Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
abscess, intracerebral
abscess, intracranial
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease, diagnosis of
amaurosis fugax
amyloid beta protein
amyloid imaging
anatomy of
aneurysm, asymptomatic
aneurysm, berry
aneurysm, cavernous sinus
aneurysm, intracranial
aneurysm, intracranial, screening for
angiography, cerebral
anterior cerebral artery, emboli to
anterior cerebral artery, occlusion of
antibiotic prophylaxis
anticardiolipin antibodies
anticoagulant, treatment
anticoagulant, treatment in CVD
antiphospholipid antibodies
antiviral agents
arterial dissection
arterial dissection, carotid
artificial intelligence
ataxic gait
autonomic dysfunction
basal cistern
basal cistern, increased attenuation
basilar artery occlusion
battered child syndrome
behavioral disorder
bicaudate index
blood cultures
brain biopsy
brain scan
brain scan, abnormal
brain scan, false negative
brain scan, false positive
cardiac surgery
carotid artery disease
carotid artery occlusion, intracranial
carotid artery pseudoocclusion
carotid artery stenosis
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, abscess, cerebral
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, angiography, false negative
CAT scan, angiography, false positive
CAT scan, brain scan compared to
CAT scan, brain tumors
CAT scan, cardiac, ultrafast
CAT scan, cerebrovascular disease
CAT scan, chest
CAT scan, dense artery sign
CAT scan, emission
CAT scan, emission, abnormal
CAT scan, false negative
CAT scan, false positive
CAT scan, helical
CAT scan, myelogram with
CAT scan, pelvis
CAT scan, perfusion
CAT scan, spine
cavernous hemangioma
cavernous sinus, meningioma
CD4 counts
central venous catheter
cerebellar lesion
cerebral edema
cerebral embolism
cerebral embolism, cardiac origin
cerebral ischemia
cerebral vasculature, calcification
cerebral veins
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebral venous thrombosis, etiology
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrospinal fluid, elevated protein of
cerebrospinal fluid, oligoclonal IgG in
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, acute management of
cerebrovascular accident, arterial occlusion, location
cerebrovascular accident, awakening with
cerebrovascular accident, classification
cerebrovascular accident, etiology
cerebrovascular accident, mimics
cerebrovascular accident, multiple
cerebrovascular accident, prognosis in
cerebrovascular accident, thrombolytic agents in treatment
cerebrovascular accident, vascular territory involved
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
cerebrovascular disease, risk factors in
circle of Willis
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
computers, neurologic diagnosis and
conduction block
congenital heart disease
contrast agent
controversies in neurology
cost effectiveness
cranial nerves, vascular compression
creatine phosphokinase(CPK)elevated
cyst, ovary
dense middle cerebral artery sign
dental procedure, neurologic complications with
diagnostic criteria
dural sinus thrombosis
dyskinesia, buccal lingual facial
echocardiogram, transesophageal
echocardiogram, transesophageal, false negative
electrocardiogram, abnormal
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
embolism, septic
empyema, epidural
empyema, subdural
encephalitis, paraneoplastic
endocarditis, acute bacterial
endocarditis, infectious
endocarditis, prophylaxis
endocarditis, subacute bacterial
endovascular therapy
epidemiology of neurology
epilepsia partialis continua
eye movement, disorders of
false positive
false positive VDRL
falx cerebri
falx sign
falx sign, false
fibrinolytic agents
fibrinolytic agents, intra-arterial local infusion
finger nose finger test
gait disorder
glioblastoma multiforme(astrocytoma Gr.III)
hallucination, visual
headache, progressive
heart block
heart valve surgery
heart valve, prosthetic
hematocrit, neurologic complications with elevation of
hematuria, microscopic
hemianopia, homonymous
hemianopia, isolated homonymous
Horner's syndrome
human immunodeficiency virus type 1, false positive
human immunodeficiency virus type 2
implantable cardioverter defibrillator
infarct core
internal carotid artery
intracardiac device
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracranial pressure, increased
intravenous drug abuse
intravenous line
ischemic core
ischemic penumbra
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
Janeway spots
lacunar infarction
lacunar syndrome
lateral sinus
lateral sinus thrombosis
limbic encephalitis
lupus anticoagulant
medical-legal aspects of neurology
memory, defect of recent
memory, impairment of
meningeal enhancement
meningioma, sphenoid wing
mental status, abnormal
middle cerebral artery, emboli to
middle cerebral artery, occlusion of
mitral valve lesion
mitral valve vegetation
movement disorder
MRI, abnormal
MRI, angiography
MRI, angiography, false positive
MRI, artifacts
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, cerebrovascular disease
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, false negative
MRI, false positive
MRI, negative
MRI, ring sign
MRI, spine
MRI, venography
multimodal neuroimaging
myasthenia gravis
myasthenia gravis, diagnosis
myasthenia gravis, misdiagnosis of
myasthenia gravis, ocular
mycotic aneurysm
nausea and vomiting
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS, hemorrhagic
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS-treatment of
neoplasm, posterior fossa
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neoplasm, primary of CNS
neurologic complications of, surgery
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
NIH stroke scale
NMDA antagonists
occipital lobe, lesion of
opportunistic infection
opportunistic infection, CNS
optic neuropathy
optic neuropathy, ischemic
oral contraceptives
oral contraceptives, cerbrovascular disease and
oral contraceptives, neurologic complications with
pacemaker, cardiac-transvenous
personality change
pituitary, microadenoma
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
polycythemia, primary
posterior cerebral artery embolism
posterior cerebral artery occlusion
primary intracranial hypotension
progressive neurologic disorder
protein 14-3-3, cerebrospinal fluid
protein 14-3-3, cerebrospinal fluid, false positive
prothrombin time, prolonged
pseudohyperdense MCA
pseudosubarachnoid hemorrhage
pupil, abnormality in neurologic disorders
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
RAPID CT perfusion maps
remote effect of cancer on the nervous system
retinal infarction
review article
rheumatoid arthritis factor(R.A.factor)
risk factors
seizure, focal
seizure, nonconvulsive
sigmoid notch sign
spinal stenosis
spinal stenosis, cervical canal
staphylococcus aureus
status epilepticus, nonconvulsive
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subarachnoid hemorrhage, interhemispheric
subconjunctival hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
subdural hematoma, bilateral
subdural hematoma, interhemispheric
superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
tensilon test
tensilon test, false positive
teratoma, ovarian
thrombolysis, mechanical
toxoplasmosis, CNS
transient ischemic attack
transverse sinus stenosis
treatment of neurologic disorder
trigeminal nerve
trigeminal neuralgia, surgical treatment of
trigeminal neuralgia, treatment of
venous sinus atresia
vision, blurred
visual field defect
walking, difficulty with
weight loss
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 16377 Next >>

