Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
affect, flat
agnosia, visual
Alice in Wonderland syndrome
alternating rapid movement, impaired
arm weakness
ataxia, cerebellar
ataxia, progressive
ataxia, truncal
ataxic gait
Balint's syndrome
basal ganglia, lesion of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
CAT scan, emission, abnormal
caudate nucleus, lesion of, bilateral
cerebellar lesion
cerebral cortex
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
cognition, slowed
color vision, impaired
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, genetic
deep gray nuclei
delay in diagnosis
dementia, familial
dementia, presenile
dementia, rapidly progressive
difficulty climbing stairs
dissociated sensory loss
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
electroencephalogram, periodic complexes
episodic disorders
eye movement, disorders of
false negative
false positive
finger nose finger test
gait disorder
gene mutation
genetic counselling
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic testing
hallucination, visual
headache, episodic
heel-knee-shin test
hemianopia, homonymous
heralding manifestation
hot cross bun sign
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, cerebellar variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, Heidenhain variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, young adult
life expectancy
linear lesion
memory, defect of recent
memory, impairment of
mental status, abnormal
Mini Mental Status Examination
motor cortex
MRI pattern
MRI, abnormal
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, diffusion weighted, pattern
MRI, false negative
MRI, negative
MRI, punctate pattern
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, susceptibility weighted
myelitis, longitudinal
myelitis, transverse
myoclonic jerks
myoclonus, cortical
myoclonus, stimulus sensitive
nasal brushings
nerve conduction studies
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neuropathology, brain
occipital cortex
occipital lobe, lesion of
PLEDs, bilateral independent
polyneuropathy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating
prion disease
progressive neurologic disorder
protein 14-3-3, cerebrospinal fluid
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
pursuit eye movements, abnormal
rapidly progressing neurologic illness
real-time quaking-induced conversion
Romberg's sign
saccadic eye movements, abnormal
skin, biopsy
spinal cord
spinal cord, lesion of
spongy degeneration of brain
square wave jerks
startle myoclonus
symmetric brain lesions
tandem gait, ataxic
tau protein
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
vertigo, episodic
vibratory sensation
vision, blurred
visual distortions
visual loss
visual loss, progressive
walking frame
walking, difficulty with
weakness, acute
weakness, focal
weight loss
wide based gait
Showing articles 300 to 350 of 4626 << Previous Next >>

Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Transient Global Amnesia and its Diagnositc Implications
Neurol 95:e206-e212, Szabo, K.,et al, 2020

Endovascular Treatment in Older Adults with Acute Ischemic Stroke in the MR CLEAN Registry
Neurol 95:e131-e139, Groot, A.E.,et al, 2020

Clinical Characteristics, Risk Factors, and Outcomes of POEMS Syndrome
Neurol 95:e268-e279, Keddie, S.,et al, 2020

Complex Ataxia
Neurol 95:136-141, Abkur, T.,et al, 2020

Childhood Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
NEJM 383:393-395, Levin, M., 2020

MRI-EEG Correlation for Outcome Prediction in Postanoxic Myoclonus
Neurol 95:e335-e341, Beuchat, I.,et al, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Ethical Duties of the Neurologist
Neurol 95:167-172, Rubin, M.A.,et al, 2020

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: Atypical Radiologic Appearances, Imaging Mimickers, and Clinical Look-Alikes
AJNR 41:1339-1347, Bond, K.M.,et al, 2020

Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Associated with COVID-19
AJNR 41:1370-1376, Cavalcanti, D.D.,et al, 2020

Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 51:e254-e258, Ntaios, G.,et al, 2020

Initial Highly Effective Therapy for MS
Neurol 95:1114-1116, Wallin, M.T., 2020

Clinicopathologic Conference, HIV Type 2 Infection & Cerebral Toxoplasmosis
NEJM 383:859-866, Case 27-2020, 2020

Radiologically Isolated Syndrome: A Review for Neuroradiologists
AJNR 41:1542-1549, Hosseiny, M.,et al, 2020

Leukoencephalopathy Associated with Severe COVID-19
AJNR 41:1641-1645, Lang, M.,et al, 2020

A Young Generalized Dystonia Patient with Globus-Pallidus-Specific Lesion
Ann Neurol 88:637-638, Wu, H.,et al, 2020

Spinal Xanthomatosis
Neurol 95:e1615-e1616, Valencia-Sanchez, C.,et al, 2020

Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Neurol 95:e1706-e1715, Lindgren, E.,et al, 2020

An Adolescent Girl Presenting with Worsening Vertigo, Headache, and Ataxia
Neurol 95:e1760-e1763, Brigham, E.,et al, 2020

