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Clinicopathologic Conference, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Meningitis
NEJM 384:166-176, Case 1-2021, 2021

Cerebrovascular Complications of Neurocysticercosis
The Neurologist 18:17-22, Marquez, J.M. and Arauz, A., 2012

Pediatric Moyamoya Disease: An Analysis of 410 Consecutive Cases
Ann Neurol 68:92-101, Kim,S.-K., et al, 2010

Neurologic Aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Neurol 45:416-421, Lossos,A.,et al, 1995

Advances in Neurology
NEJM 326:1608-1616, 1671-16761992., Gilman,S., 1992

Suicide and Patients with Neurologic Diseases, Methodologic Problems
Arch Neurol 49:1296-1303, Stenager,E.N.&Stenager,E., 1992

Neurologic Manifestations of AIDS
Medicine 66:407-437, McArthur,J.C., 1987

Neurology:An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Literature
Ann Int Med 91:658-663, , 1979

Case Records of MGH-Polycythemia
Carotid Occlusion & Cerebral Infarcts, NEJM 291:96674., , 1974

Neurologic Manifestations of Bacterial Endocarditis
Ann Int Med 71:21, Jones,H.,et al, 1969

Clinicopathologic Conference, Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
NEJM 385:1317-1325, Case 30-2021, 2021

Epilepsy in Older People
Lancet 395:735-748, Sen, A.,et al, 2020

Frequency and Prognosis of Convulsive Status Epilepticus of Different Causes: A Systematic Review
Arch Neurol 67:931-940, Neligan,A., et al, 2010

Moyamoya Disease and Moyamoya Syndrome
NEJM 360:1226-1237, Scott,R.M. &Smith,E.R., 2009

The Safety of Triptans in the Treatment of Patients with Migraine
Am J Med 112:135-140, Jamieson,D.G., 2002

Seizures and Epilepsy in the Elderly
Arch Int Med 157:605-617, Thomas,R.J., 1997

Assessment of Digital EEG, Quantitative EEG, and EEG Brain Mapping
Neurol 49:277-292, Nuwer,M., 1997

Cerebral Artery Stenosis in Williams Syndrome Causes Strokes in Childhood
J Pediatr 126:943-945, Kaplan,P.,et al, 1995

Clinical Spectrum of CADASIL:A Study of 7 Families
Lancet 346:934-939, Chabriat,H.,et al, 1995

Progress in the Genetics of Cerebrovascular Disease Inherited Subcortical Arteriopathies
Stroke 25:1696-1698, Bowler,J.V.&Hachinski,V., 1994

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NEJM 328:708-716, 785-7911993., Edelman,R.R.&Warach,S., 1993

Headache in Stroke
Stroke 24:1621-1624, Vestergaard,K.,et al, 1993

Postpartum Eclampsia and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2:151-1531992., Finelli,P.F., 1992

PET:Its Clinical Role in Neurology
JNNP 54:1-5, Brooks,D.J., 1991

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography in Cerebrovascular Disease
Stroke 22:950-954, Fayad,P.B.&Brass,L.M., 1991

A Survey of Epileptic Disorders in Southwest France:Seizures in Elderly Patients
Ann Neurol 27:232-237, Loiseau,J.,et al, 1990

National Cancer Institute Workshop Statement
Advances in Clinical Imaging Using Positron Emission Tomography, Arch Int Med 150:735-739, 729990., , 1990

Diagnosis of Epilepsy
Lancet 336:291-295, Chadwick,D., 1990

Cerebrovascular Disease & Antiphospholipis Antibodies in SLE, Lupus-Like Dis, & Primary Antiphospholipid Synd
Am J Med 86:391-399, Asherson,R.A.,et al, 1989

Cerebrovascular Disease
Neurology of Pregnancy, W. B. Saunders Co, London, 2nd Ed, p. 137, Donaldson,J.O., 1989

Etiology of Seizures in the Elderly
Epilepsia 27:458-463, Luhdorf,K.,et al, 1986

Headache in Cerebrovascular Disease
Stroke 15:1009-1012, Portenoy,R.K.,et al, 1984

Positron Computed Tomography for Studies of Myocardial & Cerebral Function
Ann Int Med 98:339-359, Phelps,M.E.,et al, 1983

Livedo Reticularis & Cerebrovascular Lesions (Sneddon's Syndrome) , Clin, Radiolog & Path Features in Eight Cases
Brain 106:965-979, Rebollo,M.,et al, 1983

Epileptic Seizures in Cerebral Arterial Occlusive Disease
Stroke 13:189-195, Cocito,L.,et al, 1982

Hemicrania in the Elderly:Suggested Use of the Directional Doppler Flow Probe
Ann Neurol 6:138-139, Cohen,M.M.,et al, 1979

Idiopathic Regressing Arteriopathy
Ann Neurol 2:466, Mokri,B.,et al, 1977

Remote Cerebral Infarction as a Presenting Manifestation of Brain Tumor
Milit Med 141:548, Finelli,P.F., 1976

Epilepsy of Late Onset
Merlis, JK in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, PJ Vinkin & GW Bruyn (Ed) , North-Holland Publ Co. , A, sterdam, V3,1974,p 264., 1974

Current Concepts in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Chronic Recurring Headache
Med Clin North Am 56:l257, 1972 Nov., Friedman,A., 1972

Seizures with Onset After Forty Years of Age; Role of Cerebrovascular Disease
South Med J 59:1404-1408, Ang,R.T.&Utterback,R.A., 1966

Neuro CPC of MGH
Thromboembolism of Cerebral & Internal Carotid Arteries, NEJM 271:837-84564., , 1964

Epilepsy After the Age of 50
Neurol 14:34-40, Woodcock,S.,et al, 1964

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