Clinicopathological Conference, Chronic Candida Albicans Meningitis
NEJM 387:641-650, Case 25-2022, 2022
Stenosis of Azygos Anterior Cerebral Artery Results in Bilateral Anterior Cerebral Artery Strokes
Stroke 53:e448-e449, Yang, D.,et al, 2022
Primary Diffuse Larbe B-cell Lymphoma of the Cranial Vault with Trousseau Syndrome
J Med Case Reports 15:431, Uchida, T.,et al, 2021
Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis
JAMA doi:10.1001/JAMA/2021.22396, Dec, Adler-Milstein, J.,et al, 2021
Assessing the Utility of a Differential Diagnostic Generator in UK General Practice: A Feasibility Study
Diagnosis 8:91-99, Cheraghi-Sohi, S.,et al, 2021
Which Imaging Approach Should be Used for Stroke of Unknown Time of Onset?
Stroke 52:373-380, Simonsen, C.Z.,et al, 2021
Digital Health
Stroke 52:351-355, Silva, G.S. & Schwamm, L.H., 2021
A 48-Year-Old Man Presenting With Diplopia
Neurol 96:399-405, Pehere,N.K.,& Gofer,K., 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Lympohplasmic Lymphoma of the CNS (Bing-Neel Syndrome)
NEJM 384:745-753, Case 6-2021, 2021
Occipital Cortical Calcifications in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Stroke 52:1851-1855, Rasing, I.,et al, 2021
A 71-Year-Old Man with Horizontal Gaze Palsy, Anarthria, and Quadriparesis
Neurol 96:1146-1150, Cheema, I.,et al, 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Delayed Postthypoxic Leukoencephalopathy
NEJM 384:2438-2445, Case 19-2021, 2021
Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
NEJM 385:59-64, Ropper, A.H. & Kline, J.P., 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Seizure from Neurocysticercosis
NEJM 385:1894-1902, Case 34-2021, 2021
The First Examination of Diagnostic Performance of Automated Measurement of the Callosal Angle in 1856 Elderly Patients and Volunteers Indicates that 12.4% of Exams Met the Criteria for Possible Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
AJNR 42:1942-1948, Morzage, M.,et al, 2021
An Unexpected Response to Therapy in a Patient with HIV and Focal Seizures
Neurol 97:1084-1089, Chishimba, L.,et al, 2021
Clinicopathologic Conference, Fat Embolism Syndrome
NEJM 385:2464-2474, Case 39-2021, 2021
Determination of Brain Death
NEJM 385:2554-2561, Greer, D.M., 2021
Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Atrioesophageal Fistula Resulting From Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 32:2441-2450, Della Rocca,D.G.,et al, 2021
Recurrent Perimesencephalic Nonaneurysmal Subarachoid Hemmorrhage Within a Short Period of Time:A Case Report
World J Clin Cases 16:3356-3364, Li,J.,et al, 2021
Hypodense Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis on Unenhanced CT: A Potential Pitfall. Report of a Case and Review of the Literature
Radiol Case Reports 15:35-38, Neal,E. & Sturgeon,J., 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, Intraparenchymal & Intracranial Hemorrhage due to Birth Trauma
NEJM 382:656-664, Case 5-2020, 2020
New Onset Weakness in the Face and Arm
BMJ 368:L7077, Brites, L.,et al, 2020
Lesion Age Imaging in Acute Stroke: Water Uptake in CT Versus DWI-FLAIR Mismatch
Ann Neurol 88:1144-1152, Broocks, G.,et al, 2020
Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit and Reperfusion Therapy
Stroke 51:922-930, Zhao, H.,et al, 2020
Artificial Intelligence to Detect Papilledema from Ocular Fundus Photographs
NEJM 382:1687-1695,1760, Milea, D.,et al, 2020
Sudden and Complete Olfactory Loss Function as a Possible Symptom of COVID-19
JAMA Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg doi:10.1001/JAMAOTO.2020.0832, Elieyer, M.,et al, 2020
Coagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patients with Covid-19
NEJM 382:e38, Zhang, Y.,et al, 2020
Pneumocephalus Due to a Bronchoatrial Fistula
NEJM 382:1942, Zakko, A. & Bakhtiar, H., 2020
Clinicopathologic Conference, LGI1 autoimmune encephalitis
NEJM 382:1943-1950, Case 15-2020, 2020
Contrast-Induced Encephalopathy Following Coronary Angiography
Neurol 94:e2491-e2494, Harada, Y.,et al, 2020
Rapid Implementation of Virtual Neurology in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Neurol 94:1077-1087, Grossman, S.N.,et al, 2020
The Incidence of Central Neurological Disorders Among Patients with Isolated Dizziness and the Diagnostic Yield of Neuroimaging Studies
Neurologist 25:85-88, Idil, H.,et al, 2020
CT Scanning in Suspected Stroke or Head Trauma: Is It Worth Going the Extra Mile and Including the Chest to Screen for COVID-19 Infection?
AJNR 41:1165-1169, Kwee, R.M.,et al, 2020
Surprise Diagnosis of COVID-19 following Neuroimaging Evaluation for Unrelated Reasons during the Pandemic in Hot Spots
AJNR 41:1177-1178, Jain, R.,et al, 2020
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Stroke
Stroke 51:2573-2579, Mouridsen, K.,et al, 2020
Contrast-Induced Encephalopathy After Endovascular Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 51:3756-3759, Chu, Y.I.,et al, 2020
Multimodal CT or MRI for IV thrombolysis in ischemic stroke with unknown time of onset
Neurol 95:e2954-e2964, Macha, K.,et al, 2020
Analysis of 70 patients with hydrocephalus due to cobalamin C deficiency
Neurol 95:e3129-e3137, He, R.,et al, 2020
A 14-Year-Old Girl with Headache, Seizures, and Confusion
Neurol 92:e161-e167, Xiao, L.,et al, 2019
A Man with Headache, Fever, and Neck Stiffness
JAMA 321:1624-1625, Cooper, R.,et al, 2019
Automated Seizure Detection Accuracy for Ambulatory EEG Recordings
Neurol 92:e1540-e1546, Gonzalez Otarula, K.A.,et al, 2019
A Pain in the Neck: Calcific Tendinitis of the Longus Colli Muscle
Lancet doi:10:1016/50140-6736(10), Bannai, T.,et al, 2019
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia: A Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophy with a Characteristic MRI Pattern of Brain Stem Involvement
AJNR 40:903-907, Hartin, I.,et al, 2019
Accidental Air Embolism
Stroke 50:e183-e186, Chuang, D.Y.,et al, 2019
Reimagining Specialty Consultation in the Digital Age the Potential Role of Targeted Automatic Electronic Consultations
JAMA doi:10.1001/JAMA.2019.6607, Wachter, R.M.,et al, 2019
Imaging Features (CT, MRI, MRS, PET/CT) of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma in Immunocompetent Patients
Neurol Sci 40:535-542, Cheng, G. & Zhang, J., 2019
Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
Stroke 50:2253-2258, Burton, T.M. & Bushnell, C.D., 2019
Case 27-2019:A 16-Year-Old Girl with Head Trauma During a Sailboat Race
CPC,Concussion,Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Case 27-2019, NEJM 381:863-871, Iaccarino,M.A.,et al, 2019
Standards for Detecting, Interpreting, and Reporting Noncontrast Computed Tomographic Markers of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Expansion
Ann Neurol 86:480-492, Morotti, A.,et al, 2019