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Filter Applied: cranial neuropathy (Click to remove)

Cranial Nerve Disorders Associated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Neurol 96:e866-e875, Vogrig, A.,et al, 2021

A 47-Year-Old With Headache, Vertigo, and Double Vision
Neurol 97:e535-e539, Frey, J.,et al, 2021

COVID-19 Presenting with Ophthalmoparesis from Cranial Nerve Palsy
Neurol 95:221-223, Dinkin, M.,et al, 2020

Bilateral Cavernous Carotid Aneurysms: Atypical Presentation of a Rare Cause of Mass Effect
Front Neurol doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.0069, Gagliardi, D.,et al, 2018

Painful Ophthalmoplegia Following Dental Procedure
Neuroophthalmol 37:165-168, Simsek, I.,et al, 2013

Dental Diplopia With Transient Abducens Palsy
Neurol 63:2449-2450, Walker,M.,et al, 2004

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Sarcoidosis. Clincal Spectrum, Evaluation and Management
J Neuroophthalmol 21:132-137, Frohman,L.P,et al, 2001

Combined VIth and XIIth Cranial Nerve Palsies: A Clival Syndrome
Neurol 54:1540-1541, Keane,J.R., 2000

Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 17:108-121, Balcer,L.J.,et al, 1997

Multifocal Motor Neuropathy Presenting as Ophthalmoplegia
Muscle & Nerve 20:347-351997., Pringle,C.E.,et al, 1997

Ocular Findings in Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 17:199-201, Mansour,A.M.&Bailey,B.J., 1997

Cranial Nerve Enhancement on Three-Dimentional MRI in Miller Fisher Syndrome
Neurol 47:1601-1602, Nagaoka,U.,et al, 1996

Regional Subacute Cranial Neuropathies Following Internal Carotid Cisplatin Infusion
Neurol 47:1088-1090, Alderson,L.M.,et al, 1996

Neuro-Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
Ophthalmology 97:699-706, Lesser,R.L.,et al, 1995

Eye Movement Abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Arch Neurol 52:1145-1149, Keane,J.R., 1995

Simultaneous, Multiple Cranial Neuropathies in Diabetes Mellitus
J Neuro-Ophthalmol 15:219-224, Eshbaugh,C.G.,et al, 1995

Further Reg Var of Acute Polyneuro:Bifacial or 6th Nerve Paresis, Lumbar Polyrad & Ataxia/Phary Cervical-Brachial Wkness
Arch Neurol 51:671-675, Ropper,A.H., 1994

Neurological Involvement in Wegener's Granulomatosis:An Analysis of 324 Consecutive Pts at the Mayo Clin
Neurol 33:4-9, Nishino,H.,et al, 1993

Cranial Neuropathy Heralding Otherwise Occult AIDS-Related Large Cell Lymphoma
J Clin Neuro-Ophthalmol 13:113-118, Berger,J.R.,et al, 1993

Cranial Nerve Involvement with Lyme Borreliosis Demonstrated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Neurol 42:671-673, Nelson,J.A.,et al, 1992

Neuro-Ophthalmic Features of Carotid Cavernous Fistulas and Their Treatment by Endoarterial Balloon Embolisation
JNNP 55:553-556, Brosnahan,D.,et al, 1992

Cat Scratch Disease, Acute Encephalopathy & Other Neurologic Manifestations
Am J Dis Child 145:98-101, Carithers,H.A.&Margileth,A.M., 1991

Neuro-Ophthalmologic Signs of AIDS:50 patients
Neurol 41:841-845, Keane,J.R., 1991

Bilateral Hemifacial Spasm and Left Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia Caused by Bilateral Vertebral Artery Displacement
Neurol 102:e209422, Han,Z.,et al, 2024

Intracranial Hypertension Associated with Poly-Cranio-Radicular-Neuropathies A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Neurologist 29:166-169, Eaton,J.E.,et al, 2024

A 63-Year-Old Man With Progressive Multicranial Neuropathy and Leptomeningeal Enhancement
Neurol 103:e210100, Taga,A.,et al, 2024

Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Sarcoidosis
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 39:277-297, Rao,D.A. & Dellaripa,P.F., 2023

Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
StatPearls PMID:28846357, Plewa,M.C.,et al, 2023

Woman With Acute Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia
Neurol 101:140-144, Giacobbe,Alket al, 2023

Progressive Cranial Neuropathy
JAMA Neurol 80:1375-1376, Buchberger,D.S.,et al, 2023

A 67-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Diplopia, Vertigo, and Ataxia
Neurol 98:e669-e674, Sakoda, M.,et al, 2022

A 73-Year-Old Woman with Episodic Dysarthria and Horizontal Binocular Diplopia
Neurol 98:767-772, Bower, A.S.,et al, 2022

Clinicopathologic Conference, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
NEJM 387:1022-1032, Case 28-2022, 2022

Cases with IgG4-related Ophthalmic Disease with Mass Lesions Surrounding the Optic Nerve
Am J Ophthalmol 25:101324, Hamaoka, S.,t al, 2022

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cranial Nerves in Infectious, Neoplastic, and Demyelinating Diseases, as Well as Other Inflammatory Diseases:A Pictorial Essay
Radiol Bras 55:38-46, Dalaqua,M.,et al, 2022

Neurobrucellosis:The Great Mimicker
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 55:e0567-e2012, Soares,C.N.,et al, 2022

Radiation-Induced Bilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy 20 Years After Radiation Treatment
Neurol 96:955-957, Grassmeyer, J.J.,et al, 2021

A 64-Year-Old Man with Multiple Cranial Neuropathies
Neurol 97:e215-e221, Lefland, A.,et al, 2021

A 59-Year-Old Woman Presenting with Diplopia, Dysarthria, Right-sided Weakness, and Encephalopathy
Neurol 97:e859-e864, Manzano, G.S.,et al, 2021

A 42-Year-Old Woman with Mysterious Monocytic Meningitis
Neurol 97:449-454, Nothem, M.E., et al, 2021

Chronic Meningitis
NEJM 385:930-936, Aksamit, A.J., 2021

The Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
NJJP 71:577-582, Kline,L.B. & Hoyt,W.F., 2021

Severe Neurological Toxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Growing Spectrum
Ann Neurol 87:659-669, Dubey, D.,et al, 2020

Facial Nerve Marginal Mandibular Branch Lesion
Neurol 94:e2069-e2071, Fleuren, K. & Staals, J., 2020

Tapia Syndrome at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Neurol 95:312-313, Decavel, P.,et al, 2020

Facial Nerve Palsy in COVID-19 Infection
Neurol 95:364-367, Goh, Y.,et al, 2020

A 14-Year-Old Boy with Acute Weakness, Parethesias, and Headache
Neurol 95:e1285-e1289, Seese, R.R.,et al, 2020

Imaging Review of Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes
AJNR 41:2176-2187, Madhavan, A.A.,et al, 2020

Lyme Disease: What the Neuroradiologist Needs to Know
AJNR 40:1998-2000, Valand, H.A.,et al, 2019

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