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Hashimoto Encephalopathy in the 21st Century
Neurol 94:e217-e224, Mattozzi, S.,et al, 2020

Neuropathy, Encephalopathy, Status Epilepticus, and Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Lancet 395:e101, Ahmed, M.A.,et al, 2020

Acute Encephalitis in Immunocompetent Adults
Lancet 393:702-716, Venkatesan, A.,et al, 2019

Childhood Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System, Dec, Twilt, M. & Benseler, S., 2019

Acute Behaviour Disturbances
JNNP 56:1149-1156, Lloyd,G.G., 1993

Epileptic Munchausen's Syndrome:A Form of Pseudoseizures Distinct from Hysteria and Malingering
Neurol 38:1628-1629, Savard,G.,et al, 1988

Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Editorial, Lancet 1:958-9591987., , 1987

Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus, Ictal Confusion in Later Life
Arch Neurol 42:778-781, Lee,S.I., 1985

Pseudoepileptic Seizures in Children & Adolescents
Mayo Clin Proc 54:83-87, Finlayson,R.E.,et al, 1979

Hysterical Seizures
Arch Neurol 36:447, Roy,A., 1979

MR Imaging Findings in Anti-Leucine-Rich Glioma Inactivated Protein 1 Encephalitis:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
AJNR 45:977-986, Almeida,F.C.,et al, 2024

Paraneoplastic Calmodulin Kinase-Like Vesicle-Associated Protein (CAMKV) Autoimmune Encephalitis
Ann Neurol 96:21-33, Gilligan,M.,et al, 2024

A Young Adult Man with Cognitive Changes, Gait Difficulty, and Renal Insufficiency
Neurol 100:206-212, Stamm,B.,et al, 2023

Genetic Causes of Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases, A Parctical Guide for Neurologists
Neurol 100:766-783, Manini,A.,&Pantoni,L., 2023

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome
Neurol 96:848-863, Katz, D.I.,et al, 2021

Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Very Young Person
Neurol 97:813-816,801, Appleby, B.S.,et al, 2021

Antibody-Mediated Encephalitis
NEJM 378:840-851, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2018

Autoimmune Encephalitides: A Broadening Field of Treatable Conditions
Neurologist 22:1-13, Kalman, B., 2017

Paraneoplastic and Autoimmune Encephalitis
UptoDate July, Dalmau, J.,et al, 2017

Huntington Disease: Clinical Features and Diagnosis
UptoDate Dec 2017, Oksana Suchowersky, 2017

Autoimmune Encephalitis: Pathophysiology and Imaging Review of an Overlooked Diagnosis
AJNR 38:1070-1078, Kelley, B.P.,et al, 2017

Clinicopathologic Conference, Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration with Tau-positive Inclusions (Picks Disease Subtype) Due to a Gly389Arg MAPT Mutation, Resulting in the Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia with Parkinsonism
NEJM 372:1151-1162, Miller, B.L.,et al, 2015

Hashimoto Encephalopathy
Neurol 78:e134, Afshari, M.,et al, 2012

Morvan Syndrome: Clinical and Serological Observations in 29 Cases
Ann Neurol 72:241-255, Irani, S.R.,et al, 2012

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Limbic Encephalitis
Acta Neurol Scand 126:365-375, Asztely, F. & Kumliem, E., 2012

The Frequency of Autoimmune N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis Surpasses That of Individual Viral Etiologies in Young Individuals Enrolled in the California Encephalitis Project
Clin Inf Dis 54:899-904, Gable, M.S.,et al, 2012

Diagnosing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a retrospective analysis of the first 150 cases in the UK
JNNP 82:646-651, Heath, C.A.,et al, 2011

Autoimmune encephalitis
BMJ 342:d1918, Irani, S.R.,et all, 2011

Autoimmune Encephalopathy
Semin Neurol 31:144-157, Flanagan, E.,et al, 2011

Retrospective Analysis of NMDA Receptor Antibodies in Encephalitis of Unknown Origin
Neurol 75:1735-1739, Pr�ss,H.,et al, 2010

Sjogren Syndrome: Neurologic Complications,Jan, Roman,G.C., 2010

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: An Update
Dev Med Child Neurol 52:901-907, Guitierrez, J.,et al, 2010

N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antibodies in Pediatric Dyskinetic Encephalitis Lethargica
Ann Neurol 66:704-709, Dale,R.,et al, 2009

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series and Analysis of the Effects of Antibodies
Lancet Neurol 7:1091-1098, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2008

Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis: Case Series and Analysis of the Effects of Antibodies
Lancet Neurol 7:1091-1098, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2008

Acute Intermittent Porphyria Presenting as Acute Pancreatitis and Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Acta Neurol Taiwan 17:177-183, Shen, F.,et al, 2008

Paraneoplastic Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Encephalitis Associated With Ovarian Teratoma
Ann Neurol 61:25-36,3, Dalmau,J.,et al, 2007

Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts & Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
UpToDate ( Aug 21, Dichgans,M.,et al., 2007

A Case of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Antibody-Related Limbic Encephalitis
Nat Clin Pract Neurol 2:339-343, Harrower,T., et al, 2006

An Organic Cause of Neuropsychiatric Illness in Adolescence
Lancet 361:572, Taylor,S.E.,et al, 2003

The Neurologic Complications of Scleromyxedema
Medicine 80:313-319, Berger,J.R.,et al, 2001

Serotonin Sydrome
Medicine 79:201-209, Mason,P.J. et al, 2000

Hashimoto's Encephalitis as a Differential Diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
JNNP 66:172-176, Seipelt,M.,et al, 1999

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum:A United Kingdom Series of 56 Cases
JNNP 64:131-134, Taylor,M.&David,A.S., 1998

Early Neurologic Complications Following Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant for Leukemia, a Prospective Study
Neurol 50:1441-1445, Antonini,G.,et al, 1998

A Woman with a Relapsing Psychosis Who Got Better with Prednisone
Lancet 347:1288, Cohen,L.,et al, 1996

A New Variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in the UK
Lancet 347:921-925, 915, 916, 91796., Will,R.G.,et al, 1996

Diagnostic Guidelines in Central Nervous System Whipple's Disease
Ann Neurol 40:561-568, Louis,E.D.,et al, 1996

Mitochondrial DNA and Disease
NEJM 333:638-644, Johns,D.R., 1995

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