A 22-Year-Old Man with Progressive Bilateral Visual Loss
Neurol 94:625-630, Yang, S.L.,et al, 2020

Progressive Ataxia and Palatal Tremor
Neurol 94:e1445-e1447, Pradeep, S.,et al, 2020

Reversible Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Lesions in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurol 94:571-587, Nagaraja, N.,et al, 2020

Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Unwitnessed or Extended Therapeutic Time Window
Neurol 94:e1241-e1248, Tsivgoulis, G.,et al, 2020

A 45-Year-Old Man with Progressive Insomia and Psychiatric and Motor Symptoms
Neurol 94:e1213-e1218, Lima, J.E.E.,et al, 2020

A 42-year-old Woman with Progressive Cognitive Difficulties and Gait Imbalance
Neurol 94:e1219-e1226, Slama, M.C.C.,et al, 2020

A 16-year-old Girl with Ataxia, Oscillopsia, and Behavioral Changes
Neurol 94:713-717, Silverman, A.,et al, 2020

Rates of Overall Survival and Intracranial Control in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Era for Patients with Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer With and Without Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation
JAMA 3:201929, Pezzi, T.A.,et al, 2020

Severe Neurological Toxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Growing Spectrum
Ann Neurol 87:659-669, Dubey, D.,et al, 2020

Pernicious Anaemia
BMJ 369:m1319, Mohamed, M.,et al, 2020

Transient Ischemic Attack
NEJM 382:1933-1941, Amarenco, P., 2020

Signs of Pulmonary Infection on Admission Chest Computed Tomography are Associated with Pneumonia or Death in Patients with Acute Stroke
Stroke 51:1690-1695, de Jonge, J.C.,et al, 2020

Association Between Thrombolytic Door-to-Needle Time and 1-Year Mortality and Readmission in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
JAMA 323:2170-2184, Man, S.,et al, 2020

Implementation of a Prehospital Stroke Triage System Using Symptom Severity and Teleconsultation in the Stockholm Stroke Triage Study
JAMA Neurol 77:691-699, Mazya, M.V.,et al, 2020

Functional Gait Disorders
Neurol 94:1093-1099, Nonnekes, J.,et al, 2020

Early Evidence of Pronounced Brain Involvement in Fatal COVID-19 outcomes
Lancet 395:e109, von Weyhern, C.H.,et al, 2020

Psychogenic Paroxysmal Hemifacial Spasm
Ann Neurol 88:14-15, Park, J.E., 2020

Association of Innovations in Radiotherapy and Systemic Treatments with Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Melanoma Brain Metastasis From 2007 to 2016
JAMA doi:10.1001/JAMANETWORKOPEN.2020.8204, Brastianos, H.C.,et al, 2020

Degenerative Cervical Spondylosis
NEJM 383:159-168, Theodore, N., 2020

Functional Neurological Disorder
Stroke 51:1629-1635, Popkirov, S., et al, 2020

Mobile Stroke Unit Computed Tomography Angiography Substantially Shortens Door-to-Puncture Time
Stroke 51:1613-1615, Czap, A.L.,et al, 2020

Prognostic Value of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Post-Cardiac Arrest Coma
Neurol 94:e1684-e1692, Hirsch, K.G.,et al, 2020

Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson Disease
JAMA 323:548-560, Armstrong, M.J. & Okun, M.S., 2020

Neuro R� score
Neurol 94:e1614-e1621, Peacock, S.H.,et al, 2020

A 47-year-old Man with Rapidly Progressive Ataxia and Vitiligo
Neurol 94:e1664-e1669, Han, F.,et al, 2020

A 70-year-old Man with Rapid Stepwise Paraparesis and Sensory Loss
Neurol 94:e651-e655, Krause, M.A.,et al, 2020

A Rare Presentation of Whipple Disease
Neurol 94:e758-e761, Koek, A.T.,et al, 2020

Chemotherapy-Associated Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy
Neurol 94:e874-e877, Briard, J.N.,et al, 2020

Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit and Reperfusion Therapy
Stroke 51:922-930, Zhao, H.,et al, 2020

Machine Learning Approach to Identify Stroke Within 4.5 Hours
Stroke 51:860-866, Lee, H.,et al, 2020

Management and Outcome of Primary CNS Lymphoma in the Modern Era
Neurol 94:e1027-e1039, Houillier, C., et al, 2020

Myasthenic Crisis Demanding Mechanical Ventilation
Neurol 94:e299-e313, Neumann, B.,et al, 2020

Showing articles 300 to 350 of 4626 << Previous Next >>