Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, infants and children
alternating hemiplegia
alternating hemiplegia of childhood
amaurosis fugax
amyloid angiopathy, cerebral
anatomy of
aneurysm, asymptomatic
aneurysm, children
aneurysm, fusiform
aneurysm, intracranial
aneurysm, intracranial, familial
aneurysm, intracranial, screening for
aneurysm, intracranial, treatment of
aneurysm, multiple intracranial
angiitis, granulomatous of CNS
angiitis, isolated of CNS
angiography, cerebral
anterior cerebral artery, emboli to
anterior cerebral artery, occlusion of
anterior cerebral artery, stenosis of
anticoagulant, treatment
anticoagulant, treatment in CVD
arrhythmia, cardiac
arterial dissection
arterial dissection, carotid
arterial dissection, childhood
arteriovenous malformation
arteriovenous malformation, cerebral
atherosclerosis, premature
atrial myxoma
bacterial endocarditis, neurologic manifestations of
basal ganglia
basal ganglia, infarction
basilar artery occlusion
border zone hypoperfusion
border zone infarct
carotid angiogram
carotid artery
carotid artery atherosclerosis
carotid artery disease
carotid artery occlusion, bilateral
carotid artery occlusion, intracranial
carotid artery occlusion, neck
carotid artery stenosis
carotid artery stenosis, intracranial
carotid siphon
carotid-siphon occlusion
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, angiography, false negative
CAT scan, angiography, false positive
CAT scan, contraindications
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, early changes in CVA
CAT scan, emission
CAT scan, helical
CAT scan, isodense lesion with acute hemorrhage
caudate nucleus
caudate nucleus, hemorrhage of
cavernous hemangioma
central retinal vein occlusion
cerebellar hemorrhage
cerebral arteries
cerebral arteries, contrast enhanced
cerebral atherosclerosis
cerebral autosomal dominate arteriopathy with subcortical infarction and leukoencephalopathy
cerebral blood flow
cerebral embolism
cerebral embolism, cardiac origin
cerebral infarction
cerebral infarction, hemorrhagic
cerebral infarction, subcortical
cerebral ischemia
cerebral vasculature
cerebral veins
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebral venous thrombosis, etiology
cerebral vessels, microscopic exam
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, acute management of
cerebrovascular accident, bilateral
cerebrovascular accident, cardiac disease causing
cerebrovascular accident, cryptogenic
cerebrovascular accident, etiology
cerebrovascular accident, familial occurrence
cerebrovascular accident, infancy and childhood
cerebrovascular accident, intrauterine
cerebrovascular accident, multiple
cerebrovascular accident, neonatal
cerebrovascular accident, non atherosclerotic cause of
cerebrovascular accident, prevention of
cerebrovascular accident, prognosis in
cerebrovascular accident, racial differences
cerebrovascular accident, recurrent
cerebrovascular accident, silent
cerebrovascular accident, surgical treatment of
cerebrovascular accident, thrombolytic agents in treatment
cerebrovascular accident, women
cerebrovascular accident, work up for
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
cerebrovascular disease
cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease with
cerebrovascular disease, infant and childhood
cerebrovascular disease, natural history of
cerebrovascular disease, predisposed factor in
cerebrovascular disease, risk factors in
cerebrovascular disease, surgical treatment of
choroid plexus
chromosomal abnormality
chromosome 17
cigarette smoking
circle of Willis
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
collateral circulation
complicated migraine
congenital heart disease
congenital heart disease, CNS complications with
congenital malformation
congestive heart failure
contrast agent
contrast agents, neurotoxicity of
controversies in neurology
cortical blindness
cortical vein thrombosis
dementia, cerebrovascular disease causing
drug abuse
drug abuse, neurologic complications of
dural arteriovenous malformation
dural sinus thrombosis
ectatic carotid artery
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Eisenmenger's syndrome
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
electroencephalogram, focal delta activity
electroencephalogram, spike activity
embolism, paradoxical
embolism, septic
encephalitis, human immunodeficiency virus type 1
endocarditis, infectious
endovascular therapy
epidemiology of neurology
episodic disorders
episodic shaking
external carotid artery, disease
extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass
Fabry's disease
facial pain
falx cerebri
fibrinolytic agents
fibrinolytic agents, intra-arterial local infusion
fibromuscular dysplasia
