Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
affect, flat
agnosia, visual
Alice in Wonderland syndrome
alternating rapid movement, impaired
arm weakness
ataxia, cerebellar
ataxia, progressive
ataxia, truncal
ataxic gait
Balint's syndrome
basal ganglia, lesion of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
CAT scan, emission, abnormal
caudate nucleus, lesion of, bilateral
cerebellar lesion
cerebral cortex
cerebrospinal fluid
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
cognition, slowed
color vision, impaired
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, genetic
deep gray nuclei
delay in diagnosis
dementia, familial
dementia, presenile
dementia, rapidly progressive
difficulty climbing stairs
dissociated sensory loss
electroencephalogram, abnormalities of
electroencephalogram, periodic complexes
episodic disorders
eye movement, disorders of
false negative
false positive
finger nose finger test
gait disorder
gene mutation
genetic counselling
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic testing
hallucination, visual
headache, episodic
heel-knee-shin test
hemianopia, homonymous
heralding manifestation
hot cross bun sign
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, cerebellar variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, Heidenhain variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, variant
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, young adult
life expectancy
linear lesion
memory, defect of recent
memory, impairment of
mental status, abnormal
Mini Mental Status Examination
motor cortex
MRI pattern
MRI, abnormal
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, diffusion weighted, pattern
MRI, false negative
MRI, negative
MRI, punctate pattern
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, susceptibility weighted
myelitis, longitudinal
myelitis, transverse
myoclonic jerks
myoclonus, cortical
myoclonus, stimulus sensitive
nasal brushings
nerve conduction studies
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neuropathology, brain
occipital cortex
occipital lobe, lesion of
PLEDs, bilateral independent
polyneuropathy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating
prion disease
progressive neurologic disorder
protein 14-3-3, cerebrospinal fluid
psychiatric problems in neurologic disorders
pursuit eye movements, abnormal
rapidly progressing neurologic illness
real-time quaking-induced conversion
Romberg's sign
saccadic eye movements, abnormal
skin, biopsy
spinal cord
spinal cord, lesion of
spongy degeneration of brain
square wave jerks
startle myoclonus
symmetric brain lesions
tandem gait, ataxic
tau protein
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
vertigo, episodic
vibratory sensation
vision, blurred
visual distortions
visual loss
visual loss, progressive
walking frame
walking, difficulty with
weakness, acute
weakness, focal
weight loss
wide based gait
Showing articles 650 to 700 of 4626 << Previous Next >>

Spot Sign in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Dynamic T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stroke 47:417-423, Schindlbeck, K.A.,et al, 2016

A Case of Subacute Cognitive Decline in a 76-year-old Man
Neurol 87:e124-e128, MacLellan, A.,et al, 2016

Endovascular Thrombectomy of Ischemic Stroke
JAMA 316:1265-1266, Warach, S. & Johnston, C., 2016

The Contemporary Spectrum of Multiple Sclerosis Misdiagnosis
Neurol 87:1393-1399, Solomon, A.J.,et al, 2016

Recurrent Hemorrhage Risk and Mortality in Hereditary and Sporadic Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Neurol 87:1482-1487, Van Etten, E.S.,et al, 2016

Superior MRI Outcomes with Alemtuzumab Compared with Subcutaneous Interferon �-1a in MS
Neurol 87:1464-1472, Arnold, D.L.,et al, 2016

Anti-LGI1 Encephalitis
Neurol 87:1449-1456,1428, Van Sonderen, A.,et al, 2016

A 2-year-old Child with Acute Flaccid Paralysis
Neurol 87:e149-e154, Al-Ghamdi, F. & Ghosh, P.S., 2016

Dexamethasone & Supportive Care with or without Whole Brain Radiotherapy in Treating Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastases Unsuitable for Resection or Stereotactic Radiotherapy (QUARTZ): Results from a Phase 3,Non-Inferiority, Randomised Trial
Lancet 388:2004-2014, Mulvenna, P.,et al, 2016

Sudden Neurologic Death Masquerading as Out-of-Hospital Sudden Cardiac Death
Neurol 87:1669-1673, Kim, A.S.,et al, 2016

Safety and Outcome of Intra-Arterial Treatment for Basilar Artery Occlusion
JAMA Neurol 73:1225-1230, Van Houwelingen, R.C.,et al, 2016

Clinical Relevance of Microbleeds in Acute Stroke Thrombolysis
Neurol 87:1534-1541, Charidimou, A.,et al, 2016

Short Time Interval Between Neurologic Event and Carotid Surgery is Not Associated with an Increased Procedural Risk
Stroke 47:2783-2790, Tsantilas, P.,et al, 2016

Stroke Risk and Mortality in Patients with Ventricular Assist Devices
Stroke 47:2702-2706,2677, Parikh, N.S.,et al, 2016

Acute Neurologic Deficits due to Surfers Myelopathy
Neurol 87:e206-e207, Bakhsheshian, J.,et al, 2016

A 30-year-old Man with Progressive Weakness and Atrophy
Neurol 87:e227-e230, Quinn, C.,et al, 2016

Rapidly Progressive Quadriplegia and Encephalopathy
JAMA Neurol 73:1363-1366, Wynn, D.,et al, 2016