Stroke Mimics in the Acute Setting: Role of Multimodal CT Protocol
AJNR 43:216-222, Prodi, E.,et al, 2022

External Validation of e-ASPECTS Software for Interpreting Brain CT in Stroke
Ann Neurol 92:943-957, Mair,G.,et al, 2022

Ischemic Core Overestimation on Computed Tomography Perfusion
Stroke 52:1751-1760, Garcia-Tornel, A.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020

Automated CT Perfusion Imaging for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 93:888-898, Vagal, A.,et al, 2019

Infective Endocarditis
Lancet 387:882-893, Cahill, T.J. & Prendergast, B.D., 2016

PET Imaging for Alzheimer Disease: Are Its Benefits Worth the Cost?
JAMA 309:1099-1100, Mitka, M., 2013

Differentiation of Transverse Sinus Thrombosis From Congenitally Atretic Cerebral Transverse Sinus with CT
Stroke 43:1968-1970, Chik, Y.,et al, 2012

Hyperdense or Pseudohyperdense MCA Sign, A Damocles Sword?
Neurol 72:116-117, Jha,B. & Kothari,M., 2009

Clinicopath Conf., Anti-MNDAR Antibody Mediated Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
NEJM 359:842-853, Case 26-2008, 2008

Identification of Embolic Stroke Patterns by Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Clinically Defined Lacunar Stroke Syndromes
Stroke 36:757-761, Wessels,T.,et al, 2005

Pseudo-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:A CT-Finding in Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
Neurol 65:135-137, Schievink,W.I.,et al, 2005

Antivonvulsants for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
Lancet 361:224, Fioel,A.,et al, 2003

Pseudo-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Potential Imaging Pitfall Associated with Diffuse Cerebral Edema
AJNR 24:254-256, Given,C.A. II,et al, 2003

Polycythemia Mimicking Venous Sinus Thrombosis
AJNR 23:1402-1403, Healy,J.F.&Nichols,C., 2002

CT Angiography in the Rapid Triage of Patients with Hyperacute Stroke to Intraarterial Thrombolysis: Accuracy in the Detection of Large Vessel Thrombus
J Comput Assist Tomogr 25:520-528, Lev,M.H.,et al, 2001

Intraarterial Thrombolysis: Ready for Prime Time?
AJNR 22:55-58, Executive Committee of the ASITN, 2001

"Pseudoocclusion"of the Internal Carotid Artery:A Pitfall on Intracranial MRA
J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:831-833, Okamoto,K.,et al, 1997