fingers, abnormal
Fisher C.M.
frontal lobe, anatomy and physiology
genetic neurologic disorders
giant cell arteritis
head injury
headache, children
headache, severe
headache, vascular
hemianopia, homonymous
hemiparesis, transient
hemodynamics, regional after stroke
hemoglobin abnormality, neurologic complications of
heralding manifestation
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT)
human immunodeficiency virus type 1
hypoglossal artery, persistent
iatrogenic neurologic disorders
infantile hemiplegia
internal carotid artery
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracerebral hemorrhage, recurrent
intracerebral hemorrhage, treatment of
intracerebral hemorrhage, work up
intracerebral hemorrhage, young adult
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial stenosis, multiple
intraventricular hemorrhage
intraventricular hemorrhage, primary
ivy sign
jaw jerk, abnormal
Kaposi's sarcoma
lacunar infarction
left-right orientation
leukocyte alkaline phosphotase
level of consciousness, decreased
livedo reticularis
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, cerebral
malformation, vascular, familial
medullary streaks
memory, defect of recent
memory, impairment of
meningovascular syphilis
microhemorrhage, intracerebral
middle cerebral artery
middle cerebral artery territory infarction
middle cerebral artery territory infarction, malignant
middle cerebral artery, emboli to
middle cerebral artery, occlusion of
middle cerebral artery, stenosis of
migraine, hemiplegic
mitral valve prolapse
moyamoya, adult
MRI, abnormal
MRI, angiography
MRI, black blood sequence
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, field strength, high
MRI, flow void, blood
MRI, venography
MRI, vessel wall
MRI, vessel wall enhancement
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neoplastic angioendotheliosis
neurocutaneous disease
neurofibromatosis 1
neurologic complications of, systemic disease
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neuropathology, brain
neuropathology, peripheral nerves
occipital lobe, infarction
occipital lobe, infarction, bilateral
oral contraceptives
oral contraceptives, cerbrovascular disease and
palmomental response
Parkinson disease, arteriosclerotic
Parkinsonism syndrome
patent foramen ovale
platelet inhibiting drugs
polycythemia, primary
polycythemia, secondary
posterior cerebral artery embolism
posterior cerebral artery occlusion
posterior cerebral artery stenosis
posterior cerebral artery territory infarction
posterior cerebral artery, fetal type
posterior communicating artery
posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome
practice guidelines
pregnancy, neurologic complications in
prethrombic state, screening for
prevention of neurologic disorders
protein C deficiency
pseudoxanthoma elasticum
psychological testing
pulmonary stenosis
quarternary neurosyphilis
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
radiation vasculopathy
revascularization, surgical
reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndromes
review article
Reye's syndrome, prognosis of
risk factors
rubella syndrome
seizure, children
sickle cell disease
single photon emission computed tomography
skin, biopsy
skin, lesions in neurologic disorders
Sneddon's syndrome
speech disorder
spinal cord, anatomy of
spinal cord, blood supply of
spinal cord, pathologic exam of
steroid therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
stuttering following CVA
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subarachnoid hemorrhage, causes of
subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral convexity
subarachnoid hemorrhage, nonaneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrhage, normal cerebral angiography with
subarachnoid hemorrhage, work up
suck reflex
superficial temporal-middle cerebral artery anastomosis
syphilis, neurologic complications with
T lesion of MCA-ICA
tentorium cerebelli
tetralogy of Fallot
third nerve palsy
third nerve palsy, cyclic
thromboangiitis obliterans cerebri
thrombosis, cerebral
thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
tic, motor
transient ischemic attack
transient ischemic attack, evaluation
transient ischemic attack, young adult
transient neurologic deficit
transposition of the great vessels
treatment of neurologic disorder
trigeminal artery, persistent
tuberous sclerosis
ultrasonography, carotid artery
varicella zoster virus
varicella zoster virus, vasculopathy
vasculitis, large vessel
vasculopathy, non-occlusive
visual cortex
visual field defect
visual fields
visual loss
visual loss, sudden
Von Hippel Lindau
watershed infarcts
white matter disease
white matter disease, unilateral
Showing articles 50 to 83 of 83 << Previous

