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Predictors of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Acute Ischemic Stroke With Endovascular Therapy
Stroke 41:2775-2781, Shi,Z.-S.,et al, 2010

Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis of Acute Iatrogenic Intracranial Arterial Occlusion Attributable to Neuroendovascular Procedures or Coronary Angiography
Stroke 39:1491-1495, Arnold,M.,et al, 2008

Iatrogenic Arterial Perforation During Acute Stroke Interventions
AJNR 29:974-975, Nguyen,T.N.,et al, 2008

Anterior Cerebral Artery Emboli in Combined Intravenous and Intra-arterial rtPA Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the IMS I and II Trials
AJNR 28:1890-1894, King,S.,et al, 2007

Thrombolysis-Related Hemorrhagic Infarction
Stroke 33:1551-1556,1446, Molina,C.A.,et al, 2002

Response of Intra-Arterial and Combined Intravenous and Intra-Arterial Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients with Distal Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion
Stroke 33:1821-1826,1827, Zaidat,O.O,et al, 2002

Arterial Reocclusion in Stroke Patients Treated with Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Neurol 59:862-867, Alexandrov,A.V. &Grotta,J.C., 2002

Deterioration Following Improvement with tPA Therapy: Carotid Thrombosis and Reocclusion
Neurol 56:568-570, Burgin,W.S. &Alexandrov,A.V., 2001

Parenchymal Hyperdensity on Computed tomography after Intra-Arterial Reperfusion Therapy for Acugte Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion,Incidence and Clinical Significance
Stroke 32:2042-2048, Nakano,S.,et al, 2001

Evaluation of Early Computed Tomographic Findings in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 30:389-392, Marks,M.P.,et al, 1999

Intra-Arterial Prourokinase for Acute Ischemic Stroke, The PROACT II Study:A Randomized Controlled Trial
JAMA 282:2003-2011, Furlan,A.,et al, 1999

PROACT:Recombinant Pro-Urokinase by Direct Arterial Delivery in Acute MCA Stroke
Stroke 29:4-11, delZoppo,G.J.,et al, 1998

Embolic Stroke Following Thrombolytic Therapy for Myocardial Infarction in a Patient with Preexisting Ventricular Thrombi
Stroke 26:324-325, Bautista,R.E.D., 1995

Early Computed Tomographic Findings for Thrombolytic Therapy in Patients with Acute Brain Embolism
Stroke 23:20-23, Okada,Y.,et al, 1992

Safety & Efficacy of Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator & Heparin in Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke
Stroke 23:646-652, vonKummer,R.&Hacke,W., 1992

Multiple Microembolic after Disintegration of Clot During Thrombolysis for Acute Myocardial Infarction
BMJ 299:1310-1312, Stafford,P.J.,et al, 1989

Intracarotid Urokinase with Thromboembolic Occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery
Stroke 19:802-812, Mori,E.,et al, 1988

Intravenous tPA (Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator) in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Taking Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants Preceding Stroke
Stroke 49:2237-2240, Jin, C.,et al, 2018

Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Pretreated with Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants
Stroke 48:2031-2033, Tsivgoulis, G. & Safouris, A., 2017

A 76-Year-Old Man with Acute-Onset Left-Sided Weakness and Numbness
Neurol 86:e156-e160, Renthal, W.,et al, 2016

Brush Sign on 3-T T2* - Weighted MRI as a Potential Predictor of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy
Stroke 45:274-276, Terasawa, Y.,et al, 2014

Preexisting Cerebral Microbleeds on Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Post-Thrombolysis Bleeding Risk in 392 Patients
Stroke 45:1684-1688, Gratz, P.P.,et al, 2014

Unexplained Early Neurological Deterioration After Intravenous Thrombolysis
Stroke 45:2004-2009, Seners, P.,et al, 2014

Thrombolysis of Basilar Artery Occlusion: Impact of Baseline Ischemia and Time
Ann Neurol 73:688-694, Strbian, D.,et al, 2013

