Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
Albright disease
arachnoid granulation
arachnoid granulation, giant
basal ganglia, calcification of
basal ganglia, lesion of
Bence Jones protein
bitemporal visual field defect
bone marrow biopsy
bone survey
brain atrophy
brain scan, abnormal
brainstem, lesion of
calcification, intracranial
carcinoma of breast
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, base of skull
CAT scan, skull bone changes
central retinal vein occlusion
cerebellar lesion
choroid plexus, abnormality of
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
Cockayne's syndrome
cornea, opacity of
cranial neuropathy, multiple
dentate nuclei, lesion of
developmental retardation
diabetes insipidus
diabetes mellitus, neurologic manifestations of
dural venous sinus
ear, abnormal
ear, pain in
epistaxis, recurrent
facial nerve palsy
facial nerve palsy, recurrent
fibrous dysplasia
fibrous dysplasia of orbit
fundus, abnormality of
genetic neurologic disorders
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
headache, severe
hearing loss
heralding manifestation
hyperpigmentation of skin
hyperviscosity syndrome
hypothalamus, lesion of
intellectual deficit
jugular foramen syndrome
malignant external otitis
mastoid opacification
meningeal enhancement
meningeal gliomatosis
meningioma, intraosseous
meningitis, bacterial
meningitis, pseudomonas
meningitis, recurrent
mental retardation
metastasis to bone
MRI, abnormal
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, incidental finding
MRI, mass effect on
MRI, skull bone changes
multiple myeloma
neoplasm, intracranial with metastasis extracranially
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS
neoplasm, pituitary
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neoplasm, primary of CNS
neurofibromatosis 1
neuropathology, brain
optic atrophy
osteoblastic lesions, causes of
osteolytic lesion, causes of
otitis, neurologic complications with
otorrhea, cerebrospinal fluid
photosensitivity, skin
pituitary stalk
pituitary, adenoma
pituitary, enlargement
pituitary, lesion of
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
pons, lesion of
precocious puberty
primary leptomeningeal gliomatosis
pseudomonas aeruginosa
pupil, abnormality in neurologic disorders
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
review article
sarcoidosis, CNS
scotoma, central
sedimentation rate, elevated
sella turcica, enlargement of
sinus, neoplasm of
sinuses, diseases of
skull bone, erosion
skull x-ray
skull x-ray, abnormal
skull x-ray, bony defect on
skull, metastatic carcinoma to
symmetric brain lesions
temporal bone, metastasis to
treatment of neurologic disorder
Virchow-Robin spaces, dilated
visual acuity, decreased, monocular
visual loss
visual loss, slow
visual loss, slow-unilateral
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 3567 Next >>

Clinicopath Conf, Pituitary Adenoma
NEJM 359:2367-2377, Case 37-2008, 2008

MR Imaging Presentation of Intracranial Disease Associated with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
AJNR 25:880-891, Prayer, D.,et al, 2004

Clinicopath Conf, Hyperviscosity Syndrome Due to IgG Multiple Myeloma
NEJM 346:603-610, Case 6-2002, 2002

MRI of Arachnoid Granulations Within the Dural Sinuses Using a FLAIR Pulse Sequence
British Jour Radiol 72:1046-1051, Ikushima,I.,et al, 1999

Diffuse Leptomeningeal Gliomatosis with Osteoblastic Metastases and No Evidence of Intraaxial Lesions
AJNR 16:1018-1020, Pingi,A.,et al, 1995

Leptomeningeal and Calvarial Sarcoidosis:CT and MR Appearances
J Comput Assist Tomogr 19:639-642, Finelli,D.A.,et al, 1995

Intraosseous Meningioma:CT and MR Appearance
J Comput Assist Tomogr 16:1000-1001, Lee,H.,et al, 1992

Cranial Lymphangiomatosis Causing CSF Otorrhea and Recurrent Meningitis:CT Features
J Comput Assist Tomogr 14:121-123, Nazarian,G.K.,et al, 1990

Neurofibromatosis Type I in Children
J Pediatr 116:845-853, Listernick,R.&Charrow,J., 1990

Intracranial Oligodendrogliomas:Imaging Findings in 35 Untreated Cases
AJNR 10:119-127, Lee,Y.Y.&VanTassel,P., 1989

Clinicopath Conf
Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Compatible with Breast Origin of Mastoid and Temporal Bone, Case Record 14, 189,NEJM 320:924-930,1989., 1989

Clin. Path. Conference
Giant Arachnoid Granulation, with Erosion of Calvarium, Case Record 42-1984, NEJM 311:1036-104384., , 1984

Clin. Path. Conference
Squamous-Cell CA of Frontal Sinus, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Case Record 30-1983, NEJM 309:226-2, 5, 1, 1983

