Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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basal ganglia, calcification of
basilar artery occlusion
biotin deficiency
biotinidase deficiency
brainstem, lesion of
calcification, intracranial
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
cerebrovascular accident, thrombolytic agents in treatment
developmental retardation
enzyme, defect
fibrinolytic agents, complications
fibrinolytic agents, intra-arterial local infusion
fornix, lesion of
gene mutation
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic screening
hearing loss
herniated disc, thoracic
infantile spasm
internal capsule
intracerebral hemorrhage
mesial temporal lobe
metabolic acidosis
metabolic disorder, primary-screening tests
molecular genetics
MRI, abnormal
MRI, diffusion weighted
neonatal screening, genetic neurologic disorders
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
optic atrophy
prevention of neurologic disorders
reversible neurologic disorder
review article
seborrheic dermatitis
seizure, children
seizure, neonatal
sensorineural hearing loss
skin, lesions in neurologic disorders
spinal cord, lesion of
temporal lobe, lesion
term infant
tissue plasminogen activator, intravenous
treatment of neurologic disorder
vertebral artery occlusion
visual loss
vitamin deficiency
Showing articles 500 to 550 of 1240 << Previous Next >>

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Stroke in Young Patients
Arch Neurol 54:1150-1153, Qureshi,A.I.,et al, 1997

Primary Adhalinopathy (x-Sarcoglycanopathy) :Clin, Path & Genetic Correl in 20 Pts with Autosomal Recessive Muscular Dystrophy
Neurol 48:1227-1234, Eymard,B.,et al, 1997

Clinical Features of Perineuritis
Muscle & Nerve 20:1153-1157997., Sorenson,E.J.,et al, 1997

A Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Brain Changes in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 151:793-797, Katzman,D.K.,et al, 1997

The X-Linked Infantile Spasms Syndrome (MIM 308350) Maps to Xp11. 4-Xpter in Two Pedigrees
Ann Neurol 42:360-364, Claes,S.,et al, 1997

Severe Hypoglycaemia and Cognitive Impairment in Diabetes
BMJ 313:767-768, Deary,I.J., 1996

Diagnostic Test for the Prader-Willi Syndrome by SNRPN Expression in Blood
Lancet 348:1068-1069, Wevrick,R.&Francke,U., 1996

Prenatal Magnesium Sulfate Expos/Risk for CP or MR Among Very Low-Birth-Weight Child Aged 3-5 Yrs
JAMA 276:1805-1810, 18431996., Schendel,D.E.,et al, 1996

Diagnostic Guidelines in Central Nervous System Whipple's Disease
Ann Neurol 40:561-568, Louis,E.D.,et al, 1996

Whipple Disease Confined to the Central Nervous System in Childhood
AJNR 17:1589-1591, Duprez,T.P.J.,et al, 1996

Unusual Clinical Presentations of Cortical-Basal Ganglionic Degeneration
Ann Neurol 40:893-900, Bergeron,C.,et al, 1996

Isolated Vitamin E Deficiency
Muscle & Nerve 19:1161-1165996., Jackson,C.E.,et al, 1996

Clinical and Genetic Abnormalities in Patients with Friedreich's Ataxia
NEJM 335:1169-1175, 12221996., Durr,A.,et al, 1996

Progressive Ataxia, Focal Seizures, and Malabsorption Syndrome in a 41 Year Old Woman
JNNP 60:225-230, Mumford,C.J.,et al, 1996

A Man with Weight Loss, Ataxia, and Confusion for 3 Months
Lancet 347:448, Beversdorf,D.,et al, 1996

Reversibility of Cerebral Ventricular Enlargement in Anorexia Nervosa, Demonstrated by Quant MR
J Pediatr 128:296-301, Golden,N.H.,et al, 1996

Brief Report:Deficiency of a Dystrophin-Assoc Glycoprotein (Adhalin) in Pt with Muscular Dystrophy & Cardiomyopathy
NEJM 334:362-366, Fadic,R.,et al, 1996

A Simplified Six-Item Checklist for Screening for Fragile X Syndrome in the Pediatric Population
J Pediatr 129:611-614, Giangreco,C.A.,et al, 1996

Cognitive Dysfunction as the Major Presenting Feature of Becker's Muscular Dystrophy
Neurol 46:461-465, North,K.N.,et al, 1996

