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A 21-year old Woman with Multiple Cancers and a New Brain Lesion
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Acute Symptomatic Seizures
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An 8-year-old Girl with Multifocal Brain Lesions and Cerebral Edema
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Reversible Paraneoplastic Tonic Pupil
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Adult-Onset Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome
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Warfarin-Related Intraventricular Hemorrhage
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The Evaluation of Rapidly Progressive Dementia
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GABAB Receptor Antibodies in Limbic Encephalitis and Anti-GAD-Associated Neurologic Disorders
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Rituximab Monotherapy for Patients With Recurrent Primary CNS Lymphoma
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Early Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Older Patients With Nondominant Hemispheric Infarction Improves Outcome
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Spectrum of Paraneoplastic Disease Associated With Lymphoma
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Rhombencephalitis A Series of 97 Patients
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Spontaneous Regression of an Intracerebral Lymphoma (ghost tumor) in a Liver-Engrafted Patient
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Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma in a Patient Treated with Natalizumab
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Paraneoplastic isolated myelopathy Clinical course and neuroimaging clues
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Central Nervous System Lymphoma: Characteristic Findings on Traditional and Advanced Imaging
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