Neurology Specific Literature Search   

(Click to cross reference)
abscess, amebic
abscess, brainstem
abscess, cerebellum
abscess, intracerebral
abscess, intracerebral, multiple
abscess, intracerebral, treatment of
abscess, intracranial
abscess, intracranial-fungal
abscess, intracranial-neonatal
abscess, sphenoid sinus
abscess, spinal cord
abscess, vertebral
acoustic neurinoma
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
atlanto-axial subluxation
bacterial infection
bacterial infection, CNS
brain biopsy
brain biopsy, stereotaxic
brain scan
brain scan, false negative
calcification, intracranial
carotid artery occlusion, neck
CAT scan
CAT scan, abnormal
CAT scan, abscess, cerebral
CAT scan, angiography
CAT scan, brain scan compared to
CAT scan, brain tumors
CAT scan, cerebrovascular disease
CAT scan, contrast enhanced
CAT scan, dementia
CAT scan, demyelinating disease
CAT scan, false negative
CAT scan, false positive
CAT scan, indications for
CAT scan, metrizamide
CAT scan, ring sign
CAT scan, spinal cord
CAT scan, venography
cavernous sinus, syndrome
CD4 counts
central nervous system, infection of
cerebral embolism
cerebral infarction
cerebral infarction, septic
cerebral ischemia
cerebral venous thrombosis
cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal
cerebrospinal fluid, gammaglobulin of
cerebrospinal fluid, protein of
cerebrovascular accident
cerebrovascular accident, infancy and childhood
cervical spine
Clinical Pathologic Conference(C.P.C.)
clostridium perfringens
clubbing of fingers
congenital heart disease
congenital heart disease, CNS complications with
congestive heart failure
conversion reaction
cornea, opacity of
cortical vein thrombosis
demyelinating disease
dental infection
disc space infection
donut sign
drug abuse, neurologic complications of
dural sinus thrombosis
ear, pain in
edema, periorbital
eikenella corrodens
electrophoretic pattern, CSF
embolism, paradoxical
embolism, septic
emergencies, neurologic
empyema, epidural
empyema, epidural-spinal
empyema, subdural
empyema, subdural-spinal
encephalitis, viral
epidemiology of neurology
escherichia coli
esophageal varices
exophthalmus, unilateral
eye movement, disorders of
facial nerve palsy
fistula, arterio-venous, pulmonary
frontal lobe, pathologic signs of
frontal lobe, space occupying lesion of
fungal infection
fungal infection, CNS
gastrointestinal bleeding
genetic counselling
genetic neurologic disorders
gram negative rod
grasp reflex
head injury
head injury, delayed deterioration following
head injury, evaluation of
head injury, management of
head injury, mild
head injury, return to hospital following
headache, severe
hematoma, epidural-cranial
hematoma, intracerebral
hematuria, gross
hemorrhagic diathesis
hepatic encephalopathy
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT)
herniated disc, differential diagnosis of
human immunodeficiency virus type 1
intracerebral hemorrhage
intracranial hemorrhage
intracranial hypertension, benign
jugular foramen syndrome
jugular vein, thrombosis of
kodachrome collection
leukoencephalitis, acute necrotizing hemorrhagic
level of consciousness, decreased
listeria monocytogenes
low back pain
lumbar puncture, complications of
malaria, cerebral
malformation, CNS, congenital
malformation, vascular
malformation, vascular, cerebral
meningeal enhancement
meningitis, adults
meningitis, aseptic
meningitis, bacterial
meningitis, bacterial, community acquired
meningitis, citrobacter
meningitis, elderly
meningitis, gram negative
meningitis, leptospira
meningitis, neurologic aspects and complications of
meningitis, newborn
meningitis, predisposing factors in
meningitis, treatment of
meningoencephalitis, amoebic
mental status, abnormal
middle ear infection giving intracranial complications
MRI, abnormal
MRI, abscess, cerebral
MRI, CAT scan compared to
MRI, contrast enhanced
MRI, diffusion weighted
MRI, emergent
MRI, ring sign
MRI, spinal cord
MRI, spine
MRI, target sign
MRI, venography
nasal stuffiness
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
nausea and vomiting
neck pain
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS
neoplasm, metastatic to CNS, hemorrhagic
neoplasm, primary intracerebral
neoplasm, primary intracerebral, presenting as CVA
neoplasm, primary of CNS
neurologic complications of, surgery
neurologic disease, diagnoses of
neurologic examination, focal
next-generation sequencing
old age, neurology of
opportunistic infection
opportunistic infection, CNS
optic nerve
optic nerve, lesion of
orbit, cellulitis of
orbit, injury of
orbitocranial injury, penetrating
osteomyelitis, skull
osteomyelitis, spinal
otitis, neurologic complications with
pain, abdominal
parameningeal infection
parasitic infection, CNS
plasmacytoma of brain
pleocytosis of cerebrospinal fluid
polymerase chain reaction
portal caval shunt
pterygoid muscle weakness
radiation therapy, CNS treatment and complications with
review article
risk factors
root lesion, nerve
seizure, focal
sinuses, diseases of
skin, lesions in neurologic disorders
skull fracture
skull x-ray, abnormal
spinal cord, compression of
spinal cord, compression, epidural abscess causing
spinal cord, enlargement
spinal cord, vascular malformation of
spine, infection of
spine, tenderness
streptococcus pneumoniae
Sturge-Weber syndrome
subarachnoid hemorrhage
subdural hematoma
subdural hematoma, chronic
subdural hygroma
telangiectases, retinal
thalamus, lesion of
treatment of neurologic disorder
tuberculoma of CNS
tuberculosis, spinal
tuberous sclerosis
viral infection
viral infection, CNS
Showing articles 0 to 50 of 329 Next >>