Subtherapeutic Warfarin Is Not Associated With Increased Hemorrhage Rates in Ischemic Strokes Treated With Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Stroke 42:1041-1045, Vergouwen,M.D.I.,et al, 2011

Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis to aid decision making in patients over 80 years of age
JNNP 82:712-717, Bhatnagar, P.,et al, 2011

Subtherapeutic International Normalized Ratio in Warfarin-Treated Patients Increases the Risk for Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Intravenous Thrombolysis
Stroke 42:2333-2335, Seet, R.C.S.,et al, 2011

Safety of Intravenous Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients Receiving Antiplatelet Therapy at Stroke Onset
Stroke 41:288-294, Diedler,J.,et al, 2010

Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Among Eligible Warfarin-Treated Patients Receiving Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Arch Neurol 67:559-563, Prabhakaran,S., et al, 2010

Management of Thrombolysis-Associated Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Arch Neurol 67:965-969, Goldstein,J.N., et al, 2010

Identifying Patients at High Risk for Poor Outcomes After Intra-Arterial Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 40:1780-1785, Hallevi,H.,et al, 2009

Safety of Antiplatelet Therapy Prior to Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Arch Neurol 65:607-611,575, Uyttenboogaart,M.,et al, 2008

Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Recanalization After IV rt-PA: A Multicenter Study
Neurol 71:1304-1312, Saqqur,M.,et al, 2008

Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Complications After Intra-Arterial Fibrinolysis in Vertebrobasilar Occlusion
AJNR 28:378-381, Schulte-Altedorneburg,G.,et al, 2007

Hemorrhage After Thrombolytic Therapy for Stroke: The Clinically Relevant Number Needed to Harm
Stroke 38:2279-2283, Saver,J.L., 2007

Prediction of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Recanalization Therapy Using T2*-Permeability Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Ann Neurol 62:170-176, Bang,O.Y.,et al, 2007

Seizures During Stroke Thrombolysis Heralding Dramatic Neurologic Recovery
Neurol 67:2048-2049, Rodan,L.H.,et al, 2006

Clinical and Imaging Predictors of Intracerebral Haemorrhage in Stroke Patients Treated with Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator
JNNP 76:70-75, Derex,I.,et al, 2005

Thrombolytic Therapy of Acute Ischemic Stroke: Correlation of Angiographic Recanalization with Clinical Outcome
AJNR 26:880-884, Zaidat,O.O.,et al, 2005

Hypoattenuation on CT Angiographic Source Images Predicts Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Outcome After Intra-Arterial Reperfusion Therapy
AJNR 26:1798-1803, Schwamm,L.,et al, 2005

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Improves Detection of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Over Computed Tomography after Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis
Stroke 35:491-495, Greer,D.M.,et al, 2004

Contrast Enhancement and Contrast Extravasation on Computed Tomography After Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 35:876-881, Yoon,W.,et al, 2004

Multiple Cerebral Microbleeds:MRI Marker of a Diffuse Hemorrhage-Prone State
J Neuroimaging 14:54-57, Chalela,J.A.,et al, 2004

Hemi-orolingual Angioedema and ACE Inhibition After Alteplase Treatment of Stroke
Neurol 60:1525-1527,1403, Hill,M.D.,et al, 2003

Predictors of Hemorrhagic Transformation in Patients Receiving Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis
Stroke 33:717-724, Kidwell,C.S.,et al, 2002

Safety of Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Stroke in Menstruating Women
Stroke 33;2506-2508, Wein,T.H.,et al, 2002

Thrombolysis for Acute Stroke in Routine Clinical Practice
Arch Int Med 162:1994-2001, Bravata,D.M.,et al, 2002

Late Secondary Ischemic Injury in Patients Receiving Intraarterial Thrombolysis
Ann Neurol 52:698-703,695, Kidwell,C.S.,et al, 2002

Analysis of the Safety and Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Thrombolytic Therapy in Ischemic Stroke
Stroke 33:2866-2870, Lisboa,R.C.,et al, 2002

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