Three-Dimensional CT Angiography in the Detection and Characterization of Intracranial Berry Aneurysms
AJNR 17:439-445, Hope,J.K.A.,et al, 1996

Assessment of the Narrow Cervical Spinal Canal:A Prospective Comparison of MRI, Myelography and CT-Myelography
Neuroradiology 37:187-191, Reul,J.,et al, 1995

Vascular Contact with the Fifth Cranial Nerve at the Pons in Patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia
AJR 163:1447-1452, Meaney,J.F.M.,et al, 1994

Magnetic Resonance Angiography of Cervicocranial Dissection
Stroke 24:126-131, Bui,L.N.,et al, 1993

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Neurol Clin 10:87-111, Ameri,A.&Bousser,M-G., 1992

A Randomized Trial of Surgery in the Treatment of Single Metastases to the Brain
NEJM 322:494-500, 5441990., Patchell,R.A.,et al, 1990

Pituitary Microadenomas:A PET Study
Radiology 177:39-44, DeSouza,B.,et al, 1990

MRI of Intracranial Sinovenous Thrombosis:The Role of Phase Imaging
Magn Reson Imaging 8:315-320, Nadel,L.,et al, 1990

Partial Seizures with Visual Disturbance Treated by Radiotherapy of Cavernous Hemangioma
Ann Neurol 26:782-785, Lance,J.W.&Smee,R.I., 1989

Ocular Pseudomyasthenia or Ocular Myasthenia'Plus':A Warning to Clinicians
Neurol 39:1150-1154, Moorthy,G.,et al, 1989

Neurological Disease Associated with Antiphospholipid Antibodies
Ann Neurol 25:221-227, Briley,D.P.,et al, 1989

Proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
Ann Neurol 20:502-507, Salgado,E.D.,et al, 1986

Emission & Transmission Brain Tomography
BMJ 1:438-440, Ell,P.J.,et al, 1980

Ventriculitis in an Adult Delineated by Radio Nuc. Brain Scan, Asso. with Misleading Findings on CT
Arch Neurol 37:381-383, Singh,R.S.,et al, 1980

The False Falx Sign
Radiology 134:421-425, Osborn,A.G.,et al, 1980

Difficulties in Diagnosis of Supratentorial Gliomas by CAT Scan
JNNP 42:485-492, Kendall,B.E.,et al, 1979

The Bilateral Isodense Subdural Hematoma on Computerized Tomographic Scan
Arch Neurol 36:305-307, Greenhouse,A.H.,et al, 1979

Computed Tomography (CT) in the Diagnosis of Intracranial Abscesses
Neurol 27:1069, Kaufman,D.M.,et al, 1977

Comparison of Radionuclide Scans with Computer-assisted Tomography in Diagnosis of Intracranial Disease
Neurol 26:1119, Clifford,J.R.,et al, 1976

Distinguishing Transient Cerebral Ischemia From Other Brief Neurologic Events
Neurol 102:e208024, Warach,S. & Schellinger, P.D., 2024

Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT as Possible Early Diagnostic Tool Preceding MRI Changes in Borna Disease Virus 1 Encephalitis
Lancet 403:665-666, Bayas, A., et al, 2024

Clinicopathological Conference, Glutamic Acid Decarborylase 65 Autoantibody-Associated Stiff-Person Syndrome
NEJM 390:1712-1719, Case 14-2024, 2024

HaNDL Syndrome The Innocent Lymphocytic Pleocytosis
Neurologist 29:163-165, Keskin,K.G.,et al, 2024

Imaging Outcomes of Emergency MR Imaging in Dizziness and Vertigo:A Retrospective Cohort Study
AJNR 45:819-825, Happonen,T.,et al, 2024

MR Imaging Findings in Anti-Leucine-Rich Glioma Inactivated Protein 1 Encephalitis:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
AJNR 45:977-986, Almeida,F.C.,et al, 2024

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
NEJM 391:1028-1037, Salvarani,C.,et al, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Infective Endocarditis Due to Haemophilus Parainfluenza
NEJM 391:2148-2157, Case 38-2024, 2024

Guidelines in Action: Worse Headache of Life...Yesterday
Stroke 54:e488-e491, Albin,C.S.W., 2023

Neurologic Complications of Babesiosis, United States, 2011-2021
Emerg Inf Dis 29:1127-1135, Locke,S.,et al, 2023

Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease (MOGAD): Clinical Features and Diagnosis, March, Flanagan,E.P. & Tillema,J-M, 2023

Progressive Hemiparesis and White Matter Abnormalities in an HIV-Negative Patient
Neurol 100:1156-1163, Jabbari,E.,et al, 2023

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 16377 Next >>