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Dramatic Changes in the Performance of Endarterectomy for Diseases of the Extracranial Arteries of the Head
Stroke 19:1289-1290, Pokras,R.&Dyken,M.L., 1988
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Article Abstract
Data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey have been reviewed each year to estimate the number of endarterectomies of extracranial vessels of head and neck performed in nonfederal hospitals in the United States.The number dramatically increased from 15,000 in 1971 to 107,000 in 1985. Regression estimates using data from 1971-1985 indicate that 127,000 procedures were expected for 1986,but the observed estimate indicated a dramatic drop to 83,000.Data reviewed suggest that on balance this reduction may have a favorable effect on stroke mortality and morbidity.
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endarterectomy,carotid-indications for
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