Diagnosis of Moyamoya Disease with Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Stroke 25:2159-2164, Houkin,K.,et al, 1994

Hemiplegic Migraine and Moyamoya Disease
Am J Dis Child 147:718-719, Bernstein,A.L., 1993

Adult Moyamoya Disease, An Unusual Cause of Stroke
BMJ 307:852-854, Chaudhuri,K.R.,et al, 1993

Vascular Dysplasia in Down Syndrome:A Possible Relationship to Moyamoya Disease
Brain Dev 14:248-251, Mito,T.&Becker,L.E., 1992

Intracranial MR Angiography:A Direct Comparison of Three Time-of-Flight Techniques
AJR 158:381-387, 3891992., Lewin,J.S.&Laub,G., 1992

Moyamoya Disease:Diagnosis with Three-Dimensional Time-of-Flight MR Angiography
Radiology 184:773-778, Yamada,I.,et al, 1992

Caudate Hemorrhage with Moyamoya-Like Vasculopathy from Atherosclerotic Disease
Stroke 23:1360-1363, Steinke,W.,et al, 1992

Involvement of the External Carotid Arteries in Moyamoya Disease: Neuroradiological Evaluation of 66 Patients
Neurosurgery 31:398-400, Hoshimaru,M. &Kikuchi, H., 1992

Systemic Vascular Changes in Spontaneous Occlusion of the Circle of Willis
Stroke 22:1358-1362, Ikeda,E., 1991

Accelerated Intracranial Occlusive Disease, Oral Contraceptives, and Cigarette Use
Neurol 41:1893-1901, Levine,S.R.,et al, 1991

Moyamoya Disease:MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 13:720-721, Brown,W.D.,et al, 1989

The Effect of Radiation of Carotid Arteries, A Review Article
Arch Neurol 46:449-455, Murros,K.E.&Toole,J.F., 1989

Unilateral Moya-Moya Disease:MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 31:442, Wilms,G.,et al, 1989

Cerebrovascular Disorders of Infancy
In Handbk of Clin Neurol, Elsevier Sci Publ, NY, 2:3188., Salam-Adams,M.&Adams,R.D., 1988

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Young Adults with Cerebral Infarction Due to Moyamoya
Arch Neurol 45:303-306, Bruno,A.,et al, 1988

Primary Intraventricular Hemorrhage:Clinical & Neuropsychological Fundings in a Prospective Stroke Series
Neurol 38:68-75, Darby,D.G.,et al, 1988

A Prospective Study of Cerebral Artery Atherosclerosis
Stroke 19:820-825, Reed,D.M.,et al, 1988

Cerebral Infarction Due to Moyamoya Disease in Young Adults
Stroke 19:826-833, Bruno,A.,et al, 1988

Quarternary Neurosyphilis
Morgello, S & Laufer, H. , NEJM 319:1549-1550, , 1988

Mendelian Etiologies of Stroke
Ann Neurol 22:175-192, Natowicz,M.&Kelley,R.I., 1987

Moyamoya and Other Causes of Stroke in Patients with Down Syndrome
pediatr Neurol 1:174-179, Pearson,E.,et al, 1985

Livedo Reticularis & Cerebrovascular Lesions (Sneddon's Syndrome) , Clin, Radiolog & Path Features in Eight Cases
Brain 106:965-979, Rebollo,M.,et al, 1983

Electroencephalographic Findings in Children With Moyamoya Disease
Arch Neurol 36:16-19, Kodama,N.,et al, 1979

The Normal Contrast-Enhanced Computed Axial Tomogram of the Brain
J Comput Assist Tomogr 1:16-29 1977., Naidich,T.P.,et al, 1977

Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation & the Primitive Trigeminal Artery
Arch Neurol 34:96, Jayaraman,A.,et al, 1977

Moya-Moya Disease in Black Adults
Arch Neurol 34:130, Makoyo,P.Z.,et al, 1977

Multiple Progressive Intracranial Arterial Occlusions ("moya-moya"disease)
JNNP 40:853, , 1977

Moyamoya Disease Presenting as a Seizure Disorder
Arch Neurol 34:511, Schoenberg,B.S., 1977

Case Records of MGH-Polycythemia
Carotid Occlusion & Cerebral Infarcts, NEJM 291:96674., , 1974

Examination of the Brain & Spinal Cord
Neuropathology, Little, Brown & Co. (Tedeschi) 1970., Romanul,F., 1970

The Circle of Willis:Anatomical Variations
Vascular Diseases, J Angio Res Found 2:991965., Fisher,C.M., 1965

Changes in Brain & Pial Vessels in Arterial Border Zones
Arch Neurol 11:40, Romanul,F.,et al, 1964

Volvular Epilepsy, A Distinctive & Underreported Seizure Type
Arch Neurol 43:260-262, Donaldson,I.M., 1986

Benign Versive or Circling Epilepsy with Bilateral 3-Cps Spike- & -Wave Discharges in Late Childhood
Ann Neurol 19:301-303, Gastaut,H.,et al, 1986

Showing articles 50 to 83 of 83 << Previous