Filter Applied: GM1 ganglioside (Click to remove)
Medical Treatments of Acute Spinal Cord Injury
JNNP 55:635-639, Young,W., 1992
Recovery of Motor Function after Spinal-cord Injury-A Randomized, Placebo-Contrlled Trial with GM-1 Ganglioside
NEJM 324:1829-1838, 1885-18871991., Geisler,F.H.,et al, 1991
Recovery From Experimental Parkinsonism in Primates with GM1 Ganglioside Treatment
Science 256:843-846, Schneider,J.S.,et al, 1992
Bovine Gangliosides and Acute Motor Polyneuropathy
BMJ 305:1330-1331, Figueras,A.,et al, 1992
Gangliosides and Neurological Diseases, Their Use in Humans Should be Suspended
BMJ 305:1309-1310, Behan,P.O., 1992