Cerebral Compression by Myeloma
JNNP 44:833-836, Stark,R.J.,et al, 1981

Cockayne Syndrome:Unusual Neuropathological Findings & Review of the Literature
Ann Neurol 6:340-348, 1979, Soffer,D.,et al, 1979

Neurologic Complications of Malignant External Otitis
Neurol 21:1077, Schwarz,G.A.,et al, 1971

Fibrous Dysplasia, In Neurology In Pediatrics
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The Canadian CT Head Rule for Patients with Minor Head Injury
Lancet 357:1391-1396, Stiell,I.G.,et al, 2001

Hyperostosis Cranialis Interna
NEJM 322:450-463, Manni,J.J.,et al, 1990

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease Affecting 43 Members of a Single Kindred
Medicine 68:1-29, Lamiell,J.M.,et al, 1989

Sclerosteosis:Neurogenetic & Pathophysiologic Analysis of an American Kinship
Neurol 33:267-277, Stein,S.A.,et al, 1983

Two Cases of Van Buchem's Disease
JNNP 45:913-918, Dixon,J.M.,et al, 1982

Osteopetrosis, Renal Tubular Acidosis & Basal Ganglia Calcification in Three Sisters
Am J Med 69:64-74, Whythe,M.P.,et al, 1980

Chiasmal Syndrome in Sphenoid Sinus Mucocele
Ann Neurol 4:440-444, Goodwin,J.A.,et al, 1978

Familial Cavernous Angiomas
Arch Neurol 35:746-749, Bicknell,J.M.,et al, 1978

Prolactin-Secreting Tumors & Hypogonadism in 22 Men
NEJM 299:847-852, Carter,J.N.,et al, 1978

Galactorrhea:A Study of 235 Cases, Including 48 with Pituitary Tumors
NEJM 296:589, Kleinberg,D.L.,et al, 1977

Infiltration of the Leptomeninges by Systemic Cancer:a Clinical & Pathologic Study
Arch Neurol 30:122, Olson,M.E.,et al, 1974

A 65-year-old man with Asymmetric Weakness and Parethesias
Neurol 93:856-861, Harada, Y.,et al, 2019

An Older Man with Memory Impairment and Convulsions
BMJ 358:J2824, Zhao, X.,et al, 2017

A 54-year-old woman with Dementia, Myoclonus, and Ataxia
Neurol 89:e7-e12, Ali, F.,et al, 2017

Sarcoidosis Limbic Encephalitis
Iran J Neurol 16:156-158, Toudou-Daouda, M.,et al, 2017

Will Neuroimaging Reveal a Severe Intracranial Injury in this Adult with Minor Head Trauma?
JAMA 314:2672-2681,2629, Easter, J.S.,et al, 2015

Mystery Case: Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy in Occipito-Temporal Pneumatization
Neurol 79:e109-e110, Renard, D.,et al, 2012

An unusual cause of stroke and hypoxia
BMJ 342:c7200, Bell, S.L. & Eveson, D.J., 2011

Lateral Sinus Thrombosis: Complication of Minor Head Injury
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 73:629-635, Nehme, J.,et al, 2009

Basilar Skull Fracture: A Risk Factor for Transverse/Sigmoid Venous Sinus Obstruction
J Neurotrauma 25:104-111, Zhao, X.,et al, 2008

Clinicopath Conf, Atypical Carcinoid Tumor with Limbic Encephalitis
NEJM 359:2155-2164, Case 35-2008, 2008

Investigating the Hoarse Voice
BMJ 337:1165-1168, Pretorius,P.M. &Milford,C.A., 2008

Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Series of 126 Patients
Medicine 86:1-7, Cottin,V.,et al, 2007

Fatal Avian Influenza A (H5N1) in a Child Presenting with Diarrhea Followed by Coma
NEJM 352:686-691, de Jong,M.D., et al, 2005

Clinicopath Conf., Penumococcal penumonia with Endocarditis and Endophtlhalmitis
NEJM 348:834-842, Case 7-2003, 2003

Delirium Resulting From Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis Caused by Hodgkins Disease
Psychosomatics 43:498-501, Kung,S.,et al, 2002

Preventable Deaths and Injuries during Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NEJM 345:1000-1001, Landrigan,C., 2001

Value of Radiological Diagnosis of Skull Fracture in the Management of Mild Head Injury: Meta-Analysis
JNNP 68:416-422,403, Hofman,P.A.M.,et al, 2000

Clinicopath Conf, Granulomatous and Lymphocytic Hypophysitis
NEJM 343:1399-1406, Case 34-2000, 2000

Significance of Vomiting After Head Injury
JNNP 66:470-473, Nee,P.A.,et al, 1999

The Management of Minor Closed Head Injury in Children
Pediatrics 104:1407-1415, Cmte on Quality Improvement,American Academy of Pe, 1999

A Population-Based Study of Seizures after Traumatic Brain Injuries
NEJM 338:20-24, Annegers,J.F.,et al, 1998

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