Multiple Contrast Enhancing Subdural Lesions
BMJ 387:e079362, Liu,J. & Sun,Z., 2024

Brain Abscess
NEJM 371:447-456, Brouwer, M.C.,et al, 2014

Infections of the Nervous System, (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and Sarcoidosis, Subdural Empyema
Adams & Victors Principles of Neurology, Chp 32, pg 711, Ropper, A.H.,et al, 2014

Clinicopathologic Conference, Cholesteatoma & Cholesterol Granuloma with Chronic Otitis Media, with Dural SinusThrombosis
NEJM 368:267-277, Case 2-2013, 2013

Subdural empyema in bacterial meningitis
Neurol 79:2133-2139, Jim, K.,et al, 2012

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Fungal Cerebral Infection
AJNR 26:1115-1121, Gaviani,P.,et al, 2005

Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Subdural Empyemas in Children
AJNR 25:1016-1021, Wong,A.M.,et al, 2004

Headache and Abdominal Pain
Lancet 357:930, McNamara,P.S.,et al, 2001

MRI Demonstration of Haemorrhage in the Wall of a Brain Abscess: Possible Implications for Diagnosis and Management
Neuroradiol 43:218-222, Sudhakar,K.V.,et al, 2001

Central Nervous System Aspergillosis in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Medicine 79:269-280, Mylonakis,E. et al, 2000

Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations
Neurol 55:959-964, Moussouttas,M.,et al, 2000

Cure of a Solitary Brainstem Abscess with Antibiotic Therapy:Case Report
Neurol 46:1451-1454, Fulgham,J.R.,et al, 1996

Patients Who Reattend After Head Injury:A High Risk Group
BMJ 311:1395-1398, Voss,M.,et al, 1995

Clostridium Perfringens Subdural Empyema and Meningitis
Neurol 44:1357-1358, Meschia,J.F.,et al, 1994

Aspergillosis of the Brain and Paranasal Sinuses in Immunocompromised Patients:CT and MR Imaging Findings
AJR 162:155-159, Ashdown,B.C.,et al, 1994

Management of Cerebral Infection
JNNP 56:1243-1258, Anderson,M., 1993

Role of MR Imaging in the Management of Spinal Infections
AJR 158:1333-1345, Sharif,H.S., 1992

Intracranial Amebic Abscesses:CT and MR Findings
J Comput Assist Tomogr 15:168-170, Dietz,R.,et al, 1991

Clinicopath Conf
Thalamic Abscess, Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation, Case 16-1990, NEJM 322:1139-114890., , 1990

