Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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abscess, intracerebral
abscess, intracerebral, multiple
abscess, intracerebral, tuberculous
abscess, intracranial-fungal
aneurysm, cavernous sinus
aneurysm, fusiform
aneurysm, giant cerebral
aneurysm, intracranial
angiitis, isolated of CNS
angiitis, isolated of CNS, tumefactive
angiography, cerebral, beaded vessels
angiography, cerebral
angiography, cerebral, false negative
angiography, cerebral, negative
ataxic gait
basal ganglia, lesion of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
brain biopsy
brainstem, lesion of
calcification, intracranial
calcification, intracranial, rim
carotid artery calcification
carotid artery disease
carotid artery occlusion, neck
carotid artery pseudoocclusion
carotid artery stenosis
carotid ring sign
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, ring sign
cerebellar lesion
cerebral cortex
cerebral infarction, hemorrhagic
cerebral vasculature, calcification
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrospinal fluid, elevated protein of
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, acute management of
cerebrovascular accident, bilateral
cerebrovascular accident, multiple
cerebrovascular accident, three territory involvement
cerebrovascular accident, topographic pattern
cerebrovascular accident, women
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
corpus callosum
corpus callosum, lesion of
cortical infarction
cortical infarction, small
deafness, bilateral
deafness, sudden
deep gray nuclei
dementia, rapidly progressive
differential diagnosis
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
endovascular therapy
fundus, abnormality of
funduscopic exam
fungal infection, CNS
genetic neurologic disorders
gray matter
gyrus, abnormal
hearing loss
hearing loss, bilateral
hearing loss, sudden, bilateral
immunosuppressive agents
impaired vigilance
intellectual deficit
internal carotid artery
intracerebral hemorrhage
Leigh's disease
lenticular nucleus, lesion of, bilateral
lobar atrophy
MELAS syndrome
memory, impairment of
meningeal enhancement
meningitis, TB
mental status, abnormal
microangiopathy, brain
microangiopathy, retina
mitochondrial disease
molecular genetics
MRI, abnormal
MRI, angiography
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, gradient-echo
MRI, high signal foci on
MRI, lesion burden
MRI, punctate pattern
MRI, ring sign, open
MRI, serial
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, susceptibility weighted
MRI, target sign
multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis, misdiagnosis
muscle biopsy
myelitis, longitudinal
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic examination, focal
neurologic signs
overlap syndrome
owl's eye sign of spinal cord
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
psychiatric disorder
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
putamen, lesion of, bilateral
retinal artery occlusion
retinal branch artery occlusion
retinal infarction
review article
sensorineural hearing loss
shunt procedure, ventricular
spinal cord, lesion of
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral convexity
substantia nigra
suprasellar lesion
Susac's syndrome
symmetric brain lesions
thalamus, lesion of
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
Three territory sign
treatment of neurologic disorder
tuberculoma of CNS
visual loss
white matter disease
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 6362 Next >>

Diagnostic Performance of Carotid Ring Sign on CT-Angiography in Internal Carotid True Occlusion
Stroke 55:1025-1031, Yi,T.,et al, 2024

Pediatric Leigh Syndrome
Ann Neurol 88:218-232, Alves, C.A.P.F.,et al, 2020

Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Stroke 48:1248-1255, Boulouis, G.,et al, 2017

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Aspergillosis: Imaging and Pathological Correlations
PLoS ONE 11:DOI:10.1371/Journal.pone.0152474, Marzoif, G.,et al, 2016

Retinocochleocerebral Vasculopathy
Medicine 77:12-40, Petty,G.W.,et al, 1998

Computed Tomography of Intracranial Tuberculosis
Neuroradiology 33:126-135, Jinkins,J.R., 1991

Correlation of Computed Tomographic, Angiographic, & Neuropathological Changes in Giant Cerebral Aneurysms
Radiology 132:85-92, Pinto,R.S.,et al, 1979

Eagle Syndrome
Stat Pearls NBK 430789, Bokhari,M.R.,et al, 2024

Clinicopathologic Conference, Brain Abscess Due to Infection with Listeria Monocytogeneses
NEJM 391:1529-1538, Case 33-2024, 2024

Tranexamic Acid Within 4.5 Hours of Intracerebral Hemorrhage With the CTA Spot Sign, Systematic Review and Individual Patient Meta-Analysis
Neurol 103:e210104, Yassi,N.,et al, 2024

Spot Sign in Hemorrhagic Transformation of Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 96:591-592, Kone,G.,et al, 2024

Carotid Computed Tomography Crescent Sign
Stroke 54:e235-e236, Zedde,M.,et al, 2023

