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RCVS is a clinical condition of recurrent severe headaches that may be associated with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke and that is defined by the presence of segmental vasoconstriction in multiple cerebral arteries. The angiographic appearance resembles vasculitis, except that the abnormalities resolve during the course of several months. Because the treatment of RCVS differs from that for vasculitis, radiologist must understand the clinical and radiologic features so as to better guide imaging algorithms and facilitate diagnosis. We present a series of 6 cases of RCVS that highlight the imaging features across multiple modalities. |
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adverse drug reaction algorithm angiography, cerebral, beaded vessels angiography,cerebral angiography,cerebral,negative ataxia calcium antagonist CAT scan,angiography cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular accident,young adult confusion digital subtraction angiography drug induced neurologic disorders headache headache,bifrontal headache,occipital headache,recurrent headache,severe intracerebral hemorrhage misdiagnosis MRI,abnormal MRI,angiography MRI,negative multimodal neuroimaging nausea and vomiting neurologic disease,diagnoses of posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome precipitating factors reversible cerebral vasoconstrictive syndromes review article subarachnoid hemorrhage,cerebral convexity transient neurologic deficit vasculopathy vasospasm,cerebral
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