Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
abducens nerve paralysis
abscess, intracerebral
aneurysm, berry
aneurysm, external carotid artery
aneurysm, intracranial
aneurysm, intracranial, screening for
aneurysm, intracranial, treatment of
aneurysm, multiple intracranial
aneurysm, ophthalmic artery
aneurysm, post traumatic
angiography, cerebral
angiography, disappearing lesion on
angiography, spinal
anterior spinal artery
antibiotic prophylaxis
arterial dissection
arterial dissection, carotid
arterial dissection, ruptured
arterial dissection, vertebral
arterialization of conjunctival vessels
arteriovenous malformation
arteriovenous malformation, cerebral
arteriovenous malformation, pulmonary
arteriovenous shunt
autistic behavior
automobile accidents
bacterial endocarditis, neurologic manifestations of
basal ganglia, lesion, bilateral
bladder dysfunction
blindness, monocular
bowel urgency
brachial plexus neuropathy
brain biopsy
brain biopsy, stereotaxic
brain scan
brain scan, abnormal
brain scan, demyelinating disease
brainstem, dysfunction
brainstem, ischemia
bruit, cranial
bruit, orbit
burning feet
burning hands
carotid angiogram
carpal tunnel syndrome
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, chest
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, head injury
CAT scan, spine
cauda equina
cauda equina, lesion of
cavernous hemangioma
cavernous sinus
cavernous sinus, arterial shunt of
cavernous sinus, syndrome
central venous catheter
cerebral edema
cerebral embolism
cerebral ischemia
cerebral vasculature
cerebral veins
cerebral veins, dilated
cerebral venous infarction
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebral venous thrombosis, deep
cerebrospinal fluid, elevated protein of
cerebrospinal fluid, gold sol.curve of
cerebrospinal fluid, IgG index, elevated
cerebrospinal fluid, protein of
cerebrospinal fluid, xanthochromia of
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, familial occurrence
cerebrovascular accident, non atherosclerotic cause of
cerebrovascular accident, young adult
cerebrovascular disease
chest x-ray, abnormal
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
clubbing of fingers
collagen vascular disease
congestive heart failure
conjunctival injection
contusion, cerebral
cortical vein thrombosis
C-reactive protein, elevated
cyst, porencephalic
delay in diagnosis
dementia, cerebrovascular disease causing
dementia, rapidly progressive
dementia, reversible
dementia, thalamic
dementia, treatment of
dental procedure, neurologic complications with
developmental retardation
diabetes insipidus
digital subtraction angiography
disability, neurological
doppler, color
doppler, transcranial
dural arteriovenous malformation
dural sinus thrombosis
echocardiogram, contrast
echocardiogram, transesophageal
echocardiogram, transesophageal, false negative
echocardiogram, transthoracic
edema, periorbital
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
embolism, air
embolism, aortic
embolism, paradoxical
embolism, septic
embolization, therapeutic
embolization, therapeutic, coils
embolization, therapeutic, complications
endovascular therapy
epidemiology of neurology
evoked potentials
exophthalmus, bilateral
exophthalmus, pulsatile
exophthalmus, unilateral
external carotid artery, disease
eye, pain in
facial pain
femoral artery catheterization
fistula, arterio-venous
fistula, arterio-venous, Brescia-Cimino
fistula, arterio-venous, carotid-cavernous
fistula, arterio-venous, dural
fistula, arterio-venous, dural, classification
fistula, arterio-venous, dural, spinal
fistula, arterio-venous, pial
fistula, arterio-venous, pulmonary
fistula, arterio-venous, vertebral
flaccid paralysis
frontal lobe, behavior with disease of
fundus, abnormality of
gait disorder
gastrointestinal bleeding
genetic neurologic disorders
genetic testing
gunshot wounds
hand pain
head injury
head injury, delayed deterioration following
head injury, prognosis in
headache, severe
headache, unilateral
hemangioma, vertebral
hematocrit, neurologic complications with elevation of
hematoma, epidural-cranial
hematoma, epidural-spinal
hematoma, intracerebral
hematuria, gross
hematuria, microscopic
hemianopia, homonymous
hemiparesis, transient
hemosiderosis of CNS, superficial
heralding manifestation
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT)
herniated disc, lumbar-laminectomy
hypertensive encephalopathy
hypertensive encephalopathy, venous
incontinence, fecal
internal capsule
intraaortic balloon pump
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracerebral hemorrhage, lobar
intracranial hemorrhage
intraventricular hemorrhage
joint hypermobility
leg weakness, bilateral
Lhermitte-Duclos disease
lid abnormalities
liver disease
low back pain
malformation, CNS, congenital
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, cerebral
malformation, vascular, dural
malformation, vascular, screening for
malformation, vascular, treatment of
malformation, Vein of Galen
Marfan syndrome
median neuropathy
memory, impairment of
meningitis, neutrophilic
mental status, abnormal
missing piece sign
molecular genetics
movement disorder
MRI, abnormal
MRI, angiography
MRI, angiography, contrast enhanced
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, disappearing lesion on
MRI, false negative
MRI, flow void, blood
MRI, orbit
MRI, perfusion
MRI, ring sign
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, spinal cord, increased intramedullary cord signal
MRI, spine
myelitis, longitudinal
myelitis, transverse
myelopathy, chronic progressive
myelopathy, transverse
myelopathy, venous hypertensive
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
neoplasm, primary of CNS
nerve conduction studies
nerve injury
neurologic complications of, surgery
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic disease, tempo
neurologic examination, focal
neuropathy, iatrogenic
neuropathy, ischemic
neuropathy, ischemic monomelic
neuropathy, painful
neuroradiology, interventional
ophthalmoplegia, painful
ophthalmoplegia, total
optokinetic nystagmus(O.K.N.)
orbit, injury of
orbit, lesions of
orbit, mass
orbit, trauma to
orbit, vascular malformation
osteogenesis imperfecta
pain, abdominal
pain, back
pain, buttock
pain, foot
pain, periorbital
paraplegia, acute
patent foramen ovale
patient information and support
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid, neutrophilic
polycythemia, secondary
posterior fossa, arteriovenous malformation
pregnancy, neurologic complications in
progressive neurologic disorder
proptosis, bilateral
proptosis, pulsatile
proptosis, unilateral
pseudoxanthoma elasticum
psychomotor retardation
PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome
radiation therapy, stereotactic
Rankin score
rectal sphincter tone, decreased
red eye
retinopathy, venous-stasis
reversible neurologic disorder
review article
right-left cardiac shunt
risk factors
Schilder's disease
sensory level
sensory loss
skin, hyperextensible
skin, lesions in neurologic disorders
skin, thin
spinal cord
spinal cord, enlargement
spinal cord, infarction of
spinal cord, injury of
spinal cord, ischemic lesion of
spinal cord, lesion of
spinal cord, vascular disorders Affecting
spinal cord, vascular malformation of
straight sinus
subarachnoid hematoma, spinal
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
subdural hematoma, spinal
superior ophthalmic vein
superior ophthalmic vein, dilated
superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
symmetric brain lesions
thalamus, infarction of
thalamus, lesion of
thalamus, lesion of-bilateral
third nerve palsy
tinnitus, pulsatile
transient ischemic attack
transient ischemic attack, venous
transient neurologic deficit
treatment of neurologic disorder
ulnar neuropathy
urinary incontinence
urinary retention
urinary urgency
vein of Galen
venous engorgement
venous hypertension
venous ischemia
vertebral-basilar insufficiency
vision, blurred
visual acuity, decreased, monocular
visual loss
visual loss, sudden-unilateral
walking, difficulty with
wide based gait
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 1337 Next >>

