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Showing articles 100 to 150 of 4057 << Previous Next >>

Compression of the Deep Motor Branch of the Ulnar Nerve
Arch Neurol 62:826-827, Jacob,A.,et al, 2005

Alcocks Canal Syndrome Revealing Endometriosis
Lancet 366:1238, Nehme-Schuster,H.,et al, 2005

Central Nervous System Involvement in Hereditary Neuropathy With Liability to Pressure Palsies
Arch Neurol 62:1911-1914, Sanahuja,J.,et al, 2005

Intracranial Chloroma (Granulocytic Sarcoma) by Lymphocytic Leukemia
J Korean Neurosurg 38:65-67, Jeong, H.S.,et al, 2005

Recent Developments in Thyroid Eye Disease
BMJ 329:385-390, Cawood,T.,et al, 2004

Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Neurol 63:1675-1680, Beekman,R.,et al, 2004

Dental Diplopia With Transient Abducens Palsy
Neurol 63:2449-2450, Walker,M.,et al, 2004

Ophthalmologic Features of Parkinson's Disease
Neurol 62:177-180, Biousse,V.,et al, 2004

Idiopathic Hypertrophic Pachymeningitis
Neurol 62:686-694, Kupersmith,M.J.,et al, 2004

Long Term Visual and Neurological Prognosis in Patients with Treated and Untreated Cavernous Sinus Aneurysms
JNNP 75:863-867, Goldenberg-Cohen, N.,et al, 2004

Hypoglossal Neuropathy in Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy
Neurol 61:1154-1155, Winter,W.C. &Juel,V.C., 2003

Hereditary Neuropathy With Liability to Pressure Palsies Mimicking Hypoglossal Nerve Injuries
Neurol 61:1457-1458, Corwin,H.M. &Girardet,R.E., 2003

The Medial Brachial Fascial Compartment Syndrome Following Axillary Arteriography
Neurol 61:1037-1041, Tsao,B.E. &Wilbourn,A.J., 2003

Isolated Superior Rectus Palsy Due to Contralateral Midbrain Infarction
Arch Neurol 60:1633-1635, Kwon,J.-H.,et al, 2003

Acute Rhabdomyolysis and Brachial Plexopathy Following Alcohol Ingestion
Muscle Nerve 25:283-285, Maddison,P.,et al, 2002

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
NEJM 346:1807-1812, Katz,J.N &Simmons,B.P., 2002

Unusual Entrapment Neuropathy in a Golf Player
Neurol 59:646, Hsu,W.,et al, 2002

A Practical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of MELAS: Case Report and Review
The Neurologist 8:302-312, Thambisetty,M.,et al, 2002

Obturator Neuropathy: Causes and Outcome
Muscle Nerve 25:605-607, Sorenson,E.,et al, 2002

Entrapment Neuropathy of the Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Median Nerve Concomitant with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Case Report
J Hand Surg 27B:583-585, Wada,T.,et al, 2002

Brainstem Gliomas in Adults: Prognostic Factors and Classification
Brain 124:2528-2539, Guillamo,J.-S.,et al, 2001

Bilateral Abducens Nerve Paresis Associated with Anti-GQ1b IgG Antibody
Am J Ophthalmol 131:816-818, Sato, K. and Yoshikawa, H., 2001

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Sarcoidosis. Clincal Spectrum, Evaluation and Management
J Neuroophthalmol 21:132-137, Frohman,L.P,et al, 2001

Pituitary Lymphoma Presenting as Fever of Unknown Origin
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86:1470-1476, Landman, R.E.,et al, 2001

Botulinum Toxin as a Biological Weapon
JAMA 285:1059-1070, Arnon,S.S.,et al, 2001

A Language Barrier, Abdominal Pain, and Double Vision
Lancet 357:2022, Basnyat,B.,et al, 2001

Focal Myopathy Mimicking Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Muscle Nerve 24:969-972, Erdem,S.,et al, 2001

Radial Entrapment Neuropathy Due to Chronic Injection-induced Triceps Fibrosis
Muscle Nerve 24:134-137, Midroni,G. & Moulton,R., 2001

The Value of MR Neurography for Evaluating Extraspinal Neuropathic Leg Pain: A Pictorial Essay
AJNR 22:786-794, Moore,K.R.,et al, 2001

Visual Manifestations of Giant Cell Arteritis
Medicine 79:283-292, Gonzalez-Gay,M.A.,et al, 2000

Surgical Treatment of Common Entrapment Neuropathies in the Upper Limbs
Muscle Nerve 23:1160-1174, Arle,J.E. & Zager,E.L., 2000

Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Muscle & Nerve 23:450-452, Campbell,W.W., 2000

Vertical Diplopia
Semin Neurol 20:21-30, Acierno,M.D., 2000

Dysthyroid Orbitopathy
Semin Neurol 20:43-54, Jacobson,D.M., 2000

Femoral Neuropathy Following Cardiac Catheterization for Balloon Mitral Valvotomy
Int J Cardiol 71:197-198, Kuruvilla,A.,et al, 1999

Peroneal Neuropathy
Neurol Clin 17:567-591, Katirji,B., 1999

Entrapment and Other Focal Neuropathies
Neurol Clin 17:499-523, Carlson,N.&Logigian,E.L., 1999

Hypertrophy of Multiple Cranial Nerves and Spinal Roots in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy
JNNP 67:685-687, Duarte,J.,et al, 1999

Isolated Trochlear Nerve Palsy in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Neurol 53:877-879, Jacobson,D.M.,et al, 1999

Saphenous Nerve Entrapment in Adolescence
Pediatrics 103:161-163, Nir-Paz,R., 1999

Electrodiagnostic Studies in Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Neurol 52:688-690, , 1999

"Toilet Seat" Sciatic Neuropathy
Arch Neurol 56:116, Holland,N.R.,et al, 1999

Paraneoplastic Painful Ulnar Neuropathy
Muscle & Nerve 22:952-955, Sharief,M.K.,et al, 1999

Suprascapular Neuropathy
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 7:358-367, Romeo, A.A.,et al, 1999

Ultrasound Treatment for Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:Randomised"sham"Controlled Trial
BMJ 316:751-755, Ebenbichler,G.R.,et al, 1998

Cranial-nerve Palsies and Vomiting
Lancet 352:1674, Roberts,E.,et al, 1998

Trigeminal Nerve Hypertrophy in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
Neurol 51:1459-1462, Guibord,N.,et al, 1998

Adult Brainstem Gliomas
Neurol 51:1136-1139, Landolfi,J.C.,et al, 1998

Silent Sinus Syndrome:An Unusual Cause of Vertical Diplopia
Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde 212:397-399, Durig,J.,et al, 1998

Binocular Vertical Diplopia
Mayo Clin Proc 73:55-66, Brazis,P.W.&Lee,A.G., 1998

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