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Direct cerebral angiography was not diagnostic in any case of SVD PACNS; positive brain biopsy is diagnostically unequivocal, but the total clinical syndrome with imaging may establish a diagnosis with highest probability. In MVD PACNS, angiography with MR scan proved diagnostic. We suggest an algorithm for a rational, minimally invasive approach to investigation. In PACNS, SVD and MVD are important variants, and decisions about therapy should incorporate these distinctions. |
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algorithm angiitis,isolated of CNS angiography, cerebral, beaded vessels angiography,cerebral angiography,cerebral,negative brain biopsy brain biopsy,false negative brain biopsy,indication cerebrovascular accident,recurrent MRI MRI,abnormal MRI,false negative MRI,serial neurologic disease,diagnoses of quadriparesis quadriplegia review article treatment of neurologic disorder
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