Clinical Neurologic Features and Evaluation of PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome, A Systematic Review
Neurol 103:e209844, Dhawan,A.,et al, 2024

Dural Anteriovenous Fistulas Presenting as Symmetric Lesions in the Internal Capsule on Imaging Studies, A Case Report and Literature REview
Neurologist 28:304-309, Zhang,D.,et al, 2023

Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting with Reversible Dementia
Ann Neurol 90:512-513, Yoon, J.Y.,et al, 2021

Cauda Equina and Filum Terminale Arteriovenous Fistulas:Anatomic and Radiographic Features
AJNR 41:2166-2170, Namba,K.,et al, 2020

Pyogenic Brain Abscesses in a Patient with Digital Clubbing
JAMA Neurol 77:129-130, Paliwal, V.K.,et al, 2020

Pial Arteriovenous Fistula:A Clinical and Neuro-Interventional Experience of Outcomes in a Rare Entity
Indian J Radiol Imaging 30:286-293, Medhi,G.,et al, 2020

Spinal Dural Arteriovernous Fistula Presented with Rapidly Progressive Myelopathy, Longitudinally Extensive Spinal Cord Lesion, Pleocytosis with Polymorphonuclear Predominance, and Decreased Cerebrospinal fluid Glucose Levels:A Case Report
Rinsho Shinkeigaku 60:699-705, Kitazaki,Y.,et al, 2020

Rare Presentation of Spontaneous, Direct, Carotid Cavernous Fistula in Late Pregnancy:A Case Report
Ophthalmol Clin Res 2:73-77, Agrawal,N.,et al, 2019

Unique Gadolinium Enhancement Pattern in Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
JAMA Neurol 75:1542-1545, Zalewski, N.L.,et al, 2018

A 61-year-old woman with Lower Extremity Paralysis and Sensory Loss
Neurol 89:e257-e263, Manners, J.,et al, 2017

Clinical Reasoning: An Unusual Case of Subacute Encephalopathy
Neurol 84:e33-e37, Parikh, N.,et al, 2015

Intraorbital Arteriovenous Fistula with Thrombosed Varix: Diagnosis and Treatment without Catheter Angiography in a Developing country
Surg Neurol Int 4:107-110, Mishra, S.S.,et al, 2013

Utility of MRI in Spinal Arteriovenous Fistula
Neruol 79:25-30,15, Toossi, S.,et al, 2012

Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas: Classification, Imaging Findings, and Treatment
AJNR 33:1007-1013, Gandhi, D.,et al, 2012

Clinicopath Conf., Brain Abscess, Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation Due to Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
NEJM 362:1326-1333, Case 10-2010, 2010

Endovascular Treatment of Brain Arteriovenous Fistulas
AJNR 30:851-856, Lv,X.,et al, 2009

Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
AJNR 30:639-648, Krings,T. &Geibprasert,S., 2009

Dural Arterivenous Shunts: A New Classification of Craniospinal Epidural Venous Anatomical Bases and Clinical Correlations
Stroke 39:2783-2794, Geibprasert,S.,et al, 2008

Curable Cause of Paraplegia: Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae
Stroke 39:2756-2759, Aghakhani,N.,et al, 2008

Orbital Syndromes
Semin Neurol 27:269-287, Bhatti,M.T., 2007

Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
Neurol 62:1839-1841, Jellema,K.,et al, 2004

Brain Stem Venous Congestion Due to Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas of the Cavernous Sinus
Acta Neurochir (Wien) 146:1107-1112, Kai,Y.,et al, 2004

Rapidly Reversible Dementia
Lancet 361:392, Bernstein,R.,et al, 2003

Infective Endocarditis in Dialysis Patients: New Challenges and Old
Kidney Int 64:720-727, Doulton, T.,et al, 2003

Risks of Tumor Embolization in the Presence of an Unrecognized Patent Foramen Ovale: Case Report
AJNR 23:982-984, Horowitz,M.B.,et al, 2002

Angiographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations Associated with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
AJNR 21:1016-1020, Matsubara,S.,et al, 2000

A Man with Progressive Weakness in His Legs
Lancet 354:830, van der Meulen,M.F.G.,et al, 1999

Venous Hypertension Associated with a Posterior Fossa Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:Another Cause of Bithalamic Lesions on MR Images
AJNR 20:145-147, Greenough,G.P.,et al, 1999

Acquired Pial Arteriovenous Fistula Following Cerebral Vein Thrombosis
Stroke 30:2487-2490, Phatouros,C.C.,et al, 1999

Dementia Resulting From Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas:The Pathologic Findings of Venous Hypertensive Encephalopathy
AJNR 19:1267-1273, 12741998., Hurst,R.W.,et al, 1998

MR Appearance of an Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Leading to Cervical Myelopathy
Neurol 51:1131-1135, Hahnel,S.,et al, 1998

Cervical Myelopathy Associated with Intracranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:MR Findings Before and After Treatment
AJNR 18:1330-1334, Ernst,R.J.,et al, 1997

Painful Oculomotor Palsy Caused by Posterior-Draining Dural Carotid Cavernous Fistulas
Arch Ophthalmol 113:1045-1049, Acierno,M.D.,et al, 1995

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
NEJM 333:918-924, Guttmacher,A.E.,et al, 1995

Cerebrovascular Complications in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV
Ann Neurol 38:960-964, North,K.N.,et al, 1995

Vascular Neoplasms and Malformations, Ischemia, and Hemorrhage Affecting the Spinal Cord:MR Imaging Findings
AJR 162:685-692, Friedman,D.P.,et al, 1994

Neurovascular Manifestations of Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders:A Review
Stroke 25:889-903, Schievink,W.I.,et al, 1994

Clinicopath Conf
Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula, Case 12-1992, NEJM 326:816-824992., , 1992

Suspected Dural Arteriovenous Fistual:Results with Screening MR Angiography in Seven Patients
Radiology 183:265-271, Chen,J.C.,et al, 1992

Endovascular Treatment of Vertebral Arteriovenous Fistula
Radiology 183:361-367, Beaujeux,R.L.,et al, 1992

Value of Acute-Phase Angiography in Detection of Vascular Injuries by Gunshot Wounds to Head:Analy 12 Cases
AJR 159:365-368, Jinkins,J.R.,et al, 1992

Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Identifies patients with Right-to-Left Cardiac or Pulmonary Shunts
Neurol 41:1902-1904, Chimowitz,M.I.,et al, 1991

Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas:Evaluation with MR Imaging
Radiology 175:193-199, DeMarco,J.K.,et al, 1990

MR Imaging of Dural AV Fistuals at the Cavernous Sinus
J Comput Assist Tomogr 14:397-401, Komiyama,M.,et al, 1990

Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistulas
In Glaser, J. S. Neuro-Ophthalmology, Lippincott Co, Phil, 2nd Ed, p. 535, Troost,T.B.&Glaser,J.S., 1990

Brachial Neuropathy after Brachial Artery-antecubital Vein Shunts for Chronic Hemodialysis
Neurol 37:1398-1400, Wytrzes,L.,et al, 1987

Neurological Complications of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations
BMJ 290:1392-1393, Bazelly,B.,et al, 1985

Neuropathy Associated with Brescia-Cimino Arteriovenous Fistulas
Arch Neurol 41:1184-1186, Knezevic,W.,et al, 1984

Ischemic Monomelic Neuropathy
Neurol 33:447-451, Wilbourn,A.J.,et al, 1983

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 1337 Next >>