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The Oregon Brain Aging Study, Neuropathlogy Accompanying Healthy Aging in the Oldest Old
Neurol 54:105-113, Green,M.S., et al, 2000
See this aricle in Pubmed

Article Abstract
These results support a continuum in which AD is infrequent in the healthy, cognitively stable, oldest old. The minimal abnormalities in cognitively stable individuals are consistent with the notion that preclinical pathologic AD precedes obvious cognitive impairment. Longitudinal cognitive testing shows an increased burden of neuropathologic changes in those who have cognitive decline but are not functionally impaired and do not meet criteria for the diagnosis of dementia. The strong re lationship between cumulative pathologic changes and rate of cognitive decline suggests that these lesions may have clinical consequences at any age and are not likely to be benign senescent changes.
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