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Exercise-Associated Numbness and Tingling in the Legs
Arch Neurol 68:1599-1602, Sharp, L.,et al, 2011

A Case of Progressive Myelopathy in a Middle-Aged Woman
JAMA Neurol 76:1253-1254, Muccilli, A.,et al, 2019

Cranial Dural Arteriovenous Fistula
Stroke 49:332-334, Chen, P.M.,et al, 2018

Primary Intramedullary Spinal Cord Lymphoma
Neurol 77:784-791, Flanagan, E.P.,et al, 2011

Toxocara Canis Myelitis Clinical Features, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Findings, and Treatment Outcome in 17 Patients
Medicine 90:337-343, Jabbour, R.A.,et al, 2011

The Clinical Course of Neuromyelitis Optica (Devic's Syndrome)
Neurol 53:1107-1114, Wingerchuk,D.M.,et al, 1999

Idiopathic Transverse Myelitis:MR Characteristics
AJNR 17:1151-1160, Choi,K.H.,et al, 1996

Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis:MR Imaging Findings
Radiology 201:661-669, Tartaglino,L.M.,et al, 1996

MRI in Chronic Progressive Radiation Myelopathy
J Comput Asisst Tomogr 18:1-6, Melki,P.S.,et al, 1994

MRI in Acute Transverse Myelopathy
Neuroradiology 35:221-226, Holtas,S.,et al, 1993

Subacute Necrotizing Myelopathy:MR Imaging in Four Pathologically Proved Cases
AJR 158:163-169, 1701992., Mirich,D.R.,et al, 1992

Venous Infarction of the Spinal Cord Resulting from Dural Arteriovenous Fistula:MR Imaging Findings
Larsson, E-M, AJNR 12:739-743991., , 1991

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