Multiple "Rings" in the Brain
BMJ 383:e077299, Li, al, 2023

A Young Woman with Rapidly Progressive Weakness and Paresthesia
Neurol 101:676-681, Alwakeel,S.S.,et al, 2023

Tuberculous Optochiasmatic Arachnoiditis
NEJM 388:641, Sherman,S.V., 2023

Cerebral Alveolar Echinococcosis
NEJM 388:453, Ju,H. & Liu,C., 2023

A 25-Year-Old Woman With Eye Swelling and HEadache
Neurol 100:879-883, Hehir,A.,et al, 2023

Snake-Fang Sign on Carotid Ultrasonography:A Source of Free-Floating Thrombus and Embolic Stroke
Stroke 54:e296-e298, Vera-Caceres,C.,et al, 2023

Endarterectomy, Stenting, or Medical Treatment for Symptomatic Carotid Near-Occlusion: Results from CAOS, a Multicenter Registry Study
AJNR 43:1304-1310, Garcia-Pastor, A.,et al, 2022

Progressive Vertebrobasilar Vasculopathy and Stroke Secondary to Giant Cell Arteritis
Stroke 53:e435-e438, Mahjoub, Y.,et al, 2022

A 57-Year-Old Man with Stepwise Progressive Paraparesis, Sensory Loss, Urinary Retention, and Constipation
Neurol 98:e555-e560, Alkabie, S.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Seizure from Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 385:1894-1902, Case 34-2021, 2021

An Unexpected Response to Therapy in a Patient with HIV and Focal Seizures
Neurol 97:1084-1089, Chishimba, L.,et al, 2021

An Intramedullary Mass
BMJ 374:m1948, Yang, J.S.,et al, 2021

Nocardial Brain Abscesses
NEJM 385:e53, Sherman, S.V., 2021

Transocular Sonography in Acute Arterial Occlusions of the Eye in Elderly Patients
PlusOne, Czihal, M.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

A Woman with Headache, Hemiplegia, and Recent Toothache
BMJ 372:n10, Yuen, J. & Muquit, S., 2021

A Vertebral Artery Halo Sign Indicates Giant Cell Arteritis Affecting the Posterior Circulation of the Brain
Lancet 397:e6, Lambrechts, R.A.,et al, 2021

Headache, Cognitive Decline, and a Curious Rim-Enhancing Lesion
JAMA Neurol 78:613-614, Beaman, C.B.,et al, 2021

Cocaine and Levamisole Cerebral Toxicity
Ann Neurol 89:1253-1254, Allard, J.,et al, 2021

A 29-Year-Old Man with Fevers and Rapidly Progressive Cranial Neuropathies
Neurol 97:95-98, Dessy, A.,et al, 2021

Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020

A 25-year-old Woman with Recurrent Episodes of Collapse and Loss of Consciousness
Neurol 94:994-999, Wildman, J.,et al, 2020

Burning Pain in the Legs
NEJM 383:e18, Sacks, C.A., 2020

Pyogenic Brain Abscesses in a Patient with Digital Clubbing
JAMA Neurol 77:129-130, Paliwal, V.K.,et al, 2020

Cerebral Metastases
NEJM 382:e36, Sacks, C.A., 2020

MR Target Sign in Cerebral Aspergillosis
Neurohospitalist doi:10.1177/1941874420929191, Finelli, P.F., 2020

The Spectrum of Neurologic Disease in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic Infection
JAMA Neurol 77:679-680, Pleasure, S.J.,et al, 2020

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Nocardiosis
UptoDate May, Spelman, D., 2019

MR Imaging of the Brain in Neurologic Wilson Disease
AJNR 40:178-183, Yu, X.-E.,et al, 2019

Eccentric Target Sign in CNS Toxoplasmosis
Neurol 92:e516-e518, Cheng, Y-C.,et al, 2019

Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Its Neurologic Manifestations
JAMA Neurol 76:217-226, Touze, E.,et al, 2019

A 65-year-old Woman with Subacute Hemiballism
Neurol 92:345-349, Cacic, K.,et al, 2019

Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
Stroke 50:2253-2258, Burton, T.M. & Bushnell, C.D., 2019

A 68-year-old Man with Rapid Cognitive Decline
Neurol 93:315-318, Berth, S.H.,et al, 2019

Metastatic Malignant Lymphoma Mimicking Cerebral Toxoplasmosis with the "Target Sign"
Intern Med 58:1157-1162, Ueno, H.,et al, 2019

Diagnostic Tools for Immune Causes of Encephalitis
Clin Microbiol Infect 25:431-436, Lascano, A.M.,et al, 2019

The Heart Sign in a Patient with Apparent Locked-In Syndrome
Neurol 91:e2102-e2103, Cardenas, Y.M.,et al, 2018

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 6362 Next >>