Subdural and Epidural Empyemas:MR Imaging
AJNR 152:615-621, Weingarten,K.,et al, 1989

Central Nervous System Infections in the Elderly
Arch Int Med 149:1596-1599, Behrman,R.E.,et al, 1989

Multiple Pyogenic Brain Abscesses:An Analysis of 21 Patients
JNNP 52:591-594, Basit,A.S.,et al, 1989

Treatment of Intracranial Abscesses Associated with Sinusitis in Children and Adolescents
J Pediatr 113:15-23, Johnson,D.L.,et al, 1988

Brain Abscess:Association with Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula and Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia:3 Cases
Am J Med 85:718-720, Gelfand,M.S.,et al, 1988

Clinical Spectrum of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (Osler-Wever-Rendu Disease)
Am J Med 82:989-997, Perry,W.H., 1987

Management of Subdural Intracranial Empyemas Should Not Always Require Surgery
JNNP 49:635-639, Leys,D.,et al, 1986

Subdural Empyema, Clinical & Computed Tomographic Correlations
Arch Neurol 43:497-500, Weisberg,L., 1986

Subdural Empyema:An Important Diagnosis Not to Miss
BMJ 293:118-119, Farkas,A.G.&Marks,J.C., 1986

Subdural Empyema Caused by Hematogenous Spread
harefuah 111:235-237, Granovsky,R.,et al, 1986

A Case of Infected Subdural Hematoma (Subdural Empyema) Secondary to Septicemia Caused by Agranulocytosis
No Shinkei Geka 12:353-357, Kaminogo,M.,et al, 1984

Clin. Path. Conference
Spinal Subdural Abscess, Case Record 47-1984, NEJM 311:1365-1370984., , 1984

Gas Within Intracranial Abscess Cavities:An Indication for Surgical Excision
Ann Neurol 16:35-39, Young,R.F.,et al, 1984

Sinusitis:Induced Subdural Empyema
Neurol 33:123-132, Kaufman,D.M.,et al, 1983

CNS Infections Caused by Eikenella Corrodens
Arch Neurol 39:431-432, Brill,C.B.,et al, 1982

Clinical Pathological Conference
Cerebellar Abscess, Case Record 2-1981, NEJM 304:100-107981., , 1981

Subdural Empyema Complicating Meningitis in Infants:Improved Prognosis
Neurol 31:190-193, Jacobson,P.L.,et al, 1981

Failure of Computed Tomographic Scanning to Demonstrate Subdural Empyema
JAMA 246:1116-1118, Dunker,R.O.,et al, 1981

Neonatal Intracranial Abscess:Two Cases Caused by Citrobacter & a Literature Review
Ann Neurol 8:269-272, Curless,R.G., 1980

Spinal Cord Abscess Caused by Listeria Monocytogenes
Arch Neurol 37:243-244, Morrison,R.E.,et al, 1980

Medical Implications of Computed Tomography ("Cat scanning")
NEJM 298:255, Abrams,H.L.,et al, 1978

Diagnosis of Extracerebral Fluid Collections by Computed Tomography
Am J Roentgenol 131:107-110, Cornell,S.H.,et al, 1978

Computed Tomography (CT) in the Diagnosis of Intracranial Abscesses
Neurol 27:1069, Kaufman,D.M.,et al, 1977

Value of Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Intracranial Abscess
JNNP 40:214, Shaw,M.D.M.,et al, 1977

Neurological Complications of Infections of the Head & Neck
Otolaryng Clin North Am 9:729, Kaplan,R.J., 1976

Spinal Epidural Abscess
NEJM 293:463, Baker,A.S.,et al, 1975

Diseases of the Ear
Third Edition, Chap. 13, p. 349, 1974. , Williams & Wilkins Co. , Baltimore., Mawson,S.R.,et al, 1974

Case Records of MGH
NEJM 288:674, Cerebral Abscess-Bacterial1973., , 1973

Eletrophoretic Analy. of CSF Proteins in Pts with CNS Mass Lesions
J Neurosurg 36:679, Weber,E.L., 1972

Neuro CPC of MGH
Multiple Cerebral Abscesses & Infarcts, NEJM 266:610-61762., , 1962

Showing articles 0 to 50 of 329 Next >>