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Showing articles 50 to 100 of 191 << Previous Next >>

Results of the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) Trial by Stroke Subtypes
Stroke 40:1405-1409, Amarenco,P.,et al, 2009

Statin Therapy After First Stroke Reduces 10-Year Stroke Recurrence and Improves Survival
Neurol 72:1816-1822, Milionis,H.J.,et al, 2009

Toxic and Drug-Induced Myopathies
JNNP 80:832-838, Dalakas,M.C., 2009

Statin Treatment and Stroke Outcome in the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) Trial
Stroke 40:3526-3531,3413, Goldstein,L.,et al, 2009

Interventions in the Management of Serum Lipids for Preventing Stroke Recurrence
Stroke 40:e622-e623, Manktelow,B. &Potter,J., 2009

Statin Treatment and the Occurrence of Hemorrhagic Stroke in Patients With a History of Cerebrovascular Disease
Stroke 39:497-502, Vergouwen,M.D.I.,et al, 2008

Statin Use and the Risk of Parkinson Disease
Neurol 70:1418-1422, Wahner,A.D.,et al, 2008

Statin Therapy for Stroke Prevention
Stroke 39:1042-1048, Nassief,A. &Marsh,J.D., 2008

Progress in Secondary Stroke Prevention
Ann Neurol 63:418-427, Romano,J.G. &Sacco,R.L., 2008

Hemorrhagic Stroke in the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels Study
Neurol 70:2364-2370,2355, Goldstein,L.B.,et al, 2008

Effect of Simvastatin on Cognitive Functioning in Children With Neurofibromatosis Type 1: A Randomized Controlled Trial
JAMA 300:287-294, Krab,L.C.,et al., 2008

Relative Effects of Statin Therapy on Stroke and Cardiovascular Events in Men and Women: Secondary Analysis of the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) Study
Stroke 39:2444-2448, Goldstein,L.B.,et al., 2008

SLC01B1 Variants and Statin-Induced Myopathy -- A Genomewide Study
NEJM 359:789-799, The SEARCH Collaborative Group, 2008

Combining Beta Interferon and Atorvastatin May Increase Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 71:1390-1395,1386, Birnbaum,G.,et al, 2008

Statin Induced Myopathy
BMJ 337:1159-1162, Sathasivam,S. &Lecky,B., 2008

Effect of Rosuvastatin on Progression of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Low-Risk Individuals with Subclinical Atherosclerosis
JAMA 297:1344-1353,1376, Crouse III,J.R.,et al, 2007

Combining Multiple Approaches for the Secondary Prevention of Vascular Events After Stroke: A Quantitative Modeling Study
Stroke 38:1881-1885,1736, Hackam,D.D. &Spence,J.D., 2007

Discontinuation of Statin Therapy and Clinical and Outcome After Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 38:2652-2657, Colvicchi,F.,et al, 2007

Statin-Associated Myasthenia Gravis
Medicine 85:82-85, Purvin,V.,et al, 2006

Antiplatelets, ACE Inhibitors, and Statins Combination Reduces Stroke Severity and Tissue At Risk
Neurol 66:1153-1158, Kumar,S.,et al, 2006

High-Dose Atorvastatin After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
NEJM 355:549-559,613, The Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) Investigators, 2006

Discontinuation of Statin Treatment in Stroke Patients
Stroke 37:2640-2643, Endres,M. &Laufs,U., 2006

Underappreciated Statin-Induced Myopathic Weakness Causes Disability
Neurorehabil Neural Repair 19:259-263, Dobkin,B.H., 2005

Expanding Indications for Statins in Cerebral Ischemia
Arch Neurol 62:67-72,23, Ovbiagele,B.,et al, 2005

Atorvastatin for the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease
Arch Neurol 62:753-757, Sparks,D.L.,et al, 2005

Effect of Pravastatin on Cerebral Infarcts and White Matter Lesions
Neurol 64:1807-1809, ten Dam,V.H.,et al, 2005

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors Improve Acute Ischemic Stroke Outcomes
Stroke 36:1298-1300, Moonis,M.,et al, 2005

Statin Use and the Risk of Incident Dementia
Arch Neurol 62:1047-1051, Rea,T.D.,et al, 2005

Lipid-Lowering Agent Use at Ischemic Stroke Onset is Associated with Decreased Mortality
Neurol 65:253-258, Elkind,M.S.V.,et al, 2005

Efficacy and Safety of Cholesterol-Lowering Treatment: Prospective Meta-Analysis of Data from 90056 Participants in 14 Randomised Trials of Statins
Lancet 366:1267-1278, Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (CTT) Collaborators, 2005

Statins Are Associated With Better Outcomes After Carotid Endarterectomy in Symptomatic Patients
Stroke 36:2072-2076,2058, Kennedy,J.,et al, 2005

Statins and Cognitive Functioning the Elderly
Neurol 65:1388-1394, Bernick,C.,et al, 2005

Rhabdomyolysis: An Evaluation of 475 Hospitalized Patients
Medicine 84:377-385, Melli,G.,et al, 2005

Lipid Lowering Agents Are Associated With a Slower Cognitive Decline in Alzheimers Disease
JNNP 76:1624-1629, Masse,I.,et al, 2005

Effects of Cholesterol-lowering with Simvastatin on Stroke and Other Major Vascular Events in 20 536 People with Cerebrovascular Disease or Other High-Risk Conditions
Lancet 363:757-767, Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group, 2004

Favorable Outcome of Ischemic Stroke in Patients Pretreated with Statins
Stroke 35:1117-1123, Marti-Fabregas,J.,et al, 2004

Statins in Stroke Prevention and Carotid Artherosclerosis, Systematic Review and Up-to-Date Meta-Analysis
Stroke 35:2902-2909, Amarenco,P.,et al, 2004

Incidence of Hospitalized Rhabdomyloysis in Patients Treated With Lipid-Lowering Drugs
JAMA 292:2585-2590, Graham,D.J.,et al, 2004

Statin-Associated Exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis
Neurol 63:2188, Cartwright,M.S.,et al, 2004

Oral Simvastin Treatment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Lancet 363:1607-1608,1570, Vollmer,T.,et al, 2004

Hypercholesterolemia, HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors, and Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Stroke 35:1360-1364, Woo,D.,et al, 2004

Cholesterol is Associated with Stroke But is Not a Risk Factor
Stroke 35:1524-1525,1526, Thrift,A.G., 2004

Cholesterol as a Risk Factor for Stroke
Stroke 35:1523-1524,1526, Piechowski-Jozwiak,B. &Bogousslavsky,J., 2004

Determination of Lipid Profiles and Use of Statins in Patients With Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke 34:105-110, Lalouschek,W.,et al, 2003

Statin-Associated Myopathy
JAMA 289:1681-1690, Thompson,P.D.,et al, 2003

Should I Start All My Ischaemic Stroke and TIA Patients on a Statin, an ACE Inhibitor, a Diuretic, and Aspirin Today?
JNNP 74:1461-1464, Sandercock,P.A.G., 2003

Dietary Fat Intake and Risk of Stroke in Male US Healthcare Professionals: 14 Year Prospective Cohort Study
BMJ 327:777-781, He,K.,et al, 2003

AAC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisory on the Use and Safety of Statins
Stroke 33:2337-2341, Pasternak,R.C.,et al, 2002

Statin-Associated Myopathy With Normal Creatine Kinase Levels
Ann Int Med 137:581-585,617, Phillips,P.S.,et al, 2002

New Evidence for Stroke Prevention
JAMA 288:1388-1395, Straus,S.E.,et al, 2002

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