:19-22, Mojon,D.S.,et al, 1997

CT and MR Findings of Neuroacanthocytosis
J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:221-222, Okamoto,K.,et al, 1997

Myotonic Dystrophy, The Role of Large Triplet Repeat Length in the Develop of Mental Retardation
Arch Neurol 54:251-254, Spranger,M.,et al, 1997

Cognitive Function and Academic Performance in Neurofibromatosis 1:North
K. N. , et al, Neurol 48:1121-11277., , 1997

Long-Term Cognitive Impairment Associated with Caudate Stroke
Stroke 28:970-975, Bokura,H.&Robinson,R.G., 1997

Serial Neuropsychological Assess & Magnetic Resonance Imagingf Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis
Arch Neurol 54:1018-1025, Hohol,M.J.,et al, 1997

Prevalence and Severity of Cognitive Impairment with and without Dementia in an Elderly Population
Lancet 349:1793-1796, Graham,J.E.,et al, 1997

A 44-Month Clinical-Brain MRI Follow-Up in a Patient with B12 Deficiency
Neurol 49:878-881, Stojsavljevic,N.,et al, 1997

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