Spinal Metastasis and Metastatic Disease to the Spine and Related Structures
eMedicine March, Tse,V., 2009
Best Practice Recommendations for the Selection and Management of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Receiving Natalizumab Therapy
Mutliple Sclerosis 15:S26-S36, Coyle,P.K.,et al, 2009
Stroke Unit Care Is Beneficial Both for the Patient and for the Health Service and Should Be Widely Implemented
Stroke 40:1-2, Indredavik,B., 2009
Potentially Preventable Strokes in High-Risk Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Who Are Not Adequately Anticoagulated
Stroke 40:235-240,5, Gladstone,D.J.,et al, 2009
Practice Parameter: Evaluation of Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy: Role of Autonomic Testing, Nerve Biopsy, and Skin Biopsy (An Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 72:177-184, England,J.D.,et al, 2009
Practice Parameter: Evaluation of Distal Symmetric Polyneuropathy: Role of Laboratory and Genetic Testing (An Evidence-Based Review)
Nuerol 72:185-192, England,J.D.,et al, 2009
Lancet 374:1627-1638, Levy,S.,et al, 2009
Leukodystrophies: Classification, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Neurologist 15:319-328, Costello,D.,et al, 2009
Invited Article: An MRI-Based Approach to the Diagnosis of White Matter Disorders
Neurol 72:750-759, Shiffmann,R. &van der Knaap,M.S., 2009
Guidelines for the Management of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from a Special Writing Group of the Stroke Council, American Heart Association
Stroke 40:994-1025, Bederson,J.B.,et al, 2009
Genetic Aspects of Alzheimer Disease
The Neurologist 15:80-86, Williamson,J.,et al, 2009
Diagnostic Value of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antibodies in Women with New-Onset Epilepsy
Arch Neurol 66:458-464, Niehusmann,P.,et al, 2009
A Systematic Review of Antiepilpetic Drug Initiation and Withdrawal
The Neurologist 15:122-131, Shih,J.J &Ochoa,J.G., 2009
Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Lancet 373:1632-1644, Qureshi,A.I.,et al, 2009
Definition and Evaluation of Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke 40:2276-2293, Easton,J.D.,et al, 2009
Expansion of the Time Window for Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke with Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator: A Science Advisory from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 40:2945-2948, del Zoppo,G.J.,et al, 2009
Cardiac Workup of Ischemic Stroke: Can We Improve Our Diagnostic Yield?
Stroke 40:2893-2898, Morris,J.G.,et al, 2009
Stroke Therapy Academic Industry Roundtable (STAIR) Recommendations for Extended Window Acute Stroke Therapy Trials
Stroke 40:2594-2600, Saver,J.L.,et al, 2009
A Review of the Evidence for the Use of Telemedicine Within Stroke Systems of Care: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Stroke 40:2616-2634, Schwamm,L.H.,et al, 2009
Recommendations for the Implementation of Telemedicine Within Stroke Systems of Care: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association
Stroke 40:2635-2660, Schwamm,L.H.,et al, 2009
Responding to Requests from Adult Patients for Neuroenhancements
Neurol 73:1406-1412, Larriviere,D.,et al, 2009
Recommendations for Imaging of Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Stroke 40:3646-3678, Latchaw,R.,et al, 2009
Practice Parameter Update: The Care of the Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Drug, Nutritional, and Respiratory Therapies (An Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 73:1218-1226, Miller,R.G.,et al, 2009
Diagnosis and Management of Neuropathic Pain
BMJ 339:391-395, Freynhagen,R. &Bennett,M.I., 2009
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
BMJ 339:569-570, Hankey,G. &Nelson,M., 2009
Practice Parameter: Evaluation of the Child with Microcephaly (An Evidence-Based Review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Practice Committee of the Child Neurology Society
Neurol 73:887-897, Ashwal,S.,et al, 2009
Combined Corticosteroid and Antiviral Treatment for Bell Palsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
JAMA 302:985-993, 1003, Almeida,J.,et al, 2009
Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Burning Problem
Cleve Clin J Med 76:297-305, Tavee, J. & Zhou, L., 2009
Lateral Sinus Thrombosis: Complication of Minor Head Injury
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 73:629-635, Nehme, J.,et al, 2009
The Floppy Infant: Evaluation of Hypotonia
Pediatrics in Review 30:e66-e76, Peredo, D. & Hannibal M., 2009
Spontaneous Isolated Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Presentation, Radiological Findings, Differential Diagnosis, and Clinical Course
J Neurosurg 109:1034-1041, Refai, D.,et al, 2008
Ischemic Stroke and ICU Care
Semin Neurol 28:645-656, Llinas, R, 2008
The Management of Encephalitis: Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Disease Society of America
Clinical Infectious Diseases 47:303-327, Tunkel, A.R.,et al, 2008
An Approach to the Diagnosis of Acute Transverse Myelitis
Semin Neurol 28:105-120, Jacob, A.,et al, 2008
Spontaneous Isolated Convexity Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Presentation, Radiological Findings, Differential Diagnosis, and Clinical Course
J Neurosurg 109:1034-1041, Refai,D.,et al, 2008
Practice Parameter: Assessing Patients in a Neurology Practice for Risk of Falls (An Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 70:473-479, Thurman,D.J.,et al, 2008
Variability of Brain Death Determination Guidelines in Leading US Neurologic Institutions
Neurol 70:284-289,252, Greer,D.M.,et al, 2008
Reliability of Aortic MRI at 3 Testla in Patients with Acute Cryptogenic Stroke
JNNP 79:540-546,489, Harloff,A.,et al, 2008
Management of Carotid Stenosis
NEJM 3585:1617-1621, Sila,C.A., 2008
Influence of the Stroke Code Activation Source on the Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Neurol 70:1238-1243,1232, P�rez de la Ossa,N.,et al, 2008
Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: For
Stroke 39:1392-1393,1396, Savitz,S.I. &Edlow,J., 2008
Thunderclap Headache With Normal CT and Lumbar Puncture: Further Investigations Are Unnecessary: Against
Stroke 39:1394-1395,1396, Moussouttas,M. &Mayer,S.A., 2008
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
NEJM 358:818-825, Katz,J.N. &Harris,M.B., 2008
Acute Treatment and Prevention of Menstrually Related Migraine Headache: Evidence-Based Review
Neurol 70:1555-1563, Pringsheim,T.,et al, 2008
Risks and Benefits of Oral Anticoagulation Compared With Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation According to Stroke Risk: The Atrial Fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial With Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events (ACTIVE-W)
Stroke 39:1482-1486,1406, Healey,J.S.,et al, 2008
Practice Parameter: Therapies for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (An Evidence-Based Review)
Neurol 70:2067-2074, Fife,T.D.,et al, 2008
Neuroimaging in Acute Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction
The Neurologist 14:170-180, Finelli,P.F., 2008
Steroid and Antiviral Treatment for Bells Palsy
Lancet 371:1818-1820, Hato,N.,et al, 2008
Treatment of Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke
Ann Neurol 63:679-696, Bernard,T.J.,et al, 2008
EXPRESS Transient Ischemic Attack Study: Speed the Process!
Stroke 39:2400-2401, Amarenco,P. &Benavente,O., 2008