Neurology Specific Literature Search   

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abducens nerve paralysis
aneurysm, berry
aqueduct of Sylvius, obstruction
brain biopsy
calcification, intracranial
calcification, periventricular
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, disappearing lesion on
CAT scan, false negative
CAT scan, metrizamide
CAT scan, serial
central nervous system, infection of
cerebellar hemangioma
cerebellar hypoplasia
cerebral palsy
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, intrauterine
cerebrovascular accident, neonatal
choroid plexus
choroid plexus, abnormality of
choroid plexus, cyst
cisterna magna
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
colloid cyst
colloid cyst of third ventricle
congenital infection, CNS
congenital infection, viral
congenital malformation
cranial nerve palsies
cyst, arachnoid
cyst, arachnoid, infant
cyst, arachnoid, intraventricular
cyst, arachnoid, location of
cyst, arachnoid, posterior fossa
cyst, benign intracranial
cyst, cortical parenchyma
cyst, porencephalic
cyst, ventricular
cysticercosis, cerebral
cysticercosis, intraventricular
cysticercosis, spinal
cysticercosis, subarachnoid
Dominican Republic
drop attacks
endemic area
endoscopic surgery
epidemiology of neurology
episodic neurologic deficits
fourth ventricle, cyst
fourth ventricle, enlargement of
gait disorder
head circumference
headache, positional
headache, progressive
headache, severe
helminthic infection of CNS
hemianopia, homonymous
hemiplegia, congenital
hemorrhage, intracranial, newborn
hydrocephalus, episodic
hydrocephalus, fetal
hydrocephalus, non-communicating(obstructive)
hydrocephalus, normal pressure
hydrocephalus, transient
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial hypertension, benign
intracranial pressure, increased
intrauterine infection, viral
intrauterine infection, viral of CNS
intraventricular hemorrhage
jittery baby
lymphocytic choriomeningitis
malformation, CNS, congenital
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, cerebral
meningitis, aseptic
meningitis, basilar
meningitis, chronic
meningitis, cysticercosis
meningitis, eosinophilic
mental retardation
mental status, abnormal
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, incidental finding
muscle pain
nausea and vomiting
neurologic disease
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
optic nerve, enlarged
pain, abdominal
pain, leg
parasitic infection, CNS
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
posterior fossa, lesion of
review article
sedimentation rate, elevated
seizure, focal
serologic testing
serologic testing of cerebrospinal fluid
shunt procedure, ventricular
spinal cord, extramedullary cyst of
third ventricle, mass of
treatment of neurologic disorder
ultrasonography, head, fetus-neonate
urinary incontinence
ventriculogram, metrizamide
ventriculostomy, endoscopic
viral infection, CNS
visual acuity, decreased
walking, difficulty with
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 808 Next >>

Endoscopic Management of a Fourth Ventricular Cyst
Asian J Neurosurg 13:503-506, Jafarpour,S., et al, 2018

Clinicopathologic Conference, Neurocysticercosis Involving the Cerebral Ventricles and Spinal Meninges
NEJM 366:1924-1934, Case 15-2012, 2012

Congenital Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection: Spectrum of Disease
Ann Neurol 62:347-355, Bonthius,D.J.,et al, 2007

Asymptomatic Choroid Plexus Cysts in the Lateral Ventricles: An Incidental Finding on Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Neuroradiology 44:830-833, Cakir,B.,et al, 2002

Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle:Sometimes More Comspicuous on CT than MR
AJNR 19:875-878, Mamourian,A.C.,et al, 1998

Falls and Urinary Incontinence in a 66-Year Old Woman
Lancet 347:1738, Yusuf,S.W.,et al, 1996

Destructive Brain Lesions of Presumed Fetal Onset:Antepartum Causes of Cerebral Palsy
Pediatrics 88:898-906, 10591991., Scher,M.S.,et al, 1991

Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle:Correlation of MR and CT Findings with Histology and Chemical Analysis
AJR 155:135-141, Maeder,P.P.,et al, 1990

Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle:MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 14:527-531, Wilms,G.,et al, 1990

Intraventricular Choroid Plexus"Arachnoid"Cyst, MRI Findings
Neuroradiology 32:523-525, Pelletier,J.,et al, 1990

Radiological Case of the Month:3rd Ventricle Arachnoid Cyst
Am J Dis Child 142:1081-1082, Wells,R.G.,et al, 1988

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle
Neuroradiology 29:10-14, Roosen,N.,et al, 1987

Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle, A Review of 36 Cases
Acta Neurochir 76:99-104, Nitta,M.&Symon,L., 1985

Cysticercosis-Review of 230 Patients
Bull Clin Neurosci 50:76-101, McCormick.G.F., 1985

Arachnoid Cyst of the Fourth Ventricle Manifesting Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Neurosurgery 12:108-110, Korosue,K.,et al, 1983

