Economic Evaluation of Andexanet Versus Prothrombin Complex Concentrate for Reversal of Factor Xa-Associated Intracranial Hemorrhage
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Does My District Need a Mobile Stroke Unit?
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Telemedicine in Neurology
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Cost-Effectiveness of Left Atrial Appendage Closure With the WATCHMAN Device Compared with Warfarin or Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants for Secondary Prevention in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
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Effect of a Home-Based Wearable Continuous ECG Monitoring Patch on Detection on Undiagnosed Atrial Fibrillation
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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A New Tool to Identify Cardioaortic Sources in Ischaemic Stroke
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Oral Anticoagulants for Prevention of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation: Systematic Review, Network Meta-Analysis, and Cost Effectiveness Analysis
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Telemedicine in Prehospital Stroke Evaluation and Thrombolysis
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Cost-Effectiveness of Oral Anticoagulants for Ischemic Stroke Prophylaxis Among Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients
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Implementing a Mobile Stroke Unit Program in the United States
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Cost-Utility Analysis of Mechanical Thrombectomy Using Stent Retrievers in Acute Ischemic Stroke
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Effect of Telestroke on Emergent Stroke Care and Stroke Outcomes
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Cost Efficiency of Anticoagulation With Warfarin to Prevent Stroke in Medicare Beneficiaries With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation
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Dabigatran Etexilate versus Warfarin in Management of Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation in UK Context: Quantitative Benefit-Harm and Economic Analyses
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The Cost-Effectiveness of Telestroke in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
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Should TIA Patients Be Hospitalized or Referred to a Same-Day Clinic?
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Transoesophageal Echocardiography in Patients with Acute Stroke with Sinus Rhythm and No Cardiac Disease History
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Cost-Effectiveness of Outpatient Cardiac Monitoring to Detect Atrial Fibrillation After Ischemic Stroke
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Cost-Effectiveness of Multimodal CT for Evaluation Acute Stroke
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Telemedicine Versus Telephone for Remote Emergency Stroke Consultations: A Critically Appraised Topic
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Cardiac Workup of Ischemic Stroke: Can We Improve Our Diagnostic Yield?
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Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: New Data and Uncertainties
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Medical (Nonsurgical) Intervention Alone Is Now Best for Prevention of Stroke Associated With Asymptomatic Severe Carotid Stenosis
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Cost-Effectiveness of Recombinant Activated Factor VII in the Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
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Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Stroke Patients
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Risk of Hemorrhagic Stroke With Aspirin Use
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Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnostic Strategies Prior to Carotid Endarterectomy
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MERCI 1, A Phase 1 Study of Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia
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In-Hospital Care Pathways for Stroke: A Cochrane Systematic Review
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Surgical Decompression of Patients with Large Middle Cerebral Artery Infarcts is Effective
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Carotid Stenting and Endarterectomy
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Blood Pressure Control in Stroke Patients
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Use of Specialized Coagulation Testing in the Evaluation of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
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AGGRENOX: A Combination of Antiplatelet Drugs for Stroke Prevention
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Recommendations for the Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers
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Thienopyridines or Aspirin to Prevent Stroke and Other Serious Vascular Events in patients at High Risk of Vascular Disease?
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Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
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Recommendations for the Management of Patients with Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
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Diagnostic Testing for Coagulopathies in Patients With Ischemic Stroke
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Follow-up of Conservatively Managed Epidural Hematomas:Implications for Timing of Repeat CT
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Which Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Should be Treated? A Cost-Utility Analysis
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Therapeutic Benefit, Aspirin Revisited in Light of the Introduction of Clopidogrel
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Treatment and Secondary Prevention of Stroke:Evidence, Costs, and Effects on Individuals and Populations
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Transeophageal Echocardiography for the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Cerebral Ischemia
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