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Showing articles 0 to 27 of 27

Sickle Cell Trait and Incident Ischemic Stroke in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
Stroke 45:2863-2867, Caughey, M.C.,et al, 2014

Sickle Cell Trait is a Risk Factor for Early Stroke
Arch Neurol 62:1778-1779,1781, Golomb,M.R., 2005

Sickle Cell Trait Is Not a Risk Factor for Stroke
Arch Neurol 62:1780-1781, Dowling, M.M., 2005

Subcortical Cerebral Infarctions in Sickle Cell Trait
JNNP 52:516-518, Reyes,M.G., 1989

Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis with Infarction in Sickle Cell Trait
Stroke 18:656-660, Feldenzer,J.A.,et al, 1987

Cerebral Infarction in Sickle Cell Trait
Ann Neurol 18:354-355, Greenberg,J.&Massey,E.W., 1985

Growth & Development in Children with Sickle-Cell Trait
NEJM 299:686-689, Kramer,M.S.,et al, 1978

Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis
Arch Neurol 34:2, Gettelfinger,D.M.,et al, 1977

Sickle Cell Trait & Transient Monocular Blindness, Case Study
Am J Ophthalmol 8l:850, Finelli,P.F., 1976

A Comparison of the Physical & Intellectual Development of Black Children with & without Sickle-Cell Trait
Pediatrics 56:1021, McCormack,M.K.,et al, 1975

Clinical Hematology (Sickle Cell Trait)
Lea & Febiger-Phila 1974 p 389., Wintrobe,M.M., 1974

Sickle Cell Trait
JAMA Editorial 229:ll05, Crosby,W.H., 1974

Perceptual-Motor Dysfunction in Children w/Sickle Cell Trait
Perceptual & Motor Skills 36:234973., Flick,G.L.,et al, 1973

Sickle Cell Hemoglobin-Molecule to Man
Little Brown & Co. Boston, lar Ws. p111 & 112, 1973. p111 & 112., Murayama,M.&Nalbandian,R., 1973

Brain & Nervous System (list of articles) -The Sickle Cell Hemo.
et al CR1973-Whitson Pub. Co. , Troy, N. Y., A Comprehensive Bibliography 1910-1972 Triche,C.W., 1973

Complicated Migraine & Hemoglobin AS in Nigerians
BMJ 2:62l, Osuntokun,B.O.,et al, 1972

Circ. Disturbance in the Area Supplied by the Art. Vert. Basilar in a Case of Sickle Cell Trait (AgAS)
Wien Klin Wochencher 84:728, Fischer,V.M., 1972

Spinal Cord Infarction Associatred with The Sickle Cell Trait
Paraplegia 7:282, Wolman,L.,et al, 1970

Stroke, Sickle Cell Trait, & Oral Contraceptives
Ann Int Med (letter) 72:960970., Greenwald,J.G., 1970

Acute Chorioretinal Infarction in Sickle Cell Trait
Arch Ophthalmol 84:485, Stein,M.,et al, 1970

Sickle Cell Trait & Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
Am J Ophthalmol 63:465, Conrad,W.C.,et al, 1967

Clinical Significance of Sickle Cell Trait-A Case Assoc. with Bizarre Cerebral Manif
Mich Univ Med Center Jour 30:289, Mull,J.D., 1964

Sickle Cell Trait & Superior Longitudinal Sinus Thrombosis
Ann Int Med 60:465, Schenk,E.A., 1964

Abnormal Hemoglobin as a Cause of Neurolic Disease
Neurol 12:114, Greer,M.,et al, 1962

Abnormal Hemoglobins, II Pathology of Sickle Cell Trait
Am J Med Sci 241:91, McCormick,Wm., 1961

Renal Failure & Other Unusual Manifestations in Sickle Cell Trait
Arch Path 63:508, Tellam,M.,et al, 1957

Ann Int Med 42:1065, Ende,N.,et al, 1955

Showing articles 0 to 27 of 27