Clinical Heterogeneity of Adhalin Deficiency
Ann Neurol 39:196-202, Morandi,L.,et al, 1996

Wernicke's Encephalopathy After Vertical Banded Gastroplasty for Morbid Obesity
BMJ 312:434, Seehra,H.,et al, 1996

Optic Neuropathy
Neurol 46:315-322, Newman,N.J., 1996

MRI of White Matter Changes in the Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome
Neuroradiology 37:576-577, Hussain,M.Z.&Aihara,M., 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Focal Cortical Dysplasia, Case 7-1996, NEJM 334:586-592996., , 1996

Cognitive Impairment & Mortality in a Cohort of Elderly People
BMJ 312:608-611, Gale,C.R.,et al, 1996

Reduced Response to Activated Protein C is Associated with Increased Risk for Cerebrovascular Disease
Ann Int Med 125:265-269, van der Bom,J.G.,et al, 1996

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Associated with Factor V Gene Mutation
JNNP 61:204-205, Kimber,T.,et al, 1996

Carotid Artery Thrombus Associated with Severe Iron-Deficiency Anemia and Thrombocytosis
Stroke 27:1002-1005, Akins,P.T.,et al, 1996

Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Cobalamin Deficiency
Neurol 46:832-834, Chatterjee,A.,et al, 1996

Effect of Malnutrition after Acute Stroke on Clinical Outcome
Stroke 27:1028-1032, Davalos,A.,et al, 1996

Diagnosis of McArdle's Disease by Molecular Genetic Analysis of Blood
Neurol 47:579-580, El-Schahawi,M.,et al, 1996

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy:Clinical & Pathologic Study of 50 Pts with Classical (Occidental) Merosin-Positive Form
Neurol 46:815-818, Kobayashi,O.,et al, 1996

Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Syndromes Distinguished by Alkaline and Acid Phosphatase, Merosin, & Dystrophin Staining
Neurol 46:810-814, Connolly,A.M.,et al, 1996

The Relation of Transient Hypothyroxinemia in Preterm Infants to Neurologic Development at Two Years of Age
NEJM 334:821-827, 8571996., Reuss,M.L.,et al, 1996

Ethylene Oxide Neurotoxicity:A Cluster of 12 Nurses with Peripheral and Central Nervous System Toxicity
Neurol 46:992-998, Brashear,A.,et al, 1996

Maternal Phenylketonuria:Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain in Offspring
J Pediatr 128:770-775, Levy,H.L.,et al, 1996

Leigh Syndrome:Clinical Features and Biochemical DNA Abnormalities
Ann Neurol 39:343-351, Rahman,S.,et al, 1996

Niemann-Pick Disease Type C from Bench to Bedside
JAMA 276:561-564, Schiffmann,R., 1996

Intellectual Impairment in Children Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Utero
NEJM 335:783-789, Jacobson,J.L.,et al, 1996

Mastocytosis-Induced Nyctalopia
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 16:115-119, Lesser,R.L.,et al, 1996

Frequency of Dementia in Parkinson Disease
Arch Neurol 42:428-431, Aarsland,D.,et al, 1996

Clinicopath Conf
Tangier Disease, Case 16-1996, NEJM 334:1389-1394996., , 1996

Intelligence and the X Chromosome
Lancet 347:1814-1815, Turner,G., 1996

The Epilepsy of Trisomy 9p
Neurol 47:821-824, Stern,J.M., 1996

Subcortical Heterotopia:A Distinct Clinicoradiologic Entity
AJNR 17:1315-1322, Barkovich,A.J., 1996

X-Linked Malformation of Neuronal Migration
Neurol 47:331-339, Dobyns,W.B.,et al, 1996

Iron Deficiency Anaemia and Febrile Convulsions:Case-Control Study in Children Under 2 Years
BMJ 313:343, Pisacane,A.,et al, 1996

Reversible Parkinsonism and Cognitive Impairment with Chronic Valproate Use
Neurol 47:626-635, Armon,C.,et al, 1996

Startle Provoked Epileptic Seizures:Features in 19 Patients
JNNP 61:151-156, Manford,M.R.A.,et al, 1996

The Inherited Ataxias and the New Genetics
JNNP 61:327-332, Hammans,S.R., 1996

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