In the 37 patients(mean age,30 years),29 infarcts were limited to one territory(15 in the posteroinferio cerebellar artery[PICA];14 in the superior cerebellar artery);8 had nonterritorial infarctions.The most common stroke mechanisms in each territory were as follows:PICA: nonatherosclerotic vasculopathic(67%),cardioembolic(20%,and hematologic (42%),cryptogenic(31%),migrainous(21%),and nonatherosclerotic vasculopathic and hematologic(each 7%),and mixed territory; nonatherosclerotic vasculopathic(50%),cryptogenic(25%),cardioembolic(12%) and hematologic(12%).The most common mechanism of cerebellar infarctions was arterial occlusion as a result of intracranial vertebral artery dissection(40%),mainly with PICA involvement.Embolism from a cardiac source resulted in primarily from patent foramen ovale and rheumatic valvular disease.Hematologic disturbances and migraine were responsible for a few cases. |