Chikungunya Virus-Associated Encephalitis
Neurol 86:94-102, Gerardin, P.,et al, 2016

Clippers with Diffuse White Matter and Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Involvement
Neurol 86:103-105, Zhang, Y.X.,et al, 2016

A 64-year-old Man with Progressive Paraspinal Muscle Weakness
Neurol 86:e4-e9, Schneider, R.,et al, 2016

Early Clinical and Radiological Course, Management, and Outcome of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Related to New Oral Anticoagulants
JAMA Neurol 73:169-177,155, Purrucker, J.C.,et al, 2016

Telemedicine in Prehospital Stroke Evaluation and Thrombolysis
JAMA Neurol 73:162-168, Itrat, A.,et al, 2016

Rapid Multifocal Neurologic Decline in an Immunocompromised Patient
JAMA Neurol 73:226-231, Kromm, J.A.,et al, 2016

Carotid Near-Occlusion: A Comprehensive Review, Part 2- Prognosis and Treatment, Pathophysiology, Confusions, and Areas for Improvement
AJNR 37:200-204, Johansson, E. & Fox, A.J., 2016

Long-Term Results of Stenting Versus Endarterectomy for Carotid-Artery Stenosis
NEJM 374:DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1505215,, Brott, T.G.,et al, 2016

Statin-Associated Autoimmune Myopathy
NEJM 374:664-669, Mammen, A.L., 2016

Safety of Pregnancy After Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Stroke 47:713-718, Aguiar de Sousa, D.,et al, 2016

Neurocutaneous Melanosis with Diffuse Leptomeningeal Malignant Melanoma in an Adult
Neurol 86:e75-e79, Bhatia, R.,et al, 2016

Hydrocephalus in Children
Lancet 387:788-799, Kahle, K.T.,et al, 2016

Infective Endocarditis
Lancet 387:882-893, Cahill, T.J. & Prendergast, B.D., 2016

Neuromyelitis Optica: Evaluation of 871 Attacks and 1,153 Treatment Courses
Ann Neurol 79:206-216,204, Kleiter, I.,et al, 2016

Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis in Adults with Cancer or a History of Cancer
Neurol 86:860-866, Costerus, J.M.,et al, 2016

Antibiotic-Associated Encephalopathy
Neurol 86:963-971, Bhattacharyya, S.,et al, 2016

One-Year Risk of Stroke after Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke
NEJM 374:1533-1542,1577, Amarenco, P.,et al, 2016

Comparative Effectiveness of Prestroke Aspirin on Stroke Severity and Outcome
Ann Neurol 79:560-568, Park, J.M.,et al, 2016

Zika Virus Associated with Meningoencephalitis
NEJM 374:1595-1596, Carteau, G.,et al, 2016

Prognosis of Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Occlusion
Stroke 47:1253-1257, Hackam, D.G.,et al, 2016

Practice Guideline Update Summary: Botulinum Neurotoxin for the Treatment of Blepharospasm, Cervical Dystonia, Adult Spasticity, and Headache
Neurol 86:1818-1826, Simpson, D.M.,et al, 2016

Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Lesions Disclosing Occult Systemic Sarcoidosis
JAMA Neurol 73:600-601, Sechi, E.,et al, 2016

A Young Man with Progressive Language Difficulty and Early-Onset Dementia
JAMA Neurol 73:595-599, Botha, H.,et al, 2016

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Aspergillosis: Imaging and Pathological Correlations
PLoS ONE 11:DOI:10.1371/Journal.pone.0152474, Marzoif, G.,et al, 2016

Syphilitic Optic Neuropathy: Re-Emerging Cases Over a 2-Year Period
Neuro-Ophthalmol 40:69-73, Apinyawasisuk, S.,et al, 2016

Idiopathic Thoracic Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematoma
Case Reports Surg doi:10.1155/2016/5430708, Aycan, A.,et al, 2016

Fat Embolism Syndrome Secondary to Bone Marrow Necrosis in Patients with Hemoglobinopathies
SMJ 109:549-553, Gangaraju, R.,et al, 2016

Thrombus Length Estimation on Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced T1
Stroke 47:756-761,643, Yan, S.,et al, 2016

Carotid-Cavernous Fistula
Stroke 47:e207-e209, Gonzalez Castro, L.N.,et al, 2016

Clinicopathologic Conference, Somnolence due to the Cerebral Fat Embolism Syndrome
NEJM 375:370-378, Case 23-2016, 2016

Spectrum of Imaging Appearances of Intracranial Cryptococcal Infection in HIV/AIDS Patients in the Anti-Retroviral Therapy Era
Clin Radiol 71:9-17, Offiah, C.E. & Naseer, A., 2016

Noninfectious Meningitis Caused by Systemic Lupus Erythematosis:A Case Series of 4 Patients
J Comput Assist Tomogr 40:424-427, Lee,J.H.,et al, 2016

SPG7 Mutations Explain a Significant Proportion of French Canadian Spastic Ataxia Cases
Eur J Hum Genet 24:1016-1021, Choquet,K.,et al, 2016

Showing articles 650 to 700 of 4626 << Previous Next >>