Chronic Arachnoiditis in the Posterior Fossa:A Study of 82 Cases
JNNP 45:598-602, Rongxun,Z., 1982

Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle
Arch Neurol 39:640-643, Michels,L.G.,et al, 1982

Clinical Aspects of CNS Cysticercosis
Arch Int Med 140:1309-1313, Shanley,J.D.,et al, 1980

Arachnoid Cyst of the Fourth Ventricle & "Arrested"Hydrocephalus
Surg Neurol 12:467-471, DiRocco,C.,et al, 1979

Combined Congenital Vascular Anomalies & Neuroepithelial (Colloid) Cysts
Neurol 28:552, Shuangshoti,S.,et al, 1978

Progressive Focal Deficit with Porencephaly
Arch Neurol 34:154, Leahy,W.R.,et al, 1977

Medical Treatment of Spasmodic Torticollis
Arch Neurol 27:503, Gilbert,G., 1972

Cerebral Cystic Echinococcosis
NEJM 388:e10, Thakar,S. & Sunil,A., 2023

Salt and Pepper Sign, PLNTY for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
Neurol 100:791-795, Paredes-Aragon,E.M.,et al, 2023

Spectrum of Neuroradiologic Findings Associated with Monogenic Interferonopathies
AJNR 43:2-10, Benjamin, P.,et al, 2022

Imaging Patterns Characterizing Mitochondrial Leukodystrophies
AJNR 42:1334-1340, Roosendaal, S.D.,et al, 2021

A 25-year-old Woman with Recurrent Episodes of Collapse and Loss of Consciousness
Neurol 94:994-999, Wildman, J.,et al, 2020

Headache, Confusion, and Somnolence in a 27-Year-Old Woman
JAMA doi:10-1001/JAMA.2020.10167, Sastry, R.,et al, 2020

Clinicopathologic conference, Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis and advanced HIV infection
NEJM 383:2572-2580, Case 40-2020, 2020

Bobblehead-Doll Syndrome
NEJM 380:e5, Sacks, C.A., 2019

Cervical Synovial Cyst Leading to Spinal Cord Compression
Neurol 93:e318-e319, Urits, I.,et al, 2019

Incidental Brain MRI Findings in Children:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
AJNR 40:1818-1823, Dangouloff-Ros,V.,et al, 2019

Adult-Onset Vanishing White Matter Disease
Neurol 90:e1091-e1092, Villar-Quiles, R.N.,et al, 2018

Fourth Ventricle Neurocysticercosis:A Case Report
Surg Neurol Int 9:201, Simao,D.,et al, 2018

Intraventricular Neurocysticercosis and Bruns Syndrome: A Review, Campbell,B.R., et al, 2017

Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Intracranial Calcifications and Cysts (Labrune Syndrome)
Neurol 88:e113-e114, Villar-Quiles, al, 2017

Early-Onset Head Titubation in a Child with Poretti-Boltshauser Syndrome
Neurol 88:1478-1479, Masson, R.,et al, 2017

Cystic Lesions as a Rare Complication of Deep Brain Stimulation
Mov Disord Clin Pract 3:87-90, Sharma, V.D.,et al, 2016

Neuroradiologic Patterns and Novel Imaging Findings in Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome
Neurol 86:28-35, La Piana, R.,et al, 2016

Disseminated Cysticercosis
NEJM 375:e52, Baden, L.R., 2016

Papilledema From Intraventricular Neurocysticercosis
JAMA Neurol 72:831, Huang, L.C. & Sridhar, J., 2015

IVth Ventricular Neurocysticercal Cyst
Neurol 83:1990, Jauhari, P.,et al, 2014

Intracranial Neoplasms and Paraneoplastic Disorders, Hemangioblastoma of the Cerebellum
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 31, pg 668, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba Syndrome: MRI Neuroimaging Features in a Series of 7 Patients
AJNR 35:402-406, Bhargava, R.,et al, 2014

Subcortical Cystic Lesions within the Anterior Superior Temporal Gyrus: A Newly Recognized Characteristic Location for Dilated Perivascular Spaces
AJNR 35:317-322, Rawal, S.,et al, 2014

IVth Ventricular Neurocysticercal Cyst, A Rare Cause of Acute Hydrocephalus
Neurol 83:1990, Jauhari,P.,et al, 2014

IVth Ventricular Neurocysticeral Cyst, A rare cause of acute hydrocephalus
Neurol 83:1990, Jauhari,P.,et al, 2014

Headache and Focal Neurologic Deficits in a 37-Year-Old Woman
JAMA Neurol 70:1445-1449, Ayodele, M.O.,et al, 2013

Neurocysticercosis in Houston, Texas: An Update
Medicine 90:81-86, Serpa,J.